Understanding Your Application s Security Requirements


Basic Security Concepts

One of hardest things about understanding security design and construction is figuring out what all the terms mean and how everything fits together. This section attempts to provide a clear, simple definition for these terms so that we can have a foundation for the rest of the chapter.

Authentication and Authorization

Authentication is the process of entities proving to one another that they are acting on behalf of specific identities. For example, when a Web user provides a username and password for a login, the authentication process verifies that this is a valid application user and that the password matches the real user 's provided password. Various types of authentication mechanisms can be used. Other than no authentication, two main categories are employed in the various EJB products, although the actual naming conventions might be different.

Weak or simple authentication is where the user provides a username and password to be authenticated. The user provides no other authentication information. This probably is the most common form of authentication in EJB applications. One main concern with simple authentication is that if someone else gets your username and password, they can assume your identity.

As you might expect, strong authentication is more secure than simple or weak authentication. This is where the user provides a digital certification or other private means of being authenticated. It's much harder for someone to get your digital certificate from your machine. Even if they do, the certificate is good for only a particular machine and will be pretty much worthless to them.

Other authentication mechanisms can be used as well. Sometime within the next year or two, banks are planning to introduce automatic teller machines (ATMs) with a security measure that scans the user's iris. Although we might be a few years away from users of eBay.com wanting to get their eyes scanned before they can log in, newer types of authentication are being developed. Another up and coming authentication mechanism involves fingerprint scans. This actually is used in some larger government-type systems that need more security for the system.

Authorization differs from authentication in that authentication is about ensuring only valid users get access into an application, whereas authorization is more about controlling what the authenticated user is allowed to do after they get into the application.

Authentication happens first, and then authorization should happen next, assuming authentication succeeds. For some simple EJB applications, it's possible that only authentication needs to be used. However, for many applications, there is some type of administrator functionality that a normal user should not have access to. One of the ways that this can be prevented is by creating a list of permissions for actions that a user can perform and then checking this permission list against the actions attempted by the user.

Authorization typically is much harder and more complex to perform. Some applications can get by without doing much authorization, although by adding authorization to the framework and making it possible, you will save yourself many headaches later trying to incorporate it.

Data Integrity

Data integrity is the means or mechanism of ensuring that data has not been tampered with between the sender and the receiver. It ensures that no third party could have modified the information, which is possible when it's sent over an open network. If the receiver detects that a message might have been tampered with, it would probably want to discard the message.

Confidentiality and Data Privacy

Confidentiality is the mechanism of making the information available to only the intended recipient. Ensuring that the system you are communicating with is really the one that you intended to communicate with is the biggest part of this concept. There are many ways hackers can trick you into sharing sensitive data. There was a case recently where a lesser-known security hole allowed hackers to modify DNS entries and cause traffic from an actual bank to be rerouted to a fake site. The fake Web site set up the Web pages to look exactly like the bank's site and attempted to capture the user's username and password, which could then be used on the real site to gain access. Digital certificates help solve most of the associated problems, but you must keep your eyes open.


This is one of the most misunderstood security concepts. Nonrepudiation is the act of proving that a particular user performed some action. For example, if a user submitted a bid for an auction, through proper record keeping and audit trails, the system administrators could prove that the action was performed by the particular user's account. It doesn't mean that that owner of the account actually submitted the bid, but you can prove their account was used and that it's not just a data error.

Auditing is sometimes overlooked, but it's invaluable when an action that was performed on a user's account has to be verified . Other auditing features include invalid login attempts, which can point to possible attacks on the system.

Principals and Users

A principal is an entity that can be authenticated by the system. This is typically an end user or another service requesting access to the application. The principal is usually identified by a name ; most often the username that the end user uses to log in to the system.


Subject is a term taken from other security technologies and applied to EJB recently with the introduction of Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) 1.0. A subject holds a collection of principals and their associated credentials. The idea of needing something broader than a principal came about because there are many systems where you might need different principals or credentials to access the various parts of an application. By using a subject that might hold on to these various principals and credentials, applications can support such things as single sign-ons.


When an end user wants to be authenticated to the application, they must usually also provide some form of credential. This credential might be just a password when simple authentication is being used, or it might be a digital certificate when strong authentication is used. The credential usually is associated with a specific principal. The specifications don't specify the content or format of a credential, because both can vary widely.

Groups and Roles

Groups and roles sometimes can be thought of as the same thing, although they are used for different purposes. A group is a set of users who usually have something in common, such as working in the same department in a company. Groups are used primarily to manage many users in an efficient manner. When a group is granted permission to perform some action, all members of the group gain this permission indirectly.

A role , on the other hand, is more of a logical grouping of users. A bean provider might indicate that only an admin user can close an auction, but the bean provider doesn't usually have knowledge of the operational environment to establish the exact group to which a user must belong to close an auction, for example. There typically is a mapping of roles to the groups in the operational environment, but the deployer or application assembler handles this mapping.

Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Permissions

Permissions for an application represent a privilege to access a particular resource or to perform some action. An application administrator usually protects resources by creating lists of users and groups that have the permissions required to access this resource. These lists are known as access control lists (ACLs). For example, a user with auction admin permissions may create, modify, or close an auction, but a user that has only bidder permissions may be allowed to participate only in the bidding process for an auction.

An ACL file is made up of AclEntries, which contain a set of permissions for a particular resource and a set of users and groups.

Security Realm

A security realm is a logical grouping of users, groups, and ACLs. The physical implementation of a security realm normally is done by a relational database, an LDAP server, a Windows NT or Unix security realm, or, in some very simple cases, a flat file. The realm is usually checked when authentication or authorization must occur to allow access for a user to the application. With some EJB vendors , a caching realm is used and loaded from the original security realm to help increase performance. When authentication or authorization occurs, the caching realm is checked first and, if it can authenticate or authorize from there, there's no need to incur the database IO. The caching realm usually is flushed often to ensure that dirty reads do not occur.

Special Edition Using Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0
Special Edition Using Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0
ISBN: 0789725673
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 223

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