Chapter Seven. Advanced .NET to COM Interop


.NET and COM Interoperability Handbook, The
By Alan Gordon
Table of Contents

In the last chapter, you learned the basic essentials of COM Interop. You learned how to use a simple COM object from a managed code (.NET) client and how to use a simple managed code (.NET) component from an unmanaged client. However, everything that you learned in Chapter 6 is really just the tip of the iceberg. I did not discuss a number of issues in that chapter that make using COM Interop more complicated than you have seen so far. In this chapter, I concentrate on advanced aspects of .NET to COM Interop, that is, using COM components from a managed code client. Some of the issues that I discuss in this chapter are object life cycle differences between reference counting and garbage collection, handling COM connection point events and rich error information, the effect of COM Apartments, advanced marshaling considerations, use of ActiveX controls, and performance. By the time you are done with this chapter, you will be ready to use .NET to COM Interop in most real-world scenarios.


. Net and COM Interoperability Handbook
The .NET and COM Interoperability Handbook (Integrated .Net)
ISBN: 013046130X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 119
Authors: Alan Gordon © 2008-2017.
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