Though this book is about Exchange Server 2007, we want to talk a bit about the premier client for Exchange - Microsoft Outlook. Outlook Web Access as well as POP3 and IMAP4 clients may be popular in some places, but the Outlook client is king of the hill. This is because Outlook offers the widest range of features and takes advantage of most Exchange Server functions.
Outlook 2007 introduces a number of new features, including several that are of particular interest to Exchange administrators and that your users might ask you about, such as the To-Do Bar and RSS feeds. This chapter isn't intended to be a comprehensive review of Outlook 2007. For more in-depth information about Outlook 2007, you should see Microsoft Outlook 2007 Bible (Wiley, 2007).
Topics in this chapter include the following:
Meeting the system requirements
Installing Outlook
Looking at the new interface
Sending mail, using instant search, and synchronizing
Using Outlook to manage your time and book appointments