

Page base class, 733

Page class, 733

page events for Web applications, 733

PaintEventHandler event handler in "Hello, World!," 532

Panel control, 408–412

Panels.exe file, 412

passing arguments to functions

main() functions, 102–103

in Managed C++, 95–97

passing data using Web services, 803–811

converting detached database to Web service, 803

inserting, updating, and deleting dataset rows, 805–806

returning dataset, 804–805

Web server version of MaintAuthors application, 807–811

Path class, 339

Pens, 570–575

common properties, 571–572

custom, 571

defined, 570, 571

named, 572

system, 572–574


multithreading and, 814–815

System::Diagnostics namespace and, 234–235

period (.) delimiter

GetType() method and, 869

in Index window namespaces, 256

PictureBox control, 486–489

implementing, 486

properties for, 486

sample listing for Shaina's, 487–488

PictureEx.exe file, 488

Pinned.exe file, 122

pinning pointers, 121–122

PlayCards.exe file, 194

Player class

binary-formatted file output of, 369

console results of, 369

serializing and deserializing, 368–369, 370–371

SOAP-formatted file output of, 371

Point and PointF utility structures, 548–549

pointer data type

declaring, 37

defined, 24

returning values from functions, 97–98


to objects, 120

pinning, 121–122


defined, 107

illustrated, 109

porting .NET Framework, 5

precompiled headers Property Pages dialog box, 722

predefined data types, 39–53

built-in value types, 40–50

reference types, 50–53

prefixes for directives, 169

preprocessor directives, 169–177

conditional directives, 172–175

define directive, 171–172

function of, 169–170

include directive, 175

listing of, 170

using directive, 176–177

preprocessor operators, 173–174

Print dialog box, 605

PrintDocument class members, 602

printing from GDI+, 602–606

private assemblies, 7

programming. See also object-oriented Managed C++

advantages of .NET Framework, 4–6

assembly, 857–917

globalization and localization, 904–917

overview, 857

reflection, 857–869

resources, 893–904

shared assemblies, 880–893

CLR multiple language support, 4, 18–20

CLR multiple platform support, 20

exceptions, 194–212

ApplicationException, 200

basic coding for, 195–197

catching multiple exceptions, 205–208

catching previously uncaught, 208–210

executing code regardless of, 210–212

handling invalid XML files, 677–678

.NET Framework, 197–198

overview, 194–195

rethrowing exceptions and nested try blocks, 203–205

SystemException, 198–200

throwing ApplicationExceptions, 201–203

managed and unmanaged code, 5

multithreaded, 813–856

.NET Framework class library threading, 815–816

overview, 813–815

synchronization, 837–855

thread execution states, 816–818

thread priorities, 818–819

ThreadPools, 834–837

using threads, 819–834


about, 105

applying objects to software development, 108–109

declaring managed classes and structs, 110–119

encapsulation, 106

inheritance, 107

polymorphism, 107

ProgressBar control, 444–447


adding to solution from Start Page, 267

compiling Managed C++, 282–283

placing in empty solution, 266–268

solutions vs., 264


adding to Managed C++ class library, 274–277

array, 151–152

ButtonBase, 394–395

Capacity, 308

CheckBox control, 398

CheckedListBox control, 438

configuring for ImageList control, 480

ErrorProvider control, 493

of fonts, 564

Form class, 379–380

for Image control, 742–743

indexed, 153–156

"Is," 862

Label control, 391, 392–393, 740

ListBox control, 427

ListControl class, 426

ListView control, 450–451

Localizable, 910

MainMenu, 501

Menultem, 501–502

MonthCalendar control, 489–490

Notifylcon control, 498

Pen, 571–572

PictureBox control, 486–489

RichTextBox control, 418–420

scalar, 145–149

static, 149–150

StatusBarPanel, 482

StringFormat class, 561

TabControl control, 465

Table control, 765–766

TabPage class, 466

TextBoxBase, 412–413

Thread class, 819–820

Timer component, 444

ToolBar control, 474

ToolBarButton component, 474–475

TreeNode, 458–460

TreeView control, 456–457

unique ListView control, 450–451

using reflection to change label, 867–869

XmlDocument class, 691–692

XmlNode, 689–691

XmlTextReader class, 665–666

XmlTextWriter class, 678–679

XPathNavigator, 703–704

Properties view, 380–381

Properties window, 260

Property Pages dialog box, 616

protocols. See also specific protocols

communication, 784–785

prototypes of functions, 100

public/private key encryption, 883

pure virtual methods, 137

Managed C++ and. NET Development
Managed C++ and .NET Development: Visual Studio .NET 2003 Edition
ISBN: 1590590333
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 169 © 2008-2017.
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