

C++. See also Managed C++

Managed C++ built-in types and aliases for, 38

Managed C++ vs., 33

Call Stack window, 295

card class (.h) file, 276–277

Card.h file, 272

Cards.cpp file, 268–269

Cards.h file, 267

catch blocks


multiple exceptions, 205–208

previously uncaught exceptions, 208–210

Managed C++ exceptions and, 195, 196

multiple, 205–208

CatchAll.exe file, 210

CatchException.exe file, 197

ChangeColor.aspx file, 748–749

ChangeColor form, 750

char, 42

character built-in value type, 49–50

character literals, 71–73

CharLiteral.exe file, 73

Chars.exe file, 50

CheckBox control, 397–401

CheckedListBox control, 438–443

methods for accessing checked status, 438–439

properties of, 438

splitting, 439–443

CheckMe.exe file, 401

clamping, 578

class constructors, 129–130. See also constructors

class libraries, 227–248

ASP.NET, 720–721

Managed C++, 266–283

adding class with wizards, 269–272

adding constructors, member methods, and properties, 274–277

adding member variable by wizard, 273–274

compiling projects, 282–283

manually adding, 277–280

placing project in empty solution, 266–268

saving templates in toolbox, 280–281

updating Class View, 281–282

updating Library Linker File, 268–269

.NET Framework library namespaces, 228–248

overview, 228–229

System::Collections, 231–232, 299

System::Data, 232–233, 608

System::Diagnostics, 234–235

System::DirectoryServices, 235–236

System::Drawing, 236–237

System::Globalization, 237–238, 906

System::IO, 238–240

System::Net, 240–241

System::Reflection, 241–242

System::Resources, 243

System::Threading, 243–244

System::Web, 244–245

System::Windows::Forms, 246–247

System::Xml, 247–248

System, 229–230

.NET Framework organizational structure, 227–228

class types, 23

Class View

about, 253–254

updating, 281–282


abstract, 162–165

access for namespaces with public, 181

adding Managed C++ class with wizards, 269–272

attribute added to, 870

BinaryReader and BinaryWriter, 361–364


event receiver, 222–223

event source, 220–221

class constructors, 129–130

class declarations and object instantiation, 119–124

pinning pointers, 121–122

pointer to objects, 120

references to objects, 122–124

Constraint, 650

declaring managed classes, 110–119

defined, 61

derived from XmlNode, 687–688

Directory and DirectoryInfo, 337–342

disconnected ADO.NET, 645–646

Constraint, 650

DataAdaptor, 647

DataColumn, 650

DataRelation, 650

DataRelationCollection, 650

DataRow, 649

DataSet class, 647–648

DataTable, 648–649

disconnected ADO.NET core, 645–646

event receiver, 222–223

event source, 220–221

File and FileInfo, 342–346

FileStream, 352–355

FileSystemInfo, 336–337

_gc and _nogc keywords, 113–115

getting Type reference, 859–860


accessing, 532

Dispose() method, 539

overview, 537–538

rendering methods of, 538–539

rendering outside of paint event, 540–544

hierarchy for I/O manipulation, 350

inheriting, 116–118

MainMenu, 501

Math, 230

member methods in, 126–145

member variables, 124–125

methods of Path, 339

nested, 156–160

.NET collection, 300

Object, 229

Page, 733

Page base, 733

PrintDocument, 602

private, public, and protected member access modifiers, 110–113

referencing class members of .NET Framework, 863–865

Resource Writer, 895–896

ResourceManager, 902–904

ResourceReader, 901

sealed, 118–119

serializing managed, 364–371

with BinaryFormatter, 367–369

formats for serialized data, 366–367

overview, 364

serializing and deserializing Player class, 368–369, 370–371

setting up for serialization, 364–366

with SoapFormatter, 369–371

StreamReaders and StreamWriter, 358–361

structs vs., 119

System::Attribute, 870

System::Data namespace, 232–233, 608

System::Delegate, 213

System::Diagnostics namespace, 235

System::Drawing, 529–530

System::Exception class, 197–198

System::Globalization namespace, 237–238, 906

System::IO namespace, 238–240

System::MulticastDelegate, 213

System::Net and System::Net::Sockets namespace, 241

System::Operating System, 230

System::Random, 230

System::Reflection namespace, 242

System::Resources, 243

System::Threading namespace, 244, 815–816

System::Type, 858

System::Windows::Forms namespace, 246–247

System::Xml, 248

type casting between, 160–162

user-defined copy constructors not allowed for managed, 130

using custom attributes to document, 876–879

virtual method for, 109

XmlDataDocument, 714

XmlDocument, 691–693, 694–695

XmlNode, 687–692

XmlTextReader, 665–672

XmlTextWriter, 678–683

XmlValidatingReader, 675

closing databases, 626–627

CLR (Common Language Runtime), 13–21

about, 3, 4

attributes, 17

code access verification, 16

code verification service, 16

finding using directive, 176

garbage collection, 16–17

Just-in-Time compilation, 21

managed code, 5, 15

managed data, 15

multiple language support, 4, 18–20

multiple platform support, 20

.NET multilanguage support, 4

overview of, 13–15

reflection, 17

setting culture within, 907–908

starting programs with, 2

start-up process flow, 14

versioning in private assemblies and, 885

CLS (Common Language Specification)

Managed C++ operators supported by, 140–141

rules for .NET Framework class library, 227–228

support of CTS with, 25–26

code access verification, 16

code verification service, 16

Codebehind feature. See also ASP.NET

Blank2.aspx.h file, 777–778

Color.aspx.h file, 741, 744–746

default Global.asax.h file, 726–727

Header.ascx.h file, 774–775

Lists.aspx.h file, 760–762

Managed C++ in ASP.NET, 719–720

ManyHeadings.aspx.h, 779, 780–781

suffix for user control, 773

Tables.aspx.h file, 769–771

collections, 299–333

about, 299

IEnumerable, IEnumerator, and ForEach interfaces, 301–306

.NET collection classes, 300

.NET collection interfaces, 301

specialized, 324–332

ListDictionary, 324–326

NameValueCollection, 329–332

StringCollection, 327–328

StringDictionary, 328–329

standard, 306–324

ArrayList, 307–312

BitArray, 312–315

Hashtable and SortedList, 316–321

Queue and Stack, 322–324

types found in System::Collections and System::Collections::Specialized namespaces, 231–232

Color.aspx file, 740–741

Color.aspx.h file, 741, 744–746

Colorful Web Form, 742

colors, 568–570

about, 568–569

common members of, 569

custom, 569–570

named, 570

setting Web application background, 763

Colors assembly resource file, 914, 916

ComboBox control, 433–437

about, 433

DropDown styles of, 433

methods of, 433–434

synchronizing ComboBoxes, 434–437

comma operators, 81

command prompts in .NET development environment, 32


Managed C++, 75–76

XML, 662

common dialog boxes, 523–525. See also dialog boxes

calling common ColorDialog, 523–525

list of available, 523

Common Language Runtime. See CLR

communication protocols, 784–785

comparison operators, 77–78


JIT compilation, 21

Managed C++ projects, 282–283

components of Web services, 784–786

communication protocols, 784–785

description service, 785–786

discovery service, 786

conditional breakpoints, 291

conditional directives, 172–175

conditional operators, 80–81

connected ADO.NET, 624–644

connecting to, opening, and closing databases, 625–629

insert, update, and delete commands, 634–636

querying databases, 629–634

returning single value from query, 637–639

using with transactions, 639–644

working with, 624–625

connecting databases, 626–627

Console Application (.NET) icon, 284

console applications

building multicultural, 913–917

defined, 27

Web services client, 801–802

const modifier, 64

Constraint classes, 650


adding to Managed C++ class library, 274–277

class, 129–130

constructor initialization, 38

for delegates, 215

for Thread class, 820

container controls

GroupBox, 404–408

Panel, 408–412

Splitter, 469–473

adding to Win Form, 469–470

keys to working with, 472

sample listings, 470–472

TabControl, 464–469

content database table column descriptions, 615

content nodes, 662

context menus, 509

controls, 389–447. See also GDI+; views; and specific controls

adding, 389–390

ASP.NET Web Form vs. HTML server, 732

building Table, 768

button, 394–404

about, 394

CheckBox control, 397–401

placing Button control on Win Form, 395–397

properties provided by ButtonBase, 394–395

RadioButton, 402–404

Web application hyperlink and, 750–757


GroupBox, 404–408

Panel, 408–412

Splitter, 469–473

TabControl, 464–469

defined, 389

dragging and dropping

onto Win Form, 390

to Web Form, 729

ErrorProvider, 493–497

properties of, 493

event handlers added to, 385–386

Label, 391–394

ListView, 450–456

MonthCalendar, 489–492

NotifyIcon, 497–501

PictureBox, 486–489

ProgressBar, 444–447

selection, 425–443

CheckedListBox, 438–443

ComboBox, 433–437

common properties of ListControl class, 426

ListBox control, 426–433

overview, 425–426

StatusBar, 481–485

text, 412–418

timers, 443–447

ToolBar, 473–481

TreeView, 456–464

user, 773–781

about, 773

creating, 773–775

dynamically implementing, 778–781

statistically implementing, 776–778

Web applications, 739–772

Image, 742–747

Label, 739–742

list, 757–764

Table, 764–772

coordinate systems for GDI+, 544–547

clipping rendered coordinate strings, 540–541

corrected clipping problem, 542–544

CorrectingCoords.exe file, 543

Create Database dialog box, 612

creating assembly resources, 893–896

building text name/value pair resource files, 894

files and formats for, 893–894

CTS (Common Type System), 22–25

about, 22–24

built-in value and reference types with language keywords, 24

CTS hierarchy, 23

reference types, 22

value types, 22

culture, 906–907

defined, 906

setting, 907–908

two-letter codes for country/region, 907

custom attributes

defined, 870–873

documentation, 872–873

implementing, 874–875

using, 875–880

custom color, 569–570

custom dialog boxes, 513–522. See also dialog boxes

creating, 513–514

DialogResults for, 516

sample listing

of implementing, 520–521

for MyDialog class file, 517–519

Custom Form window, 383

custom pens, 571


"Hello, World!" form, 378–383

Windows Forms applications, 378–383

Managed C++ and. NET Development
Managed C++ and .NET Development: Visual Studio .NET 2003 Edition
ISBN: 1590590333
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 169 © 2008-2017.
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