

data. See also data types

author and content, 620

disconnected access in disconnected ADO.NET, 644

flow of in nontransactional database access, 624–625

managed, 15

passing using Web services, 803–811

converting detached database to Web service, 803

System::IO namespace classes for input and output, 238–240

data diagram for DCV_DB database, 613

data providers in ADO.NET, 232–233

data types

pointer, 35

predefined, 39–53

built-in value types, 40–50

reference types, 50–53

user-defined, 53–68

reference types, 57–62

type conversions, 65–66

type modifiers and qualifiers, 63–65

value types, 24, 53–57

DataAdaptor class

about, 647

building, 652–655


authors database table column descriptions, 614

connected access, 624

connecting, opening, and closing, 626–627

content database table column descriptions, 615

DCV_DB, 611–612, 613

flow of nontransactional database access, 624–625

modifying, 635–636

querying, 629–634

retrieving data, 630–634

transaction IsolationLevels, 643

transactional database access, 640

updates for transactional, 641–643

Visual Studio .NET

adding and loading tables and

views, 613–620

building stored procedures, 621–622

creating database, 611–613

removing test databases, 611

DataColumn class, 650

DataRelation class, 650

DataRelationCollection class, 650

DataRow class, 649

DataSet class

about, 647–648

selecting records from, 655–656


building authors dataset Web service, 804–805

inserting, updating, and deleting rows, 805–806

processing Web service client, 807–811

returning, 804–805

DataTable class, 648–649

DCV_DB database

creating, 611–612

data diagram, 613

debugging, 290–297

ASP.NET, 735–738

examining variables, 295–297

features of Visual Studio .NET, 290–291

navigating, 293–295

setting breakpoints, 291–293

Web services, 802–803

Debugging folder, 736–737

decimal built-in value type, 45–48

Decimal.exe file, 47

DeckPlayer project

Class View for, 254

creating, 283–288

deck class (.h) file, 279–280

DeckPlayer.cpp file, 284–285

DeckPlayer.exe file, 286

Solution Explorer for, 256

DeckPlayer Property Pages dialog box, 287

declaring variables, Managed C++, 37–38

default Global.asax file, 725

default Global.asax.h (codebehind) file, 726–727

default Managed C++ Web.config file, 725

define directive, 171–172

delegates, 213–219

combining and removing from multicast chain, 216

creating, 214

creating method to be delegated, 214–215

defined, 23, 62, 213

handling Windows Forms, 383–389

invoking, 216–219

.NET Framework supported forms of, 213

placing method on, 215–216

Delegates.exe file, 219

delete command for connected ADO.NET, 634–636

deleting dataset rows, 805–806

deployment, 6

description service, 785–786

deserialization, 364

desktop for Visual Studio .NET, 249–264

Class View, 253–254

development views, 251–252

Dynamic Help window, 263–264

fully tabbed development window, 250–251

Index window, 254–256

main development tab window, 261–263

menus and toolbars, 252–253

Output window, 261

Properties window, 260

Server Explorer, 257

Solution Explorer, 256–257

Task List, 258

Toolbox, 258–259

Visual Studio .NET splash screen, 250


in card class (.h) file, 276–277

object-oriented Managed C++, 132–134

development. See application development

development environment in Visual Studio .NET, 249

development views, 251–252. See also Start Page; Toolbox view

Class View, 253–254

Start Page, 262, 263, 267

Toolbox view, 258–259

dialog boxes, 513–525

about, 513

common, 523–525

calling common ColorDialog, 523–525

list of available, 523

custom, 513–522

creating, 513–514

DialogResults for, 516

implementing, 520–521

sample listing for MyDialog class file, 517–519

DialogResults value for custom dialog boxes, 516


changing Web Application output, 724

making for Web projects, 722–723

making project and virtual, 722–724

managing with Directory and

DirectoryInfo classes, 337–342

in .NET Framework class library, 335–336

System::DirectoryServices namespace, 235–236

Directory and DirectoryInfo classes, 337–342

DirInfo.exe file, 342


debug mode before deploying Web applications, 736

and hiding panels, 408–411

DisappearingCoords.exe file, 541

DISCO (Web Services Discovery tool), 786

disconnected ADO.NET, 644–659

core classes

Constraint, 650

DataAdaptor, 647

DataColumn, 650

DataRelation, 650

DataRelationCollection, 650

DataRow, 649

DataSet, 647–648

DataTable, 648–649

DataTableCollection, 648

overview, 645–646

creating table manually in code, 651

developing with, 652–659

building the DataAdaptor, 652–655

committing and rolling back changed rows, 659

deleting rows, 658–659

inserting rows, 656–657

selecting rows, 655–656

updating rows, 657–658

disconnected data access in, 644

overview, 644–645

discovery service, 786

displaying regions, 556–557

Dispose() method of Graphics class, 539

DLL Hell. See versioning

documentation custom attributes, 872–873

DocumentationWriter.exe file, 879–880

DOM trees, 687–703

about DOM, 687

classes derived from XmlNode, 687–688

common XmlNode properties, 689–691

navigating with XPathNavigator, 705–708

reading, 693–696

updating, 696–699

writing XmlNodes in, 699–703

XmlNode hierarchy, 689

dot (.) operator, 122

double buffering, 592–601

double buffer method, 595–599

unbuffer method, 593–595

double forward slash (/ /)

single-line comments and, 75

XPath expressions and, 710

DoubleBuffering.exe file, 601

do-while loop, 90–91

DownwardStringRect.exe file, 562–563

dragging and dropping controls

onto Win Form, 390

to Web Form, 729

Drawlmage.exe file, 582


classes and structures for System::Drawing namespace, 529–530

GDI+ pens and brushes, 570–580

own images, 583–584

random lines, 572–574

string to rectangle, 559–560

strings, 558–563

System::Drawing namespace, 236–237

DropDown styles of ComboBox control, 433

DTD (document type definition), 673

Managed C++ and. NET Development
Managed C++ and .NET Development: Visual Studio .NET 2003 Edition
ISBN: 1590590333
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 169 © 2008-2017.
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