Index[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] Lab color model 2nd Lab mode converting to Grayscale 2nd overview TIFF images Label feature 2nd Label menu labels applying as preproduction tool described preferences searching by strategies for uses for vs. keyboard shortcuts vs. ratings working with languages, scripting Large Document Format files (PSB) large-gamut spaces 2nd laser printers 2nd Lasso tool 2nd Lasso Width Late Night Software layer blending [See also blending modes] advanced techniques color casts correction Curves layers vs. pixel layers tip for layer blending modes layer clipping paths layer comps blending modes creating displaying exporting layer effects layer visibility pixel positions saving saving as presentations updating warnings Layer Comps palette layer data layer groups layer masks adjustment layer creation and 2nd calculating file size copying 2nd copying channels to creating 2nd 3rd deleting editing effects, painting in enabling/disabling filtering for noise reduction gradients 2nd 3rd hiding/showing loading luminosity loading selections as matching adjustment layers between images moving layers painting on 2nd 3rd reversing selecting and displaying 2nd 3rd turning on and off using edge masks layer sets layered files converting images between profiles saving as PDFs saving as TIFFs saving in Photoshop format layers acting as masks applying filters applying selections to calculating file size changing layer types clipping groups cloning to Color Fill compression and converting to spot color channels creating displaying distributing dragging/dropping duplicating filters on neutral layers floating selections future layer-blending algorithms gradients on grouping 2nd hiding in JPEG files in PDF files in PICT files in PSD files in TIFF files 2nd layer comps 2nd layer groups layer masks layered TIFFs linked 2nd 3rd locking manipulating in actions merging moving moving between names 2nd pixel renaming retouching images saving to separate files saving with files selecting 2nd 3rd sharpening layers transparency masks type layers "virtual layers," Layers palette 2nd 3rd layouts Contact Sheet II editing Picture Package LCD monitors 2nd 3rd leading Lens Blur mode, Smart Sharpen Lens Correction filter 2nd 3rd Lens Default setting lens defects Lens Filter controls lens flare, correcting lens issues lens issues, correcting Lens tab, Camera Raw dialog box 2nd Let Photoshop Determine Colors option 2nd 3rd Let Printer Determine Colors option 2nd Levels adjusting brightness with adjustment layer edits Auto Color Auto Contrast Auto Levels 2nd Auto-reset black input slider 2nd 3rd black output slider black point/white point clipping chokes, adjusting composite histogram default clipping percentage examples of working with exercise eyedropper tools general tips gray slider highlight clipping display histograms in color images Input Levels 2nd instant before-and-after views loading saved settings Output Levels 2nd Preview saving settings as defaults selection masks shadow clipping display sliders, effects on color channels spreads, adjusting tonal corrections 2nd vs. Curves 2nd white input slider 2nd 3rd white output slider working with color Levels composite histogram light temperature [See also color temperature] and color perception 2nd Camera Raw adjustments 2nd 3rd white point settings Lighten blending modes 2nd 3rd Lightness slider line art [See also bitmaps] described resolution 2nd scanning in Grayscale screened images sharpening thresholding line art images Linear Burn blending mode Linear Dodge blending mode Linear Light blending mode linear vs. nonlinear transformations lines per inch (lpi) lines, drawing 2nd linked layers 2nd 3rd links linking type layers Smart Object layers to DCS files Web links 2nd Load Selection Load Settings local palettes Lock Transparent Pixels locking alignment colors in color table layers slices LogLUV format Look In menu lookup tables 2nd 3rd 4th lossless compression 2nd lossy compression GIF files JPEG compression TIFF files low-frequency halftones, rescreening low-frequency images, sharpening luminance Luminance Smoothing slider luminosity fading loading as selection noise reduction 2nd Luminosity blending mode Luminosity histogram luminosity sharpening LZW compression advantages and disadvantages GIF files TIFF files |