Code Details

The JailGameClient class implements the Runnable Interface, and sets up the jail community and publishes its JXTA group advertisement remotely, as well. The JailGameClient class employs the following methods:

  • joinPeerGroup(PeerGroup grp) to let a peer join a group.

  • joinPeerGroup(PeerGroupAdvertisement adv) for advertising peer groups.

  • createGroup(Stringname) to create peer groups based on advertisements.

  • createJailUnicastPipeAdv() to create a pipe advertisement.

  • publishJailAdv(Advertisement adv, int type) to publish a pipe advertisement for transferring the jail token.

  • publishJailAdv(Advertisement adv, int type) to publish advertisements locally or remotely.

  • printPeers() to display a list of peers in the jail group.

  • refreshPeerSet() to process peer advertisement.

  • discoverJailGroup() to synchronize jail group advertisements from peers.

  • createPipes() sets up the broadcast and unicast pipes and corresponding listeners.

  • setResolverHandler() to handle a listener for the jail token requestor, and another for the jail token locator.

  • requestJailToken() to broadcast requests for the jail token by using the resolver service, but not for retrieving the jail token.

  • findJailToken() to broadcast to determine the location of the jail token.

  • leaveJail(String peerName) to let a peer who has the jail token leave the jail after passing the token to another peer.

  • quit() to let a peer who has already handed over the token to another peer and left the jail to quit the program/application.

  • transferJailKey(String name) to create an input pipe to the peer with a peer ID and send the jail token to that peer.

  • cleanResources() to flush all the resource data, so as to be able to restart from scratch.

  • printAdvertisement(Advertisement adv), a utility method, to display the contents of an advertisements on the screen.

  • startJxta() to start JXTA techniques.

  • run() to discover peers.

  • printHelp() to display the help information about running this application onscreen.

Listing 21.1 presents the code for

Listing 21.1
 import java.util.*; import*; import; import net.jxta.pipe.InputPipe; import net.jxta.pipe.PipeMsgEvent; import net.jxta.pipe.PipeMsgListener; import net.jxta.credential.AuthenticationCredential; import net.jxta.document.StructuredDocument; import net.jxta.document.Document; import net.jxta.document.StructuredTextDocument; import net.jxta.document.MimeMediaType; import net.jxta.membership.Authenticator; import net.jxta.membership.MembershipService; import net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroup; import net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroupFactory; import net.jxta.exception.PeerGroupException; import net.jxta.exception.ProtocolNotSupportedException; import net.jxta.document.AdvertisementFactory; import net.jxta.document.MimeMediaType; import net.jxta.discovery.DiscoveryService; import net.jxta.discovery.DiscoveryListener; import net.jxta.discovery.DiscoveryEvent; import net.jxta.pipe.PipeService; import net.jxta.pipe.OutputPipe; import net.jxta.pipe.OutputPipeListener; import net.jxta.pipe.OutputPipeEvent; import net.jxta.protocol.DiscoveryResponseMsg; import net.jxta.protocol.PipeAdvertisement; import net.jxta.protocol.PeerGroupAdvertisement; import net.jxta.protocol.ModuleImplAdvertisement; import net.jxta.protocol.PeerAdvertisement; import net.jxta.protocol.ResolverQueryMsg; import net.jxta.protocol.ResolverResponseMsg; import net.jxta.resolver.ResolverService; import net.jxta.resolver.QueryHandler; import net.jxta.endpoint.Message; import net.jxta.endpoint.MessageElement; import net.jxta.document.Advertisement; import; import net.jxta.impl.protocol.ResolverResponse; import net.jxta.impl.protocol.ResolverQuery; /**  * This game places players (peers) in a jail (group).  In order to escape  * jail, the player must request for the jail token.  Once obtained,  * the player may leave, but before leaving, the player must leave the  * token behind with another player.  *  * After the player leaves, he can not return.  It would be easy to  * restructure this game to enable players to return to the jail, but once  * you leave jail, who in their right mind would want to go back?  *  * Whoever creates the jail automatically creates the only key and places  * himself in jail.  All others may join the jail, but they do not have  * the key.  The key is not required to enter jail in this game.  *  * The game demonstrates how messages are passed from peer to peer using  * direct connections as well as broadcast methods using the ResolverService.  */ public class JailGameClient implements Runnable {     public static final String JAIL_GROUP = "JAIL";     public static final String JAIL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION = "Jail description";     public static final String JAIL_KEY_QUERY_HANDLER = "jail_key_query_handler";     public static final String JAIL_KEY_LOCATOR_HANDLER = "jail_key_locator_handler";     public static final String JAIL_TRANSFER_KEY = "jail_transfer_key";     public static final int JOIN_GAME = 0;     public static final int CREATE_GAME = 1;     private PeerGroup netPeerGroup;     private PeerGroup jailPeerGroup;     private DiscoveryService discoverySvc;     private boolean pipeAdvFound = false;     private int createOrJoin = -1;     private boolean groupFound = false;     private PipeAdvertisement jailUnicastPipeAdv;     private PipeMsgListener unicastListener;     private InputPipe inputUnicastPipe;     private boolean inJail = false;     private boolean hasJailToken = false;     private String jailTokenString;     private Set jailPeerSet = new HashSet();     public JailGameClient(int createOrJoin)     {         this.createOrJoin = createOrJoin;     } /**  * Let a peer join a group.  */     private boolean joinPeerGroup(PeerGroup grp)     {         StructuredDocument creds = null;         try {             AuthenticationCredential authCred =                 new AuthenticationCredential(grp, null, creds);             MembershipService membershipSvc = grp.getMembershipService();             Authenticator auth = membershipSvc.apply(authCred);             if (auth.isReadyForJoin()) {                 membershipSvc.join(auth);                 this.inJail = true;                 return true;             } else {                 String errMsg = "Unable to join group:" + grp.getPeerGroupName();                 System.out.println(errMsg);                 return false;             }         } catch (Exception e) {             String errMsg = "Unable to join group: " + grp.getPeerGroupName();             System.out.println(errMsg);             e.printStackTrace();             return false;         }     } /**  * Advertise peer groups.  */     private boolean joinPeerGroup(PeerGroupAdvertisement adv)     {         try {             return joinPeerGroup(netPeerGroup.newGroup(adv));         } catch (Exception e) {             String errMsg = "Unable to create group from advertisement.";             System.out.println(errMsg);             e.printStackTrace();             return false;         }     } /**  * Create peer groups based on advertisements.  */     private PeerGroup createGroup(String name)         throws PeerGroupException, Exception     {         ModuleImplAdvertisement implAdv =             netPeerGroup.getAllPurposePeerGroupImplAdvertisement();         PeerGroup jailGroup =             netPeerGroup.newGroup(null, implAdv, JAIL_GROUP, JAIL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION);         return jailGroup;     }     /**      * Publishes a pipe advertisement for the transfer of the jail token.      */     private void createJailUnicastPipeAdv()         throws IOException     {         PipeAdvertisement pipeAdv = null;         pipeAdv = (PipeAdvertisement) AdvertisementFactory. newAdvertisement( graphics/ccc.gifPipeAdvertisement.getAdvertisementType());         pipeAdv.setPipeID(IDFactory.newPipeID  (jailPeerGroup.getPeerGroupID()));         pipeAdv.setName(JailGameClient.JAIL_TRANSFER_KEY + ":" + jailPeerGroup. graphics/ccc.gifgetPeerName());         pipeAdv.setType(PipeService.UnicastType);         this.jailUnicastPipeAdv = pipeAdv;     } /**  * Publish advertisements locally or remotely. */     private void publishJailAdv(Advertisement adv, int type)         throws IOException     {         DiscoveryService jailDiscoverySvc = jailPeerGroup.getDiscoveryService();         jailDiscoverySvc.publish(adv, type);         jailDiscoverySvc.remotePublish(adv, type);     }     /**      * Publishes an advertisement locally and remotely with no lifetime.      */     private void publish(Advertisement adv, int type)         throws IOException     {         discoverySvc.publish(adv, type);         discoverySvc.remotePublish(adv, type);     }     /**      * Prints the members of the jail group.      */     private void printPeers()     {         refreshPeerSet();         try {             Thread.sleep(10 * 1000); // may want to sleep longer.         } catch (Exception ignore) { }         Object [] peers = jailPeerSet.toArray();         for (int x = 0 ; x < peers.length ; x++) {             System.out.println("Peer: " +  ((PeerAdvertisement)peers[x]).getName());         }     }     /**      * This call is asynchronous and uses a DiscoveryListener to process      * the peer advertisements.      */     private void refreshPeerSet()     {         jailPeerSet.clear();         System.out.println("Searching for peers");         DiscoveryService jailDiscoverySvc = jailPeerGroup.getDiscoveryService();         try {             jailDiscoverySvc.flushAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.PEER);             discoverySvc.flushAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.PEER);         } catch (IOException io) {             System.out.println("Trouble flushing PEER advertisements");             io.printStackTrace();         }         DiscoveryListener listener = new DiscoveryListener() {                 public void discoveryEvent(DiscoveryEvent ev)                 {                     DiscoveryResponseMsg res = ev.getResponse();                     String aRes = res.getPeerAdv();                     PeerAdvertisement peerAdv = null;                     try {                         // create a peer advertisement                         InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream  ( (aRes).getBytes() );                         peerAdv = (PeerAdvertisement)                             AdvertisementFactory.                             newAdvertisement(new MimeMediaType  ( "text/xml" ), is);                         jailPeerSet.add(peerAdv);                     } catch (Exception e) {                         e.printStackTrace();                     }                 }             };         jailDiscoverySvc.getRemoteAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.PEER, null, null,  graphics/ccc.gif10, listener);     }     /**      * The discovery listener used needs to be synchronized.  It takes      * a long time to run sometimes.  Furthermore, more than one peer      * can return the same jail group advertisement.      */     private void discoverJailGroup()         throws IOException     {         if (groupFound) {             String msg = "Already found the jail group";             System.out.println(msg);             return;         }         while (!groupFound) {             discoverySvc.getRemoteAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.GROUP,  "Name",  graphics/ccc.gifJailGameClient.JAIL_GROUP, 1, null);             try {                 //Wait ten seconds for advertisements to come in.                 Thread.sleep (10 * 1000);             } catch (Exception ignore) { }             Enumeration enum = discoverySvc.                 getLocalAdvertisements(DiscoveryService.GROUP, "Name", JailGameClient. graphics/ccc.gifJAIL_GROUP);             //Cycle through all the advertisements cached locally.             while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {                 //We want to discover the jail group.                 Advertisement ad = (Advertisement) enum.nextElement();                 if (ad instanceof PeerGroupAdvertisement) {                     try {                         System.out.println("Creating the group.");                         jailPeerGroup = netPeerGroup.newGroup(ad);                         System.out.println("Done with group creation.");                         groupFound = true;                         return;                     } catch (PeerGroupException e) {                         e.printStackTrace();                     }                 }             }             System.out.print(".");         }     }     /**      * Sets up the broadcast and unicast pipe and its listeners.      */     private void createPipes()         throws IOException     {         PipeService pipeSvc = jailPeerGroup.getPipeService();         if (unicastListener == null) {             //Create a message listener to accept the jail token.             unicastListener = new PipeMsgListener() {                     public void pipeMsgEvent(PipeMsgEvent pipeMsgEvent)                     {                         //We received a message.                         Message message = pipeMsgEvent.getMessage();                         if (message.hasElement("key") && message.hasElement("sender")) {                             //Determine the sender and the key.                             MessageElement element = message.getElement("key");                             InputStream stream = element.getStream();                             MessageElement senderElement = message.getElement("sender");                             InputStream senderStream = senderElement.getStream();                             try {                                 byte [] bytes = new byte[stream.available()];                       ;                                 jailTokenString = new String(bytes);                                 hasJailToken = true;                                 bytes = new byte[senderStream.available()];                       ;                                 String sender = new String(bytes);                                 String msg = "Received key " + jailTokenString +                                     " from peer " + sender;                                 System.out.println(msg);                             } catch (IOException io) {                                 io.printStackTrace();                             } finally {                                 try {                                     stream.close();                                     senderStream.close();                                 } catch (Exception ignore) { }                             }                         } else {                                 //Ignore this message.                         }                     }                 };         }         //Create the actual pipe based on the advertisement         //and the listener.         this.inputUnicastPipe = pipeSvc.createInputPipe(jailUnicastPipeAdv,  graphics/ccc.gifunicastListener);     }     /**      * Sets up two QueryHandler listeners.      * One for the jail token requestor.      * Another for the jail token locator.      */     private void setResolverHandler()     {         System.out.println("Setting up the resolver handlers");         ResolverService jailResolverService = jailPeerGroup.getResolverService();         //Create a handler to process all incoming queries,         //and process reponses to any queries we send.         QueryHandler handler = new QueryHandler() {                 /**                  * Processes any incoming queries. If this client has                  * the key, we will send it to the requestor.                  * Otherwise, we will send a "Sorry" response.                  */                 public ResolverResponseMsg processQuery  (ResolverQueryMsg query)                 {                    //System.out.println("Key Requestor Query Handler: " +                     //query.getQuery());                     if (JailGameClient.this.hasJailToken) {                         String msg = "Sending jail token to another peer";                         System.out.println(msg);                     }                     String response = null;                     //If we have the key, we'll send it.                    //Otherwise, we'll send a "Sorry" response.                     response = (JailGameClient.this.hasJailToken) ? JailGameClient.this. graphics/ccc.gifjailTokenString : "Sorry";                     JailGameClient.this.hasJailToken = false;                     JailGameClient.this.jailTokenString = null;                     //Sending our response.                     return new ResolverResponse  (JailGameClient.JAIL_KEY_QUERY_HANDLER,  graphics/ccc.gif"JXTACRED", query.getQueryId(), response);                 }                 /**                 /* Process responses to our search queries for the                 * jail token. If we receive any non-"Sorry" responses,                 * we receive the token.                 */                 public void processResponse(ResolverResponseMsg responseMsg)                 {                     String response = responseMsg.getResponse();                     //System.out.println ("Key Requestor Query Handler: " + response);                     if (!response.equals("Sorry")) {                         System.out.println("Received jail token.");                         hasJailToken = true;                         jailTokenString = response;                     }                 }             };         //Register the handler.         jailResolverService.registerHandler  (JailGameClient.JAIL_KEY_QUERY_HANDLER,  graphics/ccc.gifhandler);         //Create a handler to locate the key.         QueryHandler keyLocatorHandler = new QueryHandler() {                /**                 * Process queries requesting to see if we have the token.                 * If this peer has the token, respond with the                 * name of this peer.                 */                 public ResolverResponseMsg processQuery  (ResolverQueryMsg query)                 {                     //System.out.println("Key Locator Query Handler: " + query.getQuery( graphics/ccc.gif));                     String response = null;                     response = (JailGameClient.this.hasJailToken) ? JailGameClient.this. graphics/ccc.gifjailPeerGroup. getPeerName() : "";                     return new ResolverResponse(JailGameClient. JAIL_KEY_LOCATOR_HANDLER,  graphics/ccc.gif"JXTACRED", query.getQueryId(), response);                 }                /**                 * Process responses to our search queries for the                 * token. If the response is not a blank string, the                 * response is  the name of the peer that has the token.                 */                 public void processResponse(ResolverResponseMsg responseMsg)                 {                     String response = responseMsg.getResponse();                     //System.out.println  ("Key Locator Query Handler: " + response);                     if (!response.equals("")) {                         System.out.println("Peer: " + response + " has the token");                     }                 }             };         //Register the handler.         jailResolverService.registerHandler  (JailGameClient.JAIL_KEY_LOCATOR_HANDLER,  graphics/ccc.gifkeyLocatorHandler);     }     /**      * This method uses the resolver service to broadcast a request for      * the jail token.  It does not do the job of retrieving the token.      */     private void requestJailToken()     {         if (this.hasJailToken) {             System.out.println("I already have the token.");             return;         }         System.out.println("Requesting the jail token");         ResolverService jailResolverService = jailPeerGroup.getResolverService();         ResolverQueryMsg query = null;         query = new ResolverQuery(JailGameClient.JAIL_KEY_QUERY_HANDLER, "cred",  graphics/ccc.gifjailPeerGroup.getPeerID(). toString(), "Key request", 1);         jailResolverService.sendQuery(null, query);     }     /**      * Does a broadcast using the resolver service to determine      * the location of the jail token.      */     private void findJailToken()     {         if (this.hasJailToken) {             System.out.println("I have the token.");             return;         }         ResolverService jailResolverService = jailPeerGroup.getResolverService();         ResolverQueryMsg query = null;         query = new ResolverQuery(JailGameClient.JAIL_KEY_LOCATOR_HANDLER, "cred",  graphics/ccc.gifjailPeerGroup.getPeerID(). toString(), "Key location request", 1);         jailResolverService.sendQuery(null, query);     }     /**      * Leaves jail if the peer has the key.  Passes the jail token      * to peerName.      * @param peerName The peer name to pass the jail token to.      */     private void leaveJail(String peerName)     {         if (!this.inJail) {             System.out.println("You are not in jail");             return;         }         if (!hasJailToken) {             System.out.println("You do not have the token");             return;         }         if (!transferJailKey(peerName)) {             return;         }         System.out.println("Leaving Jail");         MembershipService membershipSvc = this.jailPeerGroup. getMembershipService();         //Leave the group and flush all local advertisements.         try {             membershipSvc.resign();             this.jailPeerGroup.stopApp();             try {                 this.discoverySvc.flushAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.GROUP);                 this.discoverySvc.flushAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.PEER);                 this.discoverySvc.flushAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.ADV);             } catch (IOException ignore) { ignore.printStackTrace();}             this.inJail = false;         } catch (PeerGroupException pge) {             pge.printStackTrace();         }         this.cleanResources();     }     /**      * Quits the application only if the user has left jail.      */     private void quit()     {         if (this.hasJailToken) {             System.out.println("You have the jail token.  " + "Existing players cannot  graphics/ccc.gifleave the jail without first having the token and then transferring it.");         }         System.out.println("Quitting.");         System.exit(0);     }     /**      * Creates an output pipe to the peer indicated by peerID and sends      * the jail token      *      * @return true If the transfer is successful, false otherwise.      */     private boolean transferJailKey(String peerName)     {         if (!this.hasJailToken) {             System.out.println("You do not have the jail token.");             return false;         }         refreshPeerSet();         try {             Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);         } catch (Exception ignore) {}         // Check to make sure the peer exists.         Iterator iterator = jailPeerSet.iterator();         boolean peerExists = false;         //Find the peer's PeerAdvertisement.         while (iterator.hasNext()) {             PeerAdvertisement adv = (PeerAdvertisement);             if (adv.getName().equals(peerName)) {                 peerExists = true;                 break;             }         }         String msg = (!peerExists) ?  "Warning:  Peer " + peerName + " may not exist.\n"  graphics/ccc.gif+ "Attempting to transfer anyways." : "Transfering key to peer: " + peerName;         System.out.println(msg);         DiscoveryService jailDiscoverySvc = jailPeerGroup.getDiscoveryService();         DiscoveryListener listener = new DiscoveryListener() {                 /**                  * Creates the output pipe that connects to the peer we                  * wish to send the jail token to.  Then sends the jail                  * token via the "key" element.                  */                 public void discoveryEvent(DiscoveryEvent ev)                 {                     DiscoveryResponseMsg res = ev.getResponse();                     Enumeration enum = res.getResponses();                     while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {                         String advString = (String) enum.nextElement();                         OutputPipe outputPipe = null;                         try {                             PipeAdvertisement pipeAdv = (PipeAdvertisement)  graphics/ccc.gifAdvertisementFactory.newAdvertisement (new MimeMediaType("text/xml"), new  graphics/ccc.gifByteArrayInputStream (advString.getBytes()));                             PipeService pipeSvc = jailPeerGroup.getPipeService();                             outputPipe = pipeSvc.createOutputPipe (pipeAdv, 1000);                             //Create the actual message with information                             //about the token and sender.                             Message message = pipeSvc.createMessage();                             MessageElement messageElement = message.newMessageElement( graphics/ccc.gif"key", new MimeMediaType ("text/plain"), new ByteArrayInputStream (jailTokenString. graphics/ccc.gifgetBytes()));                             message.addElement(messageElement);                             MessageElement senderElement = message.newMessageElement( graphics/ccc.gif"sender", new MimeMediaType("text/plain"), new ByteArrayInputStream (jailPeerGroup. graphics/ccc.gifgetPeerName().getBytes()));                             message.addElement(messageElement);                             MessageElement senderElement = message.newMessageElement( graphics/ccc.gif"sender ",new MimeMediaType ("text/plain "),new ByteArrayInputStream (jailPeerGroup. graphics/ccc.gifgetPeerName().getBytes()));                             message.addElement(senderElement);                             outputPipe.send(message);                             JailGameClient.this.hasJailToken = false;                             outputPipe.close();                             return;                         } catch (Exception e) {                             e.printStackTrace();                         } finally {                             if (outputPipe != null) {                                 outputPipe.close();                             }                         }                     }                 }             };         String name = JailGameClient.JAIL_TRANSFER_KEY + ":" + peerName;         jailDiscoverySvc.getRemoteAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.ADV,"name", name,  graphics/ccc.gif10, listener);         // Now sleep for the transfer to finish         try {             Thread.sleep(10 * 1000); // we may want to sleep longer         } catch (Exception ignore) { }         return !this.hasJailToken;     }     /**      * This method is used to clean up all the resources so we can start from scratch.      */     private void cleanResources()     {         this.inputUnicastPipe.close();         this.unicastListener = null;         this.jailPeerSet.clear();         this.groupFound = false;         this.inJail = false;         this.pipeAdvFound = false;         this.hasJailToken = false;         this.jailTokenString = null;         ResolverService resolverSvc = this.jailPeerGroup. getResolverService();         resolverSvc.unregisterHandler (JailGameClient.JAIL_KEY_QUERY_HANDLER);         resolverSvc.unregisterHandler (JailGameClient.JAIL_KEY_LOCATOR_HANDLER);         this.jailPeerGroup = null;     }     /**      * A utility method to print out the contents of an advertisement.      */     public static void printAdvertisement(Advertisement adv)     {         try {             Document doc = adv.getDocument (new MimeMediaType("text/plain"));             ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();             doc.sendToStream(output);             System.out.println(output.toString()); //             BufferedInputStream stream = new BufferedInputStream(doc.getStream()); //             StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); //             byte [] bytes = new byte[stream.available()]; //             while ((c = stream.readChar())!= null) { //                 buffer.append(c); //             } //             System.out.println(buffer.toString());         } catch (Exception ignore) {             ignore.printStackTrace();         }     }     /**      * Start up the Net Peer group & get the Discovery Service for that group.      */     public void startJxta()         throws PeerGroupException, IOException     {         this.netPeerGroup = PeerGroupFactory.newNetPeerGroup();         this.discoverySvc = netPeerGroup.getDiscoveryService();         // Flush all local cache information. We want to start from scratch.         discoverySvc.flushAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.ADV);         discoverySvc.flushAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.PEER);         discoverySvc.flushAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.GROUP);     }     public void run()     {         try {             if (createOrJoin == JailGameClient.JOIN_GAME) {                 discoverJailGroup();             } else { // Create the group. // Add a propagate PIPE Advertisement to it.                 jailPeerGroup = createGroup(JailGameClient.JAIL_GROUP);                 this.hasJailToken = true;                 // The token is just the current time :)                 this.jailTokenString = "" + System.currentTimeMillis();                 publish(jailPeerGroup.getPeerGroupAdvertisement(),                         DiscoveryService.GROUP);             }             // Publish the unicast pipe used to send the jail token // to others.             createJailUnicastPipeAdv();             publishJailAdv(jailUnicastPipeAdv, DiscoveryService.ADV);         } catch (Exception e) {             String errMsg = "Unable to start create or join jail group.";             System.out.println(errMsg);             e.printStackTrace();             return;         }         if (!joinPeerGroup(jailPeerGroup)) {             return;         }         try {             this.createPipes();         } catch (Exception ex) {             String errMsg = "Unable to create broadcast pipes";             System.out.println(errMsg);             ex.printStackTrace();             return;         }         setResolverHandler();         //The user interface menu.         for (;;) {             BufferedReader reader =                 new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;             String lineToSend = null;             System.out.print("Type H for help\n:>");             try {                 while ((lineToSend = reader.readLine()) != null) {                     lineToSend = lineToSend.trim();                     if (lineToSend.equals("")) {                         System.out.print(":>");                         continue;                     }                     //If the peer is not in the group anymore,                     //say that to the peer.                     if (!inJail && !lineToSend.equalsIgnoreCase("Q")) {                         System.out.println("You are not in jail. You can only quit");                         System.out.print(":>");                         continue;                     }                     StringTokenizer tokenizer =                         new StringTokenizer(lineToSend);                     String command = tokenizer.nextToken();                     if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("L")) {                         if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {                             System.out.println("Peer name missing");                         } else {                             String peerName = tokenizer.nextToken();                             leaveJail(peerName);                         }                     } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("R")) {                         requestJailToken();                     } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("P")) {                         printPeers();                     } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("F")) {                         findJailToken();                     } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("T")) {                         if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {                             System.out.println("Client name missing");                         } else {                             String peerName = tokenizer.nextToken();                             transferJailKey(peerName);                         }                     } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("H")) {                         printHelp();                     } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("Q")) {                         quit();                     }                     System.out.print(":>");                 }             } catch (Exception io) {                 io.printStackTrace();             }         }     }     public void printHelp()     {         String help = "H - print this help\nF - find who has the token\nR - request jail  graphics/ccc.giftoken\nP - print peers\nT <client> - transfer jail token to client\nL <client> - leave  graphics/ccc.gifjail and send jail token to client\nQ - quit application\n";         System.out.println(help);     }     public static void main (String argc[])         throws Exception     {         if (argc.length < 1) {             String msg = "Usage: " + JailGameClient.class.getName()                 + " [join/create]";             System.out.println(msg);             return;         }         int createOrJoin = (argc[0].equals("join")) ?             JailGameClient.JOIN_GAME : JailGameClient.CREATE_GAME ;         JailGameClient client = new JailGameClient(createOrJoin);         client.startJxta();         Thread thread = new Thread(client);         thread.start();     } } 

JavaT P2P Unleashed
JavaT P2P Unleashed
Year: 2002
Pages: 209 © 2008-2017.
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