

Java 1.1 closeable

This class is a subclass of InflaterInputStream that reads the entries of a ZIP file in sequential order. Create a ZipInputStream by specifying the InputStream from which it is to read the contents of the ZIP file. Once the ZipInputStream is created, you can use getNextEntry( ) to begin reading data from the next entry in the ZIP file. This method must be called before read( ) is called to begin reading the first entry. getNextEnTRy( ) returns a ZipEntry object that describes the entry being read, or null when there are no more entries to be read from the ZIP file.

The read( ) methods of ZipInputStream read until the end of the current entry and then return -1, indicating that there is no more data to read. To continue with the next entry in the ZIP file, you must call getNextEntry( ) again. Similarly, the skip( ) method only skips bytes within the current entry. closeEntry( ) can be called to skip the remaining data in the current entry, but it is usually easier simply to call getNextEnTRy( ) to begin the next entry.

Figure 16-146.

 public class  ZipInputStream  extends InflaterInputStream implements ZipConstants {  // Public Constructors  public  ZipInputStream  (  in  );  // Public Instance Methods  public void  closeEntry  ( ) throws;        public ZipEntry  getNextEntry  ( ) throws;  // Public Methods Overriding InflaterInputStream   1.2  public int  available  ( ) throws;        public void  close  ( ) throws;        public int  read  (byte[ ]  b  , int  off  , int  len  ) throws;        public long  skip  (long  n  ) throws;  // Protected Instance Methods   1.2  protected ZipEntry  createZipEntry  (String  name  );   } 



Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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