
WritableByteChannel java.nio.channels

Java 1.4 closeable

This subinterface of Channel defines a single key write( ) method which writes bytes from a specified ByteBuffer (updating the buffer position as it goes) to the channel. If possible, it writes all remaining bytes in the buffer (see Buffer.remaining( ) ). This is not always possible (with nonblocking channels, for example) so the write( ) method returns the number of bytes that it was actually able to write to the channel.

write( ) is declared to throw an IOException . More specifically , it may throw a ClosedChannelException if the channel is closed. If the channel is closed asynchronously, or if a blocked thread is interrupted , the write( ) method may terminate with an AsynchronousCloseException or a ClosedByInterruptException . write( ) may also throw an unchecked NonWritableChannelException if it is called on a channel (such as a FileChannel ) that was not opened or configured to allow writing.

WritableByteChannel implementations are required to be thread-safe: only one thread may perform a write operation on a channel at a time. If a write operation is in progress, then any call to write( ) will block until the in-progress operation completes. Some channel implementations may allow read and write operations to proceed concurrently; some may not.

Figure 13-42. java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel

 public interface  WritableByteChannel  extends Channel {  // Public Instance Methods  int  write  (java.nio.ByteBuffer  src  ) throws java.io.IOException;   } 


ByteChannel , GatheringByteChannel , Pipe.SinkChannel

Passed To

Channels.{newOutputStream( ) , newWriter( )} , FileChannel.transferTo( )

Returned By

Channels.newChannel( )

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220

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