Package java.nio

Package java.nio

Java 1.4

This package defines buffer classes that are fundamental to the java.nio API. See Buffer for an overview of buffers, and see ByteBuffer (the most important of the buffer classes) for full documentation of byte buffers. The other type-specific buffer classes are close analogs to ByteBuffer and are documented in terms of that class. See the java.nio.channels package for classes that perform I/O operations on buffers.


 public abstract class  Buffer  ;    public abstract class  ByteBuffer  extends Buffer     implements Comparable<ByteBuffer>;       public abstract class  MappedByteBuffer  extends ByteBuffer;    public abstract class  CharBuffer  extends Buffer        implements Comparable<CharBuffer>, Appendable, CharSequence,        Readable;    public abstract class  DoubleBuffer  extends Buffer     implements Comparable<DoubleBuffer>;    public abstract class  FloatBuffer  extends Buffer     implements Comparable<FloatBuffer>;    public abstract class  IntBuffer  extends Buffer     implements Comparable<IntBuffer>;    public abstract class  LongBuffer  extends Buffer     implements Comparable<LongBuffer>;    public abstract class  ShortBuffer  extends Buffer     implements Comparable<ShortBuffer>; public final class  ByteOrder  ; 


 public class  BufferOverflowException  extends RuntimeException; public class  BufferUnderflowException  extends RuntimeException; public class  InvalidMarkException  extends IllegalStateException; public class  ReadOnlyBufferException  extends UnsupportedOperationException; 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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