Package org.w3c.dom

Package org.w3c.dom

Java 1.4

This package defines the Java binding to the core and XML modules of the DOM API defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). DOM stands for Document Object Model, and the DOM API defines a way to represent an XML document as a tree of nodes. Java 1.4 supports the Level 2 DOM, and Java 5.0 adds support for Level 3.

This package includes methods that allow document trees to be traversed, examined, modified, and built from scratch. Node is the central interface of the package. All nodes in a document tree implement this interface, and it defines the basic methods for traversing and modifying the tree of nodes. Most of the other interfaces in the package are extensions of Node that represent specific types of XML content. The most important and commonly used of these subinterfaces are Document , Element , and Text . A Document object serves as the root of the document tree and defines methods for searching the tree for elements with a specified tag name or ID attribute. The Element interface represents an XML element or tag and has methods for manipulating the element's attributes. The Text interface represents a run of plain text within an Element and has methods for querying or altering that text. NodeList and DOMImplementation do not extend Node but are also important interfaces.

This package is an endorsed standard, which means that it is defined outside of Sun Microsystems and the Java Community Process but has been adopted as part of the Java platform. Full documentation is available at Note that Java 5.0 also adopts the bootstrap , events , and ls (load/save) subpackages. Those subpackages are not documented in this book because they are only tangentially used by the rest of the Java platform.


 public interface  Attr  extends Node; public interface  CDATASection  extends Text; public interface  CharacterData  extends Node; public interface  Comment  extends CharacterData; public interface  Document  extends Node; public interface  DocumentFragment  extends Node; public interface  DocumentType  extends Node; public interface  DOMConfiguration  ; public interface  DOMError  ; public interface  DOMErrorHandler  ; public interface  DOMImplementation  ; public interface  DOMImplementationList  ; public interface  DOMImplementationSource  ; public interface  DOMLocator  ; public interface  DOMStringList  ; public interface  Element  extends Node; public interface  Entity  extends Node; public interface  EntityReference  extends Node; public interface  NamedNodeMap  ; public interface  NameList  ; public interface  Node  ; public interface  NodeList  ; public interface  Notation  extends Node; public interface  ProcessingInstruction  extends Node; public interface  Text  extends CharacterData; public interface  TypeInfo  ; public interface  UserDataHandler  ; 


 public class  DOMException  extends RuntimeException; 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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