

script, 108, 262

AudioPath, 116

AudioVBScript, 112, 271

comment, 115

content, 262, 266

creating, 109

debugging, 119

embedded files, 110

error handling, 270

file format, 267

groove level, 118

play flags, 454

properties, 113

routines, 113, 262, 263, 351

set activity, 280

transition Segment, 116

variables, 112, 122, 262

VBScript, 112, 271

Script Designer, 111

Script Track, 128, 158, 270, 340

scripting, 107, 261

in Asheron's Call, 490

in NOLF, 393

in Russian Squares, 386

in Wide Sounds, 453

sound effects, 332

secondary Segment, 11, 70, 183

in NOLF, 410

in Wide Sounds, 450

Segment, 17, 138, 160, 175, 398

alignment, 65, 67, 209

branching, 66

clock-time, 10

Compose from Shape, 336

Controlling, 11, 72, 182, 202

creating from wave files, 17

Delay, 206

in Asheron's Call, 492

in NOLF, 403

in Russian Squares, 384

layering, 66

length, 63

loading, 196

music-time, 10

primary, 11, 182, 202

Resolution, 203

secondary, 11, 182, 202

SegmentState, 184

stopping, 288

Transition, 37, 66, 213

transposed playback, 70

Wave, 138

Segment Trigger Track, 158

SegmentState, 184

self-reference loop, 158

Sequence Track, 21, 77, 178

Shogo, 390

signpost, 91

cadence, 96

chord, 94

in ChordMap Editor, 92

list, 93

Signpost Track, 93

in Wide Sounds, 449

software synthesizer, 8

Sonic Implants, 371

sound designer, 3

sound effects, 176, 285

low-latency, 326

scripted, 332

versus music, 298

soundclasses, 420

soundfile, 419

soundtag, 419

details, 422

stereo DLS instruments, 32

stereo separation, 488

streaming, 18, 19

in Halo, 422

on the web, 434

wave, 19

strips, 20

structure, 176

in Russian Squares, 372

Style, 55, 84, 149, 380, 398

Band, 56

creating, 56, 84

in NOLF, 400

in Wide Sounds, 444

motif, 56, 197

Pattern, 57, 60

Style Designer, 61

Style Track, 61

surround sound, 426

switch points, 37

synchronize video to music, 339

synthesizer, 8, 137

DirectX 9 Audio Exposed(c) Interactive Audio Development
DirectX 9 Audio Exposed: Interactive Audio Development
ISBN: 1556222882
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 170 © 2008-2017.
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