ICollection<T> interface, 229–230, 247

IComparable<T> interface, 248–250

IComparer<T> interface, 250–251

IConvertible interface, 201

IDictionary<TKey, TValue> interface, 231–233, 239, 241, 247

IDisposable interface, 411–412

i18n. See internationalization

IEnumerable<T> interface, 233–236, 247

IEnumerator<T> interface, 233–236, 247

IEqualityComparer<T> interface, 250–251

IEquatable<T> interface, 248–250

IFormatProvider interface, 314

IHashCodeProvider interface, 247

IIS (Internet Information Services), 5, 294

IL (Intermediate Language)

allocating and initializing types, 92–93

arithmetic operations, 91

arrays, 99

assembling, 83

binary instruction size for, 86

bitwise operations, 91

boxing and unboxing values, 93

branch instructions, 91–92

comparison operations, 91

definition of, 5, 82

disassembling, 83

generated by compilation, 82–83

labels, 91

loading values on stack

arguments and locals, 89–90

arrays, 99

constants, 88–89

definition of, 87–88

fields, 90

indirect loads, 90

macros, 568–574

methods, calling and returning from, 93–97

object model instructions, 562–568

prefixes for instructions, 574–575

primitive instructions, 550–562

primitive types, 17–18, 171–172

stack-based nature of, 84–86

storing values from stack

arguments of methods, 89–90

arrays, 99

definition of, 87–88

fields, 90

indirect stores, 90

type identity checks, 97–98

type verification for, 86

ilasm.exe tool, 83

ildasm.exe tool, 83

IList<T> interface, 230–231, 236, 247

imperative code, 342–343

impersonation, 348

implementation inheritance, 50

indexable collections, 230–231

indexer properties, 44–45

IndexOf method

lists, 237

strings, 192

IndexOutOfRangeException exception, 210

indirect calls, 94, 129

info APIs

assembly information, 498–500

definition of, 496, 498

example using, 509–511

generics, 507–509

handles for, 511–514

method information, 503–505

module information, 498–500

properties, 507

tokens for, 496, 511–514

type information, 500–502

type instances, constructing, 505–506


implementation inheritance, 50

interface inheritance, 51–57

multiple inheritance, 54

private interface inheritance, 54–55

subclassing using, 50–51

inheritance demands, CAS, 344

initblk instruction, IL, 555

initobj instruction, IL, 92–93, 563

initonly keyword, IL, 27

input and output. See I/O

Insert method, StringBuilder class, 202

instance members, 26

instance methods, 31

instantiation. See constructors

instruction reordering, 388–389

int8 type, IL, 17, 172

int16 type, IL, 17, 172

int32 type, IL, 17, 172

int64 type, IL, 17, 172

integers, 180–182

interface inheritance

abstract classes and, 51–52, 56–57

definition of, 51

interfaces and, 52–57

multiple inheritance, 54

private interface inheritance, 54–55


definition of, 52–53

method invocations and, 53

reimplementation of, 55–56

when to use, 56–57

Interlocked class, 378–381

interlocked operations, 378–381

Intermediate Language. See IL

internal keyword, C#, 25

InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute, 145

internationalization. See also cultures; resources for cultural preferences

books about, 325

definition of, 301–302

encodings and, 302, 320–321, 325

example scenarios of, 306–309

globalization, 302, 305

locale-specific features, 305

localization, 302, 306–307

process of, 305–306

reasons for, 304–305

regional formatting, 307–309

support for, 302

translation of content, 305, 306–307

Internet Information Services (IIS), 5, 294


books about, 436

C++/CLI language for, 431

CERs (Constrained Execution Regions), 417–421

COM interoperability, 421–430

definition of, 404–405

memory management, 408–412

notifying GC of resource consumption, 416–417

P/Invoke for, 431–433

pointers and, 405–408

reasons for, 403–404

resource management, 410–416

type systems, bridging, 434–436

InvalidAddressException exception, 210

InvalidCastException exception, 209

InvalidOperationException exception, 211

invariant culture, 303, 313–314

I/O completion ports, 273–274

I/O (input and output). See also files; streams

books about, 298–299

definition of, 255–256

isolated storage, 337

overlapped I/O, 273–274

standard devices, 280–282

IPEndPoint class, 290

IPrinciple interface, 347

IronPython language, managed code written in, 5

is keyword, C#, 98

IsDefined method, System.Enum type, 69

IsInRole method, IPrinciple interface, 347

isinst instruction, IL, 97–98, 563

IsMatch method, Regex class, 483–484, 488

isolated storage, 337

isolation levels

for threads, 354–355

for transactions, 539

isolation of transactions, 535

ISO-639 standard, 309

ISO-3166 standard, 309

iterators, 234–236

Professional. NET Framework 2.0
Professional .NET Framework 2.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764571354
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 116
Authors: Joe Duffy

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