List of Figures

Chapter 1: Introduction

Figure 1-1: Overview of the Common Language Runtime (CLR).

Chapter 2: Common Type System

Figure 2-1: CTS type hierarchy.
Figure 2-2: Object and value memory layout.

Chapter 3: Inside the CLR

Figure 3-1: Example of stack-based addition (3 + 5).
Figure 3-2: IL stream representation of add programs.
Figure 3-3: Heap (a) before and (b) after allocation of a new 16-byte object.
Figure 3-4: Allocation, collection, and compaction of GC generations.
Figure 3-5: An example root-based reachability graph.
Figure 3-6: JIT compilation overview.

Chapter 4: Assemblies, Loading, and Deployment

Figure 4-1: An assembly with three modules—two PE files and one opaque resource file.
Figure 4-2: Physical structure of an assembly PE file.
Figure 4-3: An overview of the early-bound assembly load process.

Chapter 5: Fundamental Types

Figure 5-1: Numeric type hierarchy.

Chapter 6: Arrays and Collections

Figure 6-1: A 5×8 rectangular array.
Figure 6-2: Illustration of a jagged array in memory.
Figure 6-3: Generic collections base interface hierarchy.
Figure 6-4: A stack. (a) Initial elements inserted—10, 15, 3, and 25, (b) pushing 99 onto the stack, (c) after the push, and (d) popping 99 off the top of the stack.
Figure 6-5: A queue. (a) Initial elements inserted—10, 15, 3, and 25, (b) enqueueing 99 onto the front of the queue, (c) after the enqueue, and (d) dequeueing 10 off the back of the queue.
Figure 6-6: Illustration of a linked list with elements inserted—10, 15, 3, 25, and 99.

Chapter 7: I/O, Files, and Networking

Figure 7-1: The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) stack.

Chapter 8: Internationalization

Figure 8-1: Tree of sample invariant, neutral, and specific cultures.
Figure 8-2: Tree of sample neutral cultures.
Figure 8-3: Example satellite assembly structure.

Chapter 9: Security

Figure 9-1: A high-level overview of the CAS infrastructure.
Figure 9-2: CLR call-stack with assert and deny frames.
Figure 9-3: System.Security.AccessControl class hierarchy for ACL types.

Chapter 10: Threads, AppDomains, and Processes

Figure 10-1: Isolation between processes, AppDomains, and threads.
Figure 10-2: Thread state transitions.
Figure 10-3: Race condition arising from unsynchronized access to shared data.
Figure 10-4: Instruction reordering (with IA-64 terminology).
Figure 10-5: COM apartments (STA, MTA, NA).

Chapter 11: Unmanaged Interoperability

Figure 11-1: COM Interop Assembly generation and use in action.

Chapter 12: Tracing and Diagnostics

Figure 12-1: .NET Framework tracing architecture.
Figure 12-2: An assert dialog.

Chapter 13: Regular Expressions

Figure 13-1: Expression syntax highlights.
Figure 13-2: Regular expression group numbers.

Chapter 14: Dynamic Programming

Figure 14-1: An overview of the System.Reflection APIs.
Figure 14-2: Relationship between infos, handles, and tokens.
Figure 14-3: Delegates inside the CLR.

Chapter 15: Transactions

Figure 15-1: A single transaction manager (TM) with multiple resource managers (RMs).
Figure 15-2: Transactional state management.
Figure 15-3: A simple transaction with two inner scopes.
Figure 15-4: Transaction flow and scope nesting.

Professional. NET Framework 2.0
Professional .NET Framework 2.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764571354
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 116
Authors: Joe Duffy © 2008-2017.
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