Section 1.8. Conclusion

1.8. Conclusion

The ARPANET experiences of the 1970s demonstrated that distance vector protocolsat least those based on Bellman-Forddo not scale to large networks. Currently, OSPF and IS-IS are the only two open IP protocols that are proven and reliable in large-scale networks. In fact, any router vendor expecting to sell to carriers and Internet service providers must be able to demonstrate carrier-grade implementations of these two protocols.

Now that you know something about their origins, the remainder of this book delves into IS-IS and OSPF in depth, comparing and contrasting them, in the hope that you will come away with a deeper knowledge of both and be able to make informed decisions about which protocol is right for your network.

OSPF and IS-IS(c) Choosing an IGP for Large-Scale Networks
OSPF and IS-IS: Choosing an IGP for Large-Scale Networks: Choosing an IGP for Large-Scale Networks
ISBN: 0321168798
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 111
Authors: Jeff Doyle © 2008-2017.
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