You've learned about how to set up Team Foundation Server, and the process models available with it. But this chapter took you to the next step, which was how to use the Team Project concept of Team System. At the beginning of this chapter, you learned what a Team Project actually is, a collection of all your stuff in the Team Foundation Server. You then learned how to create a Team Project using the New Team Project Wizard, and looked at some of the errors that can occur during project creation.
After that, you moved on to project areas and iterations. You learned how areas are just a logical breakdown of your project, while iterations are the different stages of your lifecycle model. Finally, you read about some things to take into account when developing your project team, and looked at the roles that are defined in the MSF for Agile Software Development process model. Remember, there are many different roles defined in that process model, and it is okay for someone to wear multiple hats, that is, take on multiple roles. For smaller projects, that is probably going to happen.
Now that you have learned how to create your Team Project, and a bit more about how to manage it, we are going to take a little detour and learn about a new edition to the Team System family. This new product is called Team Edition for Database Professionals, and is targeted at database administrators (DBAs) and database developers. As you'll see in the next chapter, it provides a lot of functionality for those roles that has been missing, and ties back into Team Foundation Server very nicely.