Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Administrator s Pocket Consultant

Ben Curry

image from book

PUBLISHED BY Microsoft Press

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One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399

Copyright © 2007 by Ben Curry


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Acquisitions Editor: Martin DelRe

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I would like to dedicate this book to my amazing wife, Kimberly, and my children, Madison and Bryce. They have brought me more joy than I could ever have imagined. Thank you for understanding the countless hours away from you that it takes to write a book. I love you all.


I knew when starting this project that it would be difficult and time consuming, but it was more challenging than I ever imagined. One of the challenges when writing a Pocket Consultant is that you don't have the space to fully explain every facet of a product. In addition, this Pocket Consultant actually covers two products: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and SharePoint Server 2007. Because they are intertwined so closely, there really is no way to discuss SharePoint Server without discussing SharePoint Services. In addition, many readers will use only SharePoint Services, and I wanted a guide for them as well. I have left out information unessential to administrative tasks and therefore provided a technically dense, daily reference guide. This narrow scope allowed the book to be very detailed in the areas that are poorly documented or poorly understood. I really wanted to provide an accurate reference guide that could also be read cover to cover, and I think it fills that bill.

I first want to thank Bill English, who gave me the opportunity to write part of the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Administrator's Companion. Thank you, Bill. As part of that process, I was introduced to Martin DelRe at Microsoft Press and was presented with the opportunity to write the work in your hands. I want to thank Martin DelRe, acquisitions editor, because he believed in this book from the very beginning. Maureen Zimmerman was the project editor, and she kept me on track and on schedule throughout. She is a wonderful editor, and I learned a great deal from her. Although it is difficult to write original content, answering the technical edits is sometimes harder! Microsoft Press has the most thorough editing review processes in the business, and though they create more work for the author, they result in a better book for the reader. Mark Harrison was the technical reviewer for this book; his input and assistance were invaluable in creating a relevant and accurate book. He was top notch and made sure things worked as expected.

Because there were so many new features in the products, it was impossible for a single person to write this book. To assist me, I asked several SharePoint Products industry experts to contribute content to the book. First of all, I want to thank Jim Curry (yes, he's related, and I admit it here!). In addition to contributing content, Jim built and maintained the computer lab where the book was written; he also tested procedures and researched technical details when needed. In addition, I want to thank Bill English, Josh Meyer, John Holliday, Milan Gross, and William Jackson for their contributions to the book. They all wrote content in their areas of expertise, and that really helped make the book solid. Short biographies of the contributing authors appear in the back of the book.

Thank you to all of the staff at Microsoft who helped along the way; there are too many of you to count. I also want to thank Steve Daugherty; he helped start my career and served as a role model during my early years as a professional. If I forgot someone, it was truly an accident!

About the Author

image from book

Ben Curry (CISSP, MCP, CNE, CCNA) is an author and enterprise network architect specializing in knowledge management and collaboration technologies. Ben is a Senior Instructor and Consultant for Mindsharp, a company focused on the next generation of Microsoft products. Ben has been working with the Internet since 1991 and has been involved with the constant evolution of messaging, storage, and collaboration products. He enjoys designing enterprise solutions that appear simple to the end user. He has designed and implemented solutions for NASA, the Department of Defense, the Veterans Administration, and many of the Fortune 25. Ben is a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer and a certified Emergency First Responder instructor. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, taking trips to the ocean, collecting guns and participating in shooting sports, and lecturing at technology users' groups.

These industry experts contributed to this volume as well:

  • James Curry A computer scientist with InfoPro Corporation of Huntsville, Alabama, James resides in Madison, Alabama, with the love of his life, his wife Joy.

  • Josh Meyer A Senior Developer for Trident Systems in Birmingham, Alabama, Josh has been a contributing author for multiple SharePoint Products-related books and is often found on SharePoint Products newsgroups.

  • Milan Gross A SharePoint architect and developer with more than 10 years of experience in designing and deploying Microsoft solutions, Milan (MCSD, MCSE, MCT, Solventis) also teaches SharePoint training classes as a Mindsharp contract instructor. You can reach him at He resides in Honolulu, Hawaii.

  • John Holliday With more than 25 years of professional software development experience, John has been involved in a wide range of commercial software projects for the Fortune 100. He received a bachelor's degree in applied mathematics from Harvard and a J.D. from the University of Michigan. John is actively involved in humanitarian activities through Works of Wonder International, a nonprofit he co-founded with his wife Alice and the Art of Living Foundation.

  • Bill English A founder and owner of Mindsharp (, Bill (MCSE, MVP) is the author of 12 books on SharePoint Products, Exchange, and security topics. He resides in Minnesota, where summer is the six best days of the year.

  • William Jackson A senior computer engineer at NASA, William focuses on Microsoft products and has 10 years of experience in the IT industry. He has a BS in Computer Science, with an MCSE in NT4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows 2003, as well as a CCNA. William lives in Huntsville, Alabama, with his beautiful wife, Dana.

Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Administrator's Pocket Consultant
Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Administrators Pocket Consultant
ISBN: 0735623821
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 110
Authors: Ben Curry © 2008-2017.
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