
 <cflog text = "text"           log = "log type"           file = "filename"           type = "message type"           thread = "yes"           date = "yes"           time = "yes"           application = "application name yes or no"> 


Writes a message to a log file.


text (Required)

Message text to log.

log (Optional)

If you omit the file attribute, writes messages to standard log files.

  • application. Writes to Application.log, normally used for application-specific messages.

  • scheduler. Writes to Scheduler.log, normally used to log the execution of scheduled tasks.

file (Optional)

The message file to write log reports. Specify only the main part of the filename; to log to the Example.log file, specify "Example". The file must be located in the default log directory and will be created if it does not exist.

type (Optional)

Default: Information

Severity of the message: Information, Warning, Error, and Fatal.

thread (Optional)

Default: Yes. A thread ID identifies which internal service thread logged a message. Useful to help identify server activity patterns.

  • Yes. Log thread ID.

  • No. Deprecated. This option throws an error.

date (Optional)

Default: yes

  • Yes. Logs the system date.

  • No. Deprecated. This option throws an error.

time (Optional)

Default: yes

  • Yes. Logs the system time.

  • No. Deprecated. This option throws an error.

application (Optional)

Default: Yes. Logs application name, if it is specified in a CFAPPLICATION


Inside ColdFusion MX
Inside Coldfusion MX
ISBN: 0735713049
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 579 © 2008-2017.
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