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(throwing) . C++ , API- - :

   // throw an exception    //      HRESULT SetErrorInfo([in] ULONG reserved, // m.b.z.                       [in] IErrorlnfo *pei);    // catch an exception    //      HRESULT GetErrorInfo([in] ULONG reserved, // m.b.z.                      [out] IErrorInfo **ppei);  

SetErrorInfo , (logical thread)1. GetErrorInfo , GetErrorInfo S_FALSE, , . , IErrorInfo:

 [ object, uuid(1CF2B120-547D-101B-8E65-08002B2BD119) ]  interface IErrorInfo: IUnknown {        // get IID of interface that threw exception        //   IID    ,            HRESULT GetGUID([out] GUID * pGUID);        // get class name of object that threw exception        //          ,            HRESULT GetSource([out] BSTR * pBstrSource);        // get human-readable description of exception        //              HRESULT GetDescription([out] BSTR * pBstrDescription);        // get WinHelp filename of documentation of error        //       WinHelp,              HRESULT GetHelpFile([out] BSTR * pBstrHelpFile);        // get WinHelp context ID for documentation of error        //       WinHelp            HRESULT GetHelpContext([out] DWORD * pdwHelpContext);  }  


IErrorInfo, API- CreateErrorInfo:

 HRESULT CreateErrorInfo([out] ICreateErrorInfo **ppcei);  

IErrorInfo ICreateErrorInfo, :

 [ object, uuid(22F03340-547D-101B-8E65-08002B2BD119) ]  interface ICreateErrorInfo: IUnknown {        // set IID of interface that threw exception        //   IID  ,            HRESULT SetGUID([in] REFGUID rGUID);        // set class name of object that threw exception        //        ,            HRESULT SetSource([in, string] OLECHAR* pwszSource);        // set human-readable description of exception        //              HRESULT SetDescription([in, string] OLECHAR* pwszDesc);        // set WinHelp filename of documentation of error        //       WinHelp,              HRESULT SetHelpFile([in, string] OLECHAR* pwszHelpFile);        // set WinHelp context ID for documentation of error        //       WinHelp            HRESULT SetHelpContext([in] DWORD dwHelpContext);  }  

, , IErrorInfo.

- , :

 STDMETHODIMP PugCat::Snore(void)  {      if (this->IsAsleep())        // ok to perform operation?        //        ?          return this->DoSnore();        //do operation and return        //                //otherwise create an exception object        //                  ICreateErrorInfo * i = 0;      HRESULT hr = CreateErrorInfo(&pcei);      assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));        // initialize the exception object        //            hr = pcei->SetGUID(IID_IPug);      assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));      hr = pcei->SetSource(OLESTR("PugCat"));      assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));      hr = pcei->SetDescription(OLESTR("I am not asleep!"));      assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));      hr = pcei->SetHelpFile(OLESTR("C:\\PugCat.hlp"));      assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));      hr = pcei->SetHelpContext(5221);      assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));        // "throw" exception        // " "        IErrorInfo *pei = 0;      hr = pcei->QueryInterface(IID_IErrorInfo, (void**)&pei);      assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));      hr = SetErrorInfo(0, pei);        // release resources and return a SEVERITY_ERROR result        //                  // SEVERITY_ERROR (   )      pei->Release();      pcei->Release();      return PUG_E_PUGNOTASLEEP;  }  

, SetErrorInfo, , " " , GetErrorInfo.

, , ISupportErrorInfo, , . , , GetErrorInfo2. :

 [ object, uuid(DFOB3060-548F-101B-8E65-08002B2BD119) ]  interface ISupportErrorInfo: IUnknown {      HRESULT InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo([in] REFIID riid); }  

, PugCat, , . :

 STDMETHODIMP PugCat::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(REFIID riid)  {      if (riid == IID_IAnimal || riid == IID_ICat || riid == IID_IDog || riid == IID_IPug)          return S_OK;     else           return S_FALSE;  }  

, , ISupportErrorInfo GetErrorInfo:

 void TellPugToSnore(/*[in]*/ IPug *pPug) {       // call a method        //          HRESULT hr = pPug->Snore();      if (FAILED(hr)) {            // check to see if object supports   exceptions            //  ,                    ISupportErrorInfo *psei = 0;         HRESULT hr2 =pPug->QueryInterface( IID_ISupportErrorInfo, (void**)&psei);          if (SUCCEEDED(hr2)) {                // check if object supports   exceptions via IPug methods                //  ,               IPug              hr2 = psei->InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(IID_IPug);              if (hr2 == S_OK) {                    // read exception object for this logical thread                    //                                IErrorInfo * i = 0;                  hr2 = GetErrorInfo(0, &pei);                  if (hr2 == S_OK) {                        // scrape out source and description strings                        //                                BSTR bstrSource = 0, bstrDesc = 0;                      hr2 = pei->GetDescription(&bstrDesc);                      assert(SUCCEEDED(hr2));                      hr2 = pei->GetSource(&bstrSource);                      assert(SUCCEEDED(hr2));                        // display error information to end-user                        //                                  MessageBoxW(0, bstrDesc ? bstrDesc : L"",                          bstrSource ? bstrSource : L"", MB_OK);                        // free resources                        //                          SysFreeString(bstrSource);                      SysFreeString(bstrDesc);                     pei->Release();                  }             }              psei->Release();          }     }     if (hr2 != S_OK)        // something went wrong with exception        //  -             MessageBox(0, "Snore Failed", "IPug", MB_OK); }  

C++, . , HRESULT C++:

 struct COMException {     HRESULT m_hresult;        // hresult to return        // hresult          IErrorInfo *m_pei;        // exception to throw        //            COMException(HRESULT hresult, REFIID riid,                   const OLECHAR *pszSource, const OLECHAR *pszDesc,                   const OLECHAR *pszHelpFile = 0, DWORD dwHelpContext = 0)        {          // create and init an error info object          //                        ICreateErrorInfo * i = 0;          HRESULT hr = CreateErrorInfo(&pcei);          assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));          hr = pcei->SetGUID(riid);          assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));          if (pszSource)              hr=pcei->SetSource(const_cast<OLECHAR*>(pszSource));          assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));         if (pszDesc)              hr=pcei->SetDescription(const_cast<OLECHAR*>(pszDesc));          assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));         if (pszHelpFile)              hr=pcei->SetHelpFile(const_cast<OLECHAR*>(pszHelpFile));          assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));          hr = pcei->SetHelpContext(dwHelpContext);          assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));            // hold the HRESULT and IErrorInfo ptr as data members            //   HRESULT     IErrorInfo                m_hresult = hresult;          hr=pcei->QueryInterface(IID_IErrorInfo, (void**)&m_pei);          assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));          pcei->Release();      }  };  

++- COMException Snore , C++ :

 STDMETHODIMP PugCat::Snore(void) {     HRESULT hrex = S_OK;      try {          if (this->IsAsleep())              return this->DoSnore();          else              throw COMException(PUG_E_PUGNOTASLEEP, IID_IPug,                                 OLESTR("PugCat"), OLESTR("I am not asleep!"));      }      catch (COMException& ce) {            // a C++ COMException was thrown            //       COMException C++          HRESULT hr = SetErrorInfo(0, ce.m_pei);          assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));          ce.m_pei->Release();         hrex = ce.m_hresult;      }      catch (...) {            // some unidentified C++ exception was thrown            //      -      C++          COMException ex(E_FAIL, IID_IPug, OLESTR("PugCat"),                          OLESTR("A C++ exception was thrown"));          HRESULT hr = SetErrorInfo(0, ex.m_pei);          assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));          ex.m_pei->Release();          hrex = ex.m_hresult;      }      return hrex;  }  

, , ++- . .

1 (logical thread) , OS- .

2 , GetErrorInfo, , , , .

Suschnost' tehnologii SOM
Essential COM
ISBN: 0201634465
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 103
Authors: Don Box © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: