Appendix D: Source Code Listings

The ZTOOLS source (pronounced "Zee Tools") contains useful subprocedures that can be included in any RPG IV release 2 (or later) program. The prototypes for the ZTOOLS procedures are listed on the following pages. Compile the ZTOOLS file as a module and then include that module on the CRTPGM when compiling an application. To download the latest source for these and other routines, go to the RPG IV Web site at and click on the Downloads link.


start figure

      /**************************************************************/      /* Cozzi RPGIV Includes | (c) 1996 by Robert Cozzi, Jr.        |      /* ———————————      All rights reserved.           |      /* ——————————————————————————————-      /* PC Filename(zINCLUDE.RG4) AS/400 Filename(ZINCLUDE) TYPE(RPGLE)      /* This source file contains example source code for the RPGIV      /* language for your consideration.      /*      /* These examples are provided "as is" without warranty of      /* any kind. If you choose to use these examples, you do so      /* at your own risk. Further, you agree to hold the author of      /* these examples, the copyright holder, its agents and suppliers      /* harmless for any results from the use or misuse of these      /* enhancements. No warranty is expressed or implied and      /* none is given.      /***************************************************************/**      ** Procedure interface for the get DayOfWeek function      **    Format:  day-of-week = DAYOFWEEK( ISO-DATE )      **    Input: A valid date in *ISO format      **    Return value: -1 if an error occurred      **      **                  1=Sunday, 2=Monday, 3=Tuesday 4=Wednesday      **                  5=Thursday, 6=Friday, 7=Saturday      **      **     See also:  WeekDay — Returns day of week in text format      ** .....D*ame+++++++++++EUDS.......Length+TDc.Functions++++++++++++++++++++++++++++      D DayOfWeek       PR            10I 0      D  InDate                         D   CONST DATFMT(*ISO)      /***************************************************************/      **      ** Procedure interface for the get WeekDay (text) function      **    Format:  day-of-week = WeekDay( ISO-DATE )      **    Input: A valid date in *ISO format      **    Return value: Character string representing the day of      **                  the week:      **                  Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday      **                  Thursday, Friday, Saturday      **      **     See also:  DayOfWeek — Returns day of week as a numeral      **      D WeekDay         PR            10A      D  InDate                         D   CONST DATFMT(*ISO)      /***************************************************************/      **      ** Procedure interface for the RUN function      **    Format:  Runcmd( 'cmd-string' : len of cmd-string : [graphic] )      **    Input: Any system command      **           Length of the system command      **           Optional: Double-byte character support parameter      **      D Runcmd          PR                  ExtPgm('QCMDEXC')      D  cmdstr                     3000A   Const Options(*VarSize)      D  cmdlen                       15P 5 Const      D  cmdDbcs                       3A   Const Options(*NOPASS)      /***************************************************************/      **      ** Procedure interface for the TOUPPER function      **    Format:  upper-case-value = ToUpper( const 'char-string' )      **      **    Input: Character value to be converted      **      **    Output: The upper-case equivalent of the input value .....D*ame+++++++++++EUDS.......Length+TDc.Functions++++++++++++++++++++++++++++      D ToUpper         PR          1024A      D  tu_input                   1024A   CONST      /***************************************************************/      **      ** Procedure interface for the NUMTOCHAR function      **    Format:  character-value = NumToChar( const numeric-value )      **      **    Input: Numeric value to be convert (no decimal positions)      **      **    Output: The return value is the character string form      **      D NumToChar       PI            32A      D  NumInput                     30P 0 CONST 

end figure

Figure D.1: ZINCLUDE prototypes for ZTOOLS (part 1 of 2).

The Modern RPG IV Language
The Modern RPG IV Language
ISBN: 1583470646
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 156
Authors: Robert Cozzi © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: