The Data Table Tag


The h:dataTable tag iterates over data to create an HTML table. Here's how you use it:


 <h:dataTable value='#{items}' var='item'>     <h:column>         <%-- left column components --%>         <h:outputText value='#{item.propertyName}'/>     </h:column>     <h:column>         <%-- next column components --%>         <h:outputText value='#{item.anotherPropertyName}'/>     </h:column>     <%-- add more columns, as desired --%> </h:dataTable> 

The value attribute represents the data over which h:dataTable iterates; that data must be one of the following:

  • an array

  • an instance of java.util.List

  • an instance of java.sql.ResultSet

  • an instance of javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result

  • an instance of javax.faces.model.DataModel

As h:dataTable iterates, it makes each item in the array, list, result set, etc., available within the body of the tag. The name of the item is specified with h:dataTable's var attribute. In the preceding code fragment, each item (item) of a collection (items) is made available in turn as h:dataTable iterates over the collection. You use properties from the current item to populate columns for the current row.

You can also specify any Java object for h:dataTable's value attribute, although the usefulness of doing so is questionable. If that object is a scalar (meaning it's not a collection of some sort), h:dataTable iterates once, making the object available in the body of the tag.

The body of h:dataTable tags can contain only h:column tags; h:dataTable ignores all other component tags. Each column can contain an unlimited number of components in addition to optional header and footer components.

h:dataTable pairs a UIData component with a Table renderer. That combination provides robust table generation that includes support for CSS styles, database access, custom table models, and more. Let's start our h:dataTable exploration with a simple table.

core JavaServer Faces
Core JavaServer Faces
ISBN: 0131463055
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 121 © 2008-2017.
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