7.5 Reasoning about Relative Likelihood

7.5 Reasoning about Relative Likelihood

The language QUn is not appropriate for reasoning about representations of likelihood whose range is not the reals. For example, it is clearly inappropriate for reasoning about plausibility measures, since a formula like i(Φ) = 1/2 does not make sense for an arbitrary plausibility measure; plausibility values may not be real numbers. But even in the case of ranking functions, a formula such as that is not so interesting. Since ranks are nonnegative integers, it is impossible to have i(Φ) = 1/2 if i represents a ranking function.

To reason about ranking functions, it seems more appropriate to consider a variant of QUn that restricts the coefficients in likelihood formulas to *. There is no difficulty in obtaining a complete axiomatization for this language with respect to ranking structures. It is very similar to that for possibility structures, except that QU2 and QU5 needs to be changed to reflect the fact that for ranking structures, 0 and play the same role as 1 and 0 do in possibility structures, and QU7 needs to be modified to use min rather than max. Rather than belaboring the details here, I instead consider a more restricted sublanguage of QUn that is appropriate not just for ranking, but also for reasoning about relative likelihood as discussed in Section 2.7. In this sublanguage, denoted RLn, linear combinations of likelihood terms are not allowed. All that is allowed is the comparison of likelihood between two formulas. That is, RLn is the sublanguage of QUn that is formed by starting with primitive propositions and closing off under conjunction, negation, and restricted likelihood formulas of the form i(Φ)>i(ψ).

RLn can be interpreted in a straightforward way in preferential structures, that is, structures where there is a partial preorder on worlds that can be lifted to an ordering on sets as discussed in Section 2.7. Recall that in Section 2.7 I actually considered two different ways of defining a preorder on sets based on ; one was denoted e and the other s. Thus, there are two possible semantics that can be defined for formulas in RLn, depending on whether e or s is used as the underlying preorder on sets.

Formally, a preferential structure is a tuple M = (W, O1, , On, π), where for each world w W, Oi (w)is a pair (Ww, i, w, i), where Ww, i W and w, i is a partial preorder on ww, i. Let prefn denote the class of all preferential structures for n agents; let totn be the subset of prefn consisting of all total structures, that is, structures where w, i is a total preorder for each world w and agent i. If M is a preferential structure, then

where ew, i is the partial order on 2Ww, i determined by w, i. The superscript e in e is meant to emphasize the fact that is interpreted using e. Another semantics can be obtained using s in the obvious way:

Note that in preferential structures, (M, w) x (i( Φ) = i(false)) exactly if [[ φ]]M Ww, i =, both if x = e and if x = s. This, in turn, is true exactly if Ww, i [[φ]]M. That is, (M, w) x i( Φ) = i(false) if and only if Ww, i [[φ]]M. Thus, i( Φ) = i(false) can be viewed as a way of expressing Kiφ in RLn. From here on, I take Kiφ to be an abbreviation for i( Φ) = i(false) when working in the language RLn.

Let AXRLe consist of the following axioms and inference rules:

  • Prop. All substitution instances of tautologies of propositional logic.

  • RL1. i(Φ) i(Φ).

  • RL2. [(i(Φ1) i(Φ2)) (i(Φ2) i(Φ3))] (i(Φ1) i(Φ3)).

  • RL3. Ki(Φ ψ) (i(ψ) i(Φ)).

  • RL4. [(i(Φ1) i(Φ2)) (i(Φ1) i(Φ3))] (i(Φ1) i(Φ2 φ3)).

  • MP. From φ and φ ψ infer ψ (Modus Ponens).

  • Gen. From φ infer Kiφ (Knowledge Generalization).

In the context of preferential structures, these axioms express the properties of relative likelihood discussed in Section 2.7. In particular, RL1 and RL2 say that e is reflexive and transitive (and thus a preorder), RL3 says that it respects subsets, and RL4 says that it satisfies the finite union property.

Let AXRLTe consist of AXRLe together with the following axiom, which says that e is total:

Finally, let AXRLs and AXRLTs be the result of adding the following axiom, which characterizes the qualitative property, to AXRLe and AXRLTe, respectively.

Note that if (M, w) Ki( (Φ ψ)), then [[φ]]M Ww, i and [[ψ]]M Ww, i are disjoint. Thus, the antecedent in RL5 is really saying that (the intensions of) the formulas φ1, φ2, and φ3 are pairwise disjoint. It should be clear that the rest of the axiom characterizes the qualitative property.

Theorem 7.5.1

start example

For the language RLn:

  1. AXRLe is a sound and complete axiomatization for the e semantics with respect to prefn;

  2. AXRLTe is a sound and complete axiomatization for the e semantics with respect to totn;

  3. AXRLs is a sound and complete axiomatization for the s semantics with respect to prefn;

  4. AXRLTs is a sound and complete axiomatization for the s semantics with respect to totn.

end example

Proof The soundness of these axioms follows almost immediately from Theorems 2.7.1 and 2.7.5, which characterize the properties of e and s semantically. I leave the formal details to the reader (Exercise 7.14). The completeness proof for AXRLs uses Theorem 2.7.6, although the details are beyond the scope of this book. One subtlety is worth noting. Two properties used in Theorem 2.7.6 have no corresponding axiom: the fact that s is conservative and that it is determined by singletons.

What happens if formulas in RLn are interpreted with respect to arbitrary plausibility measures? A plausibility structure has the form (W, 1, n, π), where i is a plausibility assignment; a measurable plausibility structure is one where w,i = 2Ww,i. Let plausn and plaus,measn denote the class of plausibility structures and measurable plausibility structures, respectively. Formulas in RLn are interpreted in measurable plausibility structures in the natural way. (Later I will also talk about plausn, the class of all ranking structures. I omit the obvious definitions here.)

It is easy to see that RL1–3 are sound for arbitrary measurable plausibility structures, since is still a preorder, and Pl3 guarantees RL3. These axioms, together with Prop, Gen, and MP, provide a sound and complete axiomatization for the language RLn with respect to measurable plausibility structures. Let AXordn consist of Prop, RL1–3, MP, and Gen.

Theorem 7.5.2

start example

AXordn is a sound and complete axiomatization with respect to plaus,measn for the language RLn.

end example

Proof Again, soundness is straightforward and completeness is beyond the scope of the book.

Of course, additional axioms arise for particular subclasses of plausibility structures. Interestingly, as far as reasoning about relative likelihood goes, possibility structures and ranking structures are characterized by precisely the same axioms. Moreover, these are the axioms that characterize e in totally preordered relative likelihood, that is, the axiom system AXRLTe. The extra structure of the real numbers (in the case of possibility measures) or * (in the case of ranking functions) plays no role when reasoning about statements of relative likelihood.

Theorem 7.5.3

start example

AXRLTe is a sound and complete axiomatization for the language RLn with respect to rankn and possn.

end example

Proof It is not hard to show that the same formulas in the language RLn are valid in each of rankn, possn, and totn (using the e semantics) (Exercise 7.16). Thus, it follows from Theorem 7.5.1 that AXRLTe is sound and complete with respect to all three classes of structures.

What about measn, probn, beln, and lpn? Clearly all the axioms of AXordn hold in these subclasses. In addition, since the plausibility ordering is total in all these subclasses, RL5 holds as well. (It does not hold in general in plaus,measn, since the domain of plausibility values may be partially ordered.) It is easy to check that none of the other axioms in AXRLTs is sound. However, AXord {RL5} is not a complete axiomatization with respect to measn, probn, beln, or lpn for the language RLn. For example, a formula such as (p)>i( p) is true at a world w in a structure M measn iff μw, i([[p]]M) > 1/2. Thus, the following formula is valid in measn:

However, this formula is not provable in AXRLTs, let alone AXordn {RL5} (Exercise 7.17). This example suggests that it will be difficult to find an elegant collection of axioms that is complete for measn with respect to RLn. Even though this simple language does not have facilities for numeric reasoning, it can still express some non-trivial consequences of numeric properties. Other examples can be used to show that there are formulas valid in probn, beln, and lpn that are not provable in AXRLTs Exercise 7.18). Finding a complete axiomatization for RLn with respect to any of measn, probn, beln and lpn remains an open problem.

Reasoning About Uncertainty
Reasoning about Uncertainty
ISBN: 0262582597
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 140

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