- Web Services
Web-oriented software component methodology that deals with modular, self-contained, self-describing , reusable software components whose public interfaces are described using XML. They are an enabling technology for providing applications with software functionality in a standardized form from within an enterprise or from third-party service providers.
- Web Services Gateway
Application-level firewall for application-to-Web service interactions that go outside the corporate firewall.
- WebEx
A form of Web-based videoconferencing.
- Web Logic
BEA s brand name for its family of Web-oriented products.
- WebSphere
IBM s umbrella brand name for most of its offerings pertaining to the Web, e-business, Java, and Web services.
- Web-to-Host
Technology to integrate pre-Web legacy applications with the Web.
- WS-Coordination
Extensible protocols for coordinating the actions of distributed applications, especially in the context of completing a specific business process.
XML derivative that defines the high-level functionality of a Web service, in terms of its external I/O interface, and describes how that Web service can be accessed over the Web.
Now superseded by BPEL4WS.
A specification for adding GUIs to Web services that is now being amalgamated into WSRP.
- WS-Inspection
Complements UDDI and WSDL and allows Web-services requester to drill down further into the services offered by a provider.
- WS-Policy
Framework to describe and communicate the policies of Web services, including service requirements, preferences, and capabilities.
IBM s proposal for Web services with their own built-in GUIs.
- WS-Security
Enhancement to SOAP to provide message integrity, confidentiality, and authentication.
- WS-Transaction
Works with WS-Coordination to monitor the success or failure of short- or long- term transactions.
- WS-Trust
Builds on top of WS-Security to cater for security token exchange and multidomain credential management.
Web services “centric component model for interactive Web applications that is designed to achieve two main goals: enable businesses to deliver interactive Web applications through multiple distribution channels and enable new services or applications to be created by leveraging other interactive applications across the Web.