Review Questions

[ LiB ]  

'This ECDL Foundation approved courseware product incorporates learning reinforcement exercises. These exercises are included to assist the candidate in their training for the ICDL. The exercises included in this courseware product are not ICDL certification tests and should not be construed in any way as ICDL certification tests. For information about Authorized ICDL Test Centers in different National Territories please refer to the ECDL Foundation website at'

The European Computer Driving Licence Foundation Ltd.

Question 1

You'd most likely use a database application to do the following:

  • A. Track appointments.

  • B. Store important data.

  • C. Type letters .

  • D. Send email.


Answers A and B are correct. A database's main purpose is to store data, but if that data happens to be appointments, you can certainly track them using a database. Answer C is incorrect; use a word processor to type letters. Answer D is incorrect because you can't send email from a database.

Question 2

Which of the following are legitimate database objects?

  • A. Tables

  • B. Mail merge documents

  • C. Queries

  • D. Forms


Answers A, C, and D are correct. Answer B is incorrect. You use a word processor to create mail merge documents.

Question 3

Which is the best definition for a primary key?

  • A. The field on which two tables are related

  • B. The first field in a table

  • C. The table's only AutoNumber field

  • D. The field that uniquely identifies each record in the table.


Answer D is the best answer. Answer A is incorrect because tables can be related on nonkey fields. Answer B is incorrect because a field's position within the table has no bearing on whether it's a primary key. Answer C is incorrect; although primary key fields are often AutoNumber fields, a table can have an AutoNumber field that isn't a primary key.

Question 4

Which data type is the best choice for a field that must accommodate integer values between 0 and 255?

  • A. Byte

  • B. Integer

  • C. Single

  • D. Double


Answer A is correct. Answers B, C, and D are all much larger than necessary.

Question 5

Identify the following as a one-to-many relationship or a one-to-one relationship.

  • A. Customers aren't limited in the number of orders they may have open at any given time.

  • B. Each employee can handle more than one account.

  • C. Each employee can list only one address.

  • D. Each order may contain multiple items.

  • E. Each employee may have multiple appointments for any given day.


Answers A, B, D, and E represent one-to-many relationships. Answer C is the only one-to-one relationship.

Question 6

You want to limit entries to values between 10 and 100, and a data type alone won't get the job done. What else can you do?

  • A. Use validation text to alert the user to the restrictions.

  • B. Set the Validation Rule property to the following expression: >=10 AND <=100 .

  • C. Nothing: you must update incorrect entries as you find them.

  • D. Set the Field Size property to 100.


Answer B is correct. Answer A is incorrect because the Validation Text property simply relays information; it doesn't actually restrict the value. Answer C is incorrect. Answer D is incorrect; that setting isn't valid for a number data type.

Question 7

Identify the ways you can find specific data in a table or form.

  • A. Use the Find command.

  • B. Apply a filter.

  • C. Use the Magnifying tool.

  • D. Run a query.


Answers A, B, and D are all correct. Answer C is incorrect; there isn't any such tool, although you can use a similar type tool to zoom in on data.

Question 8

Where's the best spot for page numbers on a report?

  • A. The detail section

  • B. The report header

  • C. The page footer

  • D. Any group footer


Answer C is the best spot for page numbering in a report because that text is printed on each page. Answer A is incorrect because the detail section would print a page number for each record in the report. Answer B is wrong because the page number would appear only once at the beginning of the report. Answer D is incorrect because a group footer appears at the bottom of each group and could appear several times on one page or not at all.

Question 9

To sort data by the customer name in ascending order, you'd do which of the following?

  • A. With the Customers form or table open, click the Sort Ascending tool.

  • B. Choose Sort Ascending from the Records menu.

  • C. Select the CustomerName field and click the Filter by Selection tool.

  • D. Select the CustomerName field and click the Sort Ascending tool.


Answer D is correct. Answer A is incorrect because you must select the field first. Answer B is incorrect for the same reason and because the Sort Ascending option is not available from the Records menu; you must select Sort first. Answer C is incorrect because the Filter by Selection tool doesn't sort.

Question 10

To print just pages 1 through 10 in a 30-page report, you'd do the following:

  • A. Click the Print tool and then enter 1-10.

  • B. Press Ctrl+P and select the Selected Records option.

  • C. Choose Print from the File menu and then enter 1 and 10 in the From and the To controls, respectively.

  • D. Choose Print from the File menu and then enter 1-10 in the Pages control.


Answer C is correct. Answer A is incorrect because the Print tool prints every page. Answer B is incorrect because there is no Selected Records option when printing a report. Answer D is incorrect because you must enter the beginning and ending pages in different controls.

[ LiB ]  

ICDL Exam Cram 2
ICDL Exam Cram 2
ISBN: 0789730928
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 142 © 2008-2017.
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