Using ATL Server Web Services

In this section you ll learn how to use ATL Server to create Web services. You ll begin by looking at the architecture of an ATL Server Web service and then see how a Web service request hooks into the ATL Server architecture.

Next , you ll investigate the SAX XML parser used to parse the XML of the incoming SOAP requests /responses. You ll move on to implement ATL Server Web services using attributes. You ll then see how common types are supported by ATL Server.

ATL Server Web Service Architecture

From ATL Server s point of view, a Web service is simply another request handler. The SOAP details are handled in the implementation of the request handler itself, which in turn dispatches to the user code once the XML has been marshaled to C++ types and marshals the returned C++ types back into XML for the response. Because the Web service is just another request handler, it can take advantage of all the services that a regular request handler can. It has access to all services that live in the ISAPI extension, and it can provide its own services as well. Figure 10-1 illustrates the lifetime of a typical request.

click to expand
Figure 10-1. Application architecture for an ATL Server SOAP application


SOAP is based on XML, and the XML must be parsed somehow. ATL Server uses SAX to parse XML. The primary reasons SAX was chosen are performance and scalability. SAX is considerably faster than MSXML DOM for parsing, and it s considerably more lightweight as well ”SAX uses significantly less memory and significantly fewer allocations than MSXML DOM.

Implementing Web Services

In the following sections you ll explore the various aspects of implementing ATL Server Web services. First, we cover the Visual C++ attributes that are provided by ATL Server for Web services. Then we cover the various types supported by ATL Server and how they map to XSD. We also describe how user-defined types, such as structs and enums, can be used with ATL Server. Finally, we cover how to use arrays in the Web service.

ATL Server Web Service Attributes

Just as ATL Server provides attributes to simplify the task of creating Web applications, it provides attributes to simplify the task of creating Web services. One important difference, however, is that while it s possible to create Web applications without the use of the request_handler and tag_name attributes, ATL Server Web services require the use of attributes. (Technically, it s possible to create Web services without attributes, because it s always possible to view the injected code; however, this won t be portable to future versions of ATL Server.)

ATL Server provides the following attributes for creating Web services: soap_handler , soap_header , and soap_method . Also, the sdl parameter of the request_handler attribute applies only when it s used in conjunction with the soap_handler attribute.


The soap_handler attribute applies to classes, and it designates that the class will handle SOAP requests. This ensures that the code to handle the marshaling of the XML gets injected by the attribute provider. Additionally, a different base class will be injected from the one that s normally injected by the request_handler attribute. The soap_handler attribute can appear only once per class.

The soap_handler attribute has five parameters: name , namespace , protocol , style , and use .

  • name : This is the user-provided name for the Web service. This name appears in the WSDL as the name of the Web service and is used by sproxy.exe in generating the Web service proxy class. If this parameter isn t specified, the name of the class is used.

  • namespace : This parameter is the user-provided namespace for the Web service, the XML namespace to which all user-defined types and methods will belong. It s the namespace that will be used to validate incoming SOAP messages. If this parameter isn t specified, the XML namespace will be based upon the name of the class. For example, if the class name is CMyWebService , the namespace will be urn:CMyWebService . Developers should choose a specific, unique namespace that properly distinguishes their Web service.

  • protocol : This is a reserved parameter in the version of ATL Server that ships as part of Visual Studio .NET. The only permissible value is soap . In the future, other Web service protocols or extended SOAP protocols may be supported.

  • style : This is the SOAP style to be used for the format of the SOAP messages. The permissible values are rpc and document ; rpc is the default value. This parameter describes whether the SOAP messages are intended as remote procedure calls or XML documents.

  • use : This is the SOAP use for the SOAP messages. The permissible values are encoded and literal ; encoded is the default value. The use parameter indicates whether the SOAP messages are to be encoded using SOAP section 5 encoding rules, or whether they re describing the concrete XML schema of the message.

In the version of ATL Server that ships with Visual Studio .NET, the only permissible style/use combinations are rpc / encoded and document / literal .


When you use document/literal , multidimensional arrays aren t supported as SOAP headers or as parameters on a method exposed via SOAP.

When the soap_handler attribute is used in conjunction with the request_handler attribute, its sdl parameter may be used to specify the handler name used to retrieve the WSDL for the Web service. If the handler name isn t specified, it defaults to a value based on the class name. For example, if the class name is CMyWebService , the sdl parameter defaults to GenCMyWebServiceWSDL .


The soap_method attribute applies to methods, and it designates that the method on which it appears will be exposed via SOAP. The soap_method attribute can appear only once per method.

The soap_method attribute has one parameter: name .

  • name : This parameter is the user-specified name for the exposed method. This is the name that will be used in the WSDL and that clients will need to use when invoking the Web service. If this parameter isn t specified, the name of the method will be used.


The method on which this attribute is placed must be an implementation of an interface method defined in an embedded IDL interface; otherwise , it will result in a compiler error. The reason for this is that unless the method is an interface method, the ATL Server framework can t determine which parameters are in parameters, which are out parameters, and if a return value is specified.


The soap_header attribute applies to methods, and it indicates that the method on which it appears will have the specified SOAP header in its SOAP message. Headers must be member variables . The soap_header attribute is optional and may appear one or more times per method. The soap_header attribute may appear only on methods that also have the soap_method attribute, although the soap_method attribute doesn t require the soap_header attribute.

The soap_header attribute has four parameters: value , required , in , and out .

  • value : This is the name of the member variable that s being sent or received as a header. Variable size arrays may not be used as SOAP headers. The user must specify this parameter. There s no default value.

  • required : This is a boolean parameter that indicates whether the specified header is optional or not. The default value for this parameter is false . If this parameter is set to true , the header will be sent as a SOAP mustUnderstand header, and the WSDL will indicate that the client should send the header as a mustUnderstand header. If a required header isn t received, ATL Server will return a SOAP fault.

  • in : This is a boolean parameter that indicates whether the specified header is expected as part of a request. The default value is true .

  • out : This is a boolean parameter that indicates whether the specified header should be sent as part of the response of the method. The default value is true .


When a soap_header attribute appears on a method, each instance must have a unique value parameter. That is, the same header can t appear as more than one SOAP header for a particular method.


In this section you ll look at the types supported by the ATL Server implementation of Web services. You ll see how C++ data types are mapped to XSD data types.

ATL Server supports all native C++ data types. It also defines a special type, ATLSOAP_BLOB , that s used to send binary data over SOAP. Table 10-1 shows the native types that are supported, along with their corresponding XSD data type mappings.

Table 10-1. ATL Server Data Types









unsigned char


unsigned _int8






unsigned short












unsigned int




unsigned long














ATL Server currently has no way to represent XSD types not listed in Table 10-1. You may use typedef s in place of direct references to native types. You must take care to ensure that the typedef s have the expected results. For example, in Visual C++ .NET, BSTR is the only type that ATL Server will map to string. If another string type is used, for example LPCSTR , it will be mapped to const char * , which ATL Server will attempt to map to an array of bytes, which isn t an efficient way to represent strings in SOAP. ATL Server will treat all pointer types as arrays. In these cases, the user is required to specify the size of the array by using the size_is attribute. The upcoming section on arrays describes arrays in detail.

ATL Server supports user-defined structs and enums, which we describe in detail in later sections of this chapter. ATL Server doesn t support unions in Visual C++ .NET. ATL Server doesn t support templatized types or template instantiations as SOAP types .


ATL Server supports arrays in two forms: fixed-size arrays and variable- sized arrays. The arrays can contain any primitive or user-defined type that s supported by ATL Server. Fixed-size arrays are arrays of the form

 int arr[5];  BSTR arr[2][3]; 

Variable-sized arrays are of the form

 int *arr; 

When you use variable-sized arrays, you must specify the size of the array with the size_is attribute. This is required to ensure that the array is marshaled correctly and safely. The size_is attribute references a parameter or struct field that specifies the size of the array. When the array is an in -only parameter, the size_is attribute is optional. If it appears for in -only parameters, the parameter specified in the size_is attribute will contain the number of array elements sent by client. The parameter referenced by the size_is attribute must have the same in and out attributes as the array to which it is applied. So a size_is parameter for an out array must also be an out parameter, a size_is parameter for an in array must also be an in parameter, and a size_is parameter for an in / out array must also be an in / out parameter. Listing 10-3 shows an example of this.

Listing 10.3: Sample Web Service Using Variable-Sized Arrays
start example
 [ uuid("643cd054-24b0-4f34-b4a1-642519836fe8"), object ]  __interface IRetArray  {    [id(1)] HRESULT retArray([out] int *nSize,  [out, retval,  size_is(*nSize)] int **arrOut);  };  [    request_handler(name="Default", sdl="retArraySDL"),    soap_handler(name="RetArray",    namespace="http://retArray ",    protocol="soap")  ]  class CRetArray : public IRetArray  {  public:    [ soap_method ]    HRESULT retArray(int *nSize, int **arrOut)    {      *nMax = 10;      *arrOut = (int *)GetMemMgr()->Allocate(*nMax*sizeof(int));      for (int i=0; i<*nMax; i++)        (*arrOut)[i] = i;      return S_OK;    }  }; 
end example

The size_is attribute appears in the IDL definition on the arrOut parameter and references the nSize parameter (we explain the call to GetMemMgr()- > Allocate in detail in the section Memory Management).

ATL Server doesn t support variable-length arrays of more than one dimension.

Fixed-size arrays don t require a size_is attribute, because the size of the array is part of its type. Fixed-size may also be multidimensional. Listing 10-4 shows an example of a Web service that uses multidimensional arrays.

Listing 10.4: Sample Web Service Using Multidimensional Arrays
start example
 [ uuid("643cd054-24b0-4f34-b4a1-642519836fe8"), object ]  __interface IRetArray  {  [id(1)] HRESULT retArray([out] int arrOut[3][3]);  };  [    request_handler(name="Default", sdl="retArraySDL"),    soap_handler(name="RetArray",    namespace="http://retArray ",    protocol="soap")  ]  class CRetArray : public IRetArray  {  public:    [ soap_method ]    HRESULT retArray(int arrOut[3][3])    {      for (int i=0; i<3; i++)     {        for (int j=0; j<3; j++)        {          arrOut[i][j] = i*3+j;        }      }    return S_OK;    }  }; 
end example

ATL Server supports user-defined structs. For most common structs, simply define and use the struct as you normally would. Listing 10-5 shows a sample Web service that uses structs.

Listing 10.5: Sample Web Service Using Structs
start example
 [ export ]  struct MyStruct  {    BSTR strValue;    int nValue;  };  // IStructService - Web service interface declaration  //  [    uuid("4EA08537-12F7-4DC7-ABE5-483CFE0F4FE0"),    object  ]  __interface IStructService  {    [id(1)] HRESULT StructTest([in] MyStruct tIn, [out, retval] MyStruct *tOut);  };  // StructService - Web service implementation  //  [    request_handler(name="Default", sdl="GenStructWSDL"),    soap_handler(name="StructService",      namespace="urn:StructService",      protocol="soap")  ]  class CStructService :    public IStructService  {  public:    [ soap_method ]    HRESULT StructTest(/*[in]*/ MyStruct tIn, /*[out, retval]*/ MyStruct *tOut)    {      tOut->strValue = SysAllocString(tIn.strValue);      tOut->nValue = tIn.nValue;      return S_OK;    }  }; // class CStructService 
end example

The export attribute is only necessary if you plan for your Web service to also be used as a COM object. If you don t plan on using your Web service as a COM object, it s completely harmless to leave it on your struct definition.

Structs can contain fields of nearly any type, including nested struct and enum fields. They can also contain array fields. You can use fixed-size arrays just as you would normally. When you use variable-length arrays, however, you must specify the array size, just as you do when you use a variable-length array as a parameter. Listing 10-6 shows a sample Web service that uses a struct that contains a variable-sized array.

Listing 10.6: Sample Web Service Using a Struct That Contains a Variable-Sized Array
start example
 [ export ]  struct MyStruct  {    [size_is(nSize)] int *arr;    int nSize;  };  // IStructService - Web service interface declaration  //  [    uuid("4EA08537-12F7-4DC7-ABE5-483CFE0F4FE0"),    object  ]  __interface IStructService  {    [id(1)] HRESULT StructTest([in] MyStruct tIn, [out, retval] MyStruct *tOut);  };  // StructService - Web service implementation  //  [    request_handler(name="Default", sdl="GenStructWSDL"),    soap_handler(name="StructService",      namespace="urn:StructService",      protocol="soap")  ]  class CStructService :    public IStructService  {  public:    [ soap_method ]    HRESULT StructTest(/*[in]*/ MyStruct tIn, /*[out, retval]*/ MyStruct *tOut)    {      // set the size of the array      // tIn.nSize will contain the number of array elements marshaled      tOut->nSize = tIn.nSize;      tOut->arr =  reinterpret_cast<int *>(GetMemMgr()->Allocate(tIn.nSize*sizeof(int)));      if (!tOut->arr)      {        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;      }      for (int i=0; i<tIn.nSize; i++)      {        tOut->arr[i] = tIn.arr[i];      }      return S_OK;    }  }  ; // class CStructService 
end example

Note that tIn.nSize will contain the number of array elements marshaled in, independent of the value that s sent in the client request. Thus, a malicious user can t spoof the number of array elements, which could otherwise result in walking past the end of an array. The nSize field of tOut will tell the ATL Server framework how many array elements to marshal back to the user.


ATL Server supports enums. You can use enums in ATL Server exactly as you would normally. Listing 10-7 shows a sample Web service that uses enums.

Listing 10.7: Sample Web Service Using Enums
start example
 [ export ]  enum MyEnum { Value1, Value2, Value3, Value4 };  // IEnumService - Web service interface declaration  //  [    uuid("A745E7CB-AD49-41EB-B36C-D533B812EC64"),    object  ]  __interface IEnumService  {    [id(1)] HRESULT TestEnum([in] MyEnum eIn, [out, retval] MyEnum *eOut);  };  // EnumService - Web service implementation  //  [    request_handler(name="Default", sdl="GenEnumWSDL"),    soap_handler(name="EnumService",      namespace="urn:EnumService",      protocol="soap")  ]  class CEnumService :    public IEnumService  {  public:    [ soap_method ]    HRESULT TestEnum(/*[in]*/ MyEnum eIn, /*[out, retval]*/ MyEnum *eOut)    {      if (eIn == Value4)      {        *eOut = Value1;      }      else      {        *eOut = (MyEnum)(eIn+1);      }      return S_OK;    }  }; // class CEnumService 
end example

Again, the export attribute on the enum declaration is only necessary when you plan for your Web service to also be used as a COM object. If you don t plan on using your Web service as a COM object, it s completely harmless to leave it on your enum definition.

BLOB Types

ATL Server supports BLOBs through the framework-defined ATLSOAP_BLOB struct. The definition of ATLSOAP_BLOB is as follows :

 [ export ]  typedef struct _tagATLSOAP_BLOB  {    unsigned long size;    unsigned char *data;  } ATLSOAP_BLOB; 

The data field is the raw bytes contained in the BLOB, and the size field indicates the number of bytes in the data field. The ATLSOAP_BLOB type maps to the XSD base64Binary type, hence the data is base64-encoded before being put on the wire. The memory for the data field is allocated in the same way arrays are allocated. Listing 10-8 shows a sample Web service using the ATLSOAP_BLOB type.

Listing 10.8: Sample Web Service Using ATLSOAP_BLOB
start example
 [    uuid("41AF710A-EC7B-4FD5-B1C4-CBB58406AEF8"),    object  ]  __interface IBlobService  {    [id(1)] HRESULT BlobTest([in] ATLSOAP_BLOB blobIn,  [out, retval] ATLSOAP_BLOB *blobOut);  };  // BlobService - Web service implementation  //  [    request_handler(name="Default", sdl="GenBlobWSDL"),    soap_handler(name="BlobService",      namespace="urn:BlobService",      protocol="soap")  ]  class CBlobService :    public IBlobService  {  public:    [ soap_method ]    HRESULT BlobTest(/*[in]*/ ATLSOAP_BLOB blobIn,  /*[out, retval]*/ ATLSOAP_BLOB *blobOut)    {      blobOut->size = blobIn.size;      blobOut->data =  reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(GetMemMgr()->Allocate(blobIn.size));      memcpy(blobOut->data,, blobIn.size);      return S_OK;    }  }; // class CBlobService 
end example

When sending binary data, you need to use the ATLSOAP_BLOB struct; otherwise, ATL Server won t treat the data as binary and won t perform the proper encodings to ensure correct transport.

Restricted Types

The only type restriction that ATL Server has is the use of variable-length multidimensional arrays. For example, the code in Listing 10-9 will result in a compiler error.

Listing 10.9: Illegal Input Header
start example
 [    uuid("23E070EF-C8B5-4A0F-A299-FB50ABD6CD03"),    object  ]  __interface IRestrictedTypesService  {    [id(1)] HRESULT Illegal([in] BSTR **arrInput);  };   [    request_handler(name="Default", sdl="GenRestrictedTypesWSDL"),    soap_handler(name="RestrictedTypesService",      namespace="urn:RestrictedTypesService",      protocol="soap")  ]  class CRestrictedTypesService :    public IRestrictedTypesService  {  public:    [ soap_method ]    HRESULT Illegal(/*[in]*/ BSTR **arrInput)    {      arrInput;      return S_OK;    }  }; // class CRestrictedTypesService 
end example

Listing 10-9 will result in the following compiler error message:

 error C2338: soap_method          Atl Attribute Provider : error ATL2213: "arrInput" parameter of method  "Illegal" has too many indirections. In parameters cannot have more than 1  indirection. 

Variable-length multidimensional arrays aren t allowed as in parameters, out parameters, struct fields, or SOAP headers. The restriction is due to implementation details relating to memory management.

SOAP Headers

In this section you ll look at how SOAP headers are defined and used. As described earlier, SOAP headers are defined using the soap_header attribute. SOAP headers designate member variables of the class to be sent or received as SOAP headers on a per-method basis. Listing 10-10 shows a sample Web service that uses SOAP headers.

Listing 10.10: Sample Web Service Using SOAP Headers
start example
 [    uuid("E8F59246-F4CB-4B8D-8F09-1F8C79F5A825"),    object  ]  __interface IHeader1Service  {    [id(1)] HRESULT HeaderMethod([out, retval] BSTR *ReturnValue);  };   [    request_handler(name="Default", sdl="GenHeader1WSDL"),    soap_handler(name="Header1Service",      namespace="urn:Header1Service",      protocol="soap")  ]  class CHeader1Service :    public IHeader1Service  {  public:    BSTR HeaderValue;    [ soap_method ]    [ soap_header(value="HeaderValue", required=false, in=true, out=false) ]    HRESULT HeaderMethod(/*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *ReturnValue)    {      if (HeaderValue != NULL)      {        *ReturnValue = SysAllocString(HeaderValue);      }      else      {        *ReturnValue = NULL;      }      return S_OK;    }  }; // class CHeader1Service 
end example

In Listing 10-10, the HeaderMethod SOAP method declares that the HeaderValue member variable be used as a SOAP header for the method. The soap_header attribute s parameters declare that the header isn t a required header, which means that its absence won t result in an error; that the header is an in header, which means it s expected as part of the SOAP request packet; and that the header isn t an out header, which means that it won t be sent back to the client as part of the SOAP response packet. If the required parameter to the soap_header attribute is set to true , the header must be present if it s an in header. If the header isn t present, the ATL Server framework will return an error to the client. Required headers also impact the WSDL that s generated for the Web service by making the header a mustUnderstand header. Any mustUnderstand headers must be recognized by the SOAP processor; if they aren t, they re required to return an error.

SOAP headers must be public member variables. If a private or protected member variable is used, it will result in a compiler error. Again, this is due to implementation details of the ATL Server framework. In future versions, protected or private members might be permitted.

Any type that s supported by ATL Server may be used as a SOAP header, with the exception of variable-length arrays. ATL Server has no way to retrieve marshaling information about the size of the arrays as it can with the size_is attribute in IDL interface and struct definitions, hence it can t marshal and clean up the array. You may still use variable-length arrays inside of structs that are used as SOAP headers, however ”you just can t use them directly as SOAP headers.

SOAP headers are automatically cleaned up by the ATL Server framework; however, users must initialize the values themselves , as they would with any other member variable. If custom cleanup is required for a SOAP header, users should override the CleanupHeaders function in their soap_handler class (see Chapter 19 for more details on custom handling).

SOAP Faults

In this section you ll look at how ATL Server handles SOAP faults. SOAP faults are the way Web services convey error and status information to a client. A SOAP fault is a special type of message, and it defines four subelements (see section 4.4 of the SOAP 1.1 specification): faultcode , faultstring , faultactor , and detail .

  • faultcode : The faultcode element is intended to provide an algorithmic mechanism for identifying the fault. SOAP defines four default fault codes:

    • VersionMismatch means the SOAP processor found an invalid namespace for the SOAP envelope element.

    • MustUnderstand means that the SOAP processor encountered a header marked as mustUnderstand , which it didn t recognize.

    • Client means the client request is incorrect.

    • Server means that the error occurred on the server, rather than for some reason relating to the client request.

  • faultstring : The faultstring element is intended to provide a human-readable description of the error.

  • faultactor : The faultactor element is intended to provide information about who caused the fault within a message path .

  • detail : The detail element is intended to provide application-specific error information.

ATL Server represents SOAP faults through the CSoapFault class, which has member variables to represent each of the preceding subelements. We describe how to retrieve fault information from the client later in the ATL Server Web Service Client section. For now, we ll explain how to return custom SOAP faults from the Web service.

ATL Server will automatically return faults for errors that occur while marshaling the SOAP request. This includes VersionMismatch, MustUnderstand, Server, and Client faults. Users can return custom SOAP faults by calling the SoapFault() function. Listing 10-11 shows a sample Web service that returns a custom SOAP fault.

Listing 10.11: Sample Web Service Using a Custom SOAP Fault
start example
 [    uuid("31F30250-D5BB-4022-B6E2-CEA65EC7B06D"),    object  ]  __interface IFault1Service  {    [id(1)] HRESULT FaultTest([in] BSTR bstrInput);  };   [    request_handler(name="Default", sdl="GenFault1WSDL"),    soap_handler(name="Fault1Service",      namespace="urn:Fault1Service",      protocol="soap")  ]  class CFault1Service :    public IFault1Service  {  private:    bool IsInvalidArg(BSTR bstrInput)    {      bstrInput;      return true;    }  public:    [ soap_method ]    HRESULT FaultTest(/*[in]*/ BSTR bstrInput)    {      if (IsInvalidArg(bstrInput))      {        SoapFault(SOAP_E_CLIENT, L"Invalid Argument", sizeof("Invalid Argument")-1);        return E_INVALIDARG;      }      return S_OK;    }  }; // class CFault1Service 
end example

In Listing 10-11, the FaultTest method checks the input to ensure it s a valid value; if it isn t, it returns a SOAP fault with a custom error message. Additionally, ATL Server will attempt to find an appropriate error message for an HRESULT error using the FormatMessage API. In Listing 10-11, FaultTest could have also returned E_INVALIDARG , and ATL Server would have loaded the appropriate error message using FormatMessage .

Users can also use the CSoapFault class directly by filling in the fields that represent the subelements and then calling the GenerateFault method with a class derived from IWriteStream . Listing 10-12 shows a sample Web service that uses the GenerateFault method to return a custom SOAP fault.

Listing 10.12: Sample Web Service Using the GenerateFault Method to Return a SOAP Fault
start example
 [    uuid("2E55C132-0E5A-4EE9-9CAA-0B4824738D6B"),    object  ]  __interface IFault2Service  {    [id(1)] HRESULT FaultTest([in] BSTR bstrInput);  };   [    request_handler(name="Default", sdl="GenFault2WSDL"),    soap_handler(name="Fault2Service",      namespace="urn:Fault2Service",      protocol="soap")  ]  class CFault2Service :    public IFault2Service  {  private:    bool IsInvalidArg(BSTR bstrInput)    {      bstrInput;      return true;    }  public:    [ soap_method ]    HRESULT FaultTest(/*[in]*/ BSTR bstrInput)    {      if (IsInvalidArg(bstrInput))      {        CSoapFault fault;        fault.m_soapErrCode = SOAP_E_CLIENT;        fault.m_strDetail = L"Invalid Argument";        fault.GenerateFault(m_pHttpResponse);        return E_INVALIDARG;      }      return S_OK;    }  }; // class CFault2Service 
end example

Memory Management

In this section you ll look at how memory is managed in an ATL Server Web service. In general, users will never have to free memory themselves, provided they allocate the memory in the way required by the ATL Server framework.

ATL Server follows COM rules with respect to memory allocation: out parameters must be NULL or must be able to be deallocated. For in / out parameters, users should free the memory before assigning into it; otherwise, the same rules as for out parameters apply. There are three cases when users will have to manage memory: when dealing with strings, when dealing with variable-length arrays, and when dealing with ATLSOAP_BLOB s.

When dealing with strings (BSTRs), you should allocate memory using SysAllocString* and free memory with SysFreeString . In other words, you allocate and free memory in the same way you would normally when dealing with BSTRs.

For variable-length arrays and ATLSOAP_BLOB s, you should allocate memory as explained in Types section previously, using the IAtlMemMgr interface that s returned from the GetMemMgr() method. The IAtlMemMgr interface is defined as follows:

 __interface __declspec(uuid("654F7EF5-CFDF-4df9-A450-6C6A13C622C0")) IAtlMemMgr  {  public:    void* Allocate(size_t nBytes) throw();    void Free(void* p) throw();    void* Reallocate(void* p, size_t nBytes) throw();    size_t GetSize(void* p) throw();  }; 

By default, ATL Server uses a per-thread heap for its allocations. Users can provide their own IAtlMemMgr using the SetMemMgr method. After calling SetMemMgr , ATL Server will use the passed-in IAtlMemMgr for all its allocations, and it will also be returned from the GetMemMgr() method. Users should set a different memory manager when they are using asynchronous Web services (see Chapter 19 for more details).

The ATL Server framework will automatically handle the cleanup of memory after the processing of a Web service request. ATL Server Web service clients, however, will have to manage the memory after a Web service proxy method invocation themselves. We describe this process further in the next section.

ATL Server Web Service Clients

In this section you ll look at ATL Server Web service clients in more detail. You ll examine how they differ from ATL Server Web services and how they re similar. First, you ll look at the type support in ATL Server Web service clients.


Table 10-2 shows how the ATL Server Web service proxy class generated by sproxy.exe maps XSD types to C++ data types.

Table 10-2. XML Data Type to C++ Data Type Mapping








unsigned char




unsigned short




unsigned int










unsigned __int64


unsigned __int64


unsigned __int64





























































The mapping is the reverse of the mapping from C++ types to XSD types on the Web service side. Types that aren t directly supported, such as normalizedString , are represented as strings (BSTRs).

User-defined types, such as structs and enums, are also extracted from the XSD and appropriate definitions are emitted by sproxy.exe. When sproxy.exe emits the definition for a function that has a variable-length array as input or output, or when it encounters a struct that has a variable-length array field, it will emit a parameter or field that s used as the size_is for that array. The name of the parameter or field will be of the form __[ parameter or field name ]_nSizeIs . For in parameters, users are required to pass in the number of elements in the array so that the ATL Server framework knows how many elements to marshal. For out parameters, ATL Server will fill in this value with the number of elements that were marshaled. The size_is parameter/field will appear directly after the array parameter/field to which it applies in the function/struct definition. We present examples of this in the next section.

Memory Management

In this section you ll examine memory management in ATL Server Web service clients. Unlike ATL Server Web services, where ATL Server controls the full lifetime of the request and hence the data for the request, ATL Server controls neither the lifetime of the input parameter nor the output parameters on the client side. Users must manage much of the memory on the client side themselves; however, ATL Server provides several helper functions to make the job easier.

Strings on the client are managed just as they are on the server (i.e., using the SysAllocString* and SysFreeString functions). CComBSTR or _bstr_t can be used to simplify the task.

Arrays are allocated as they are on the server (i.e., using the proxy class s GetMemMgr() method to get the IAtlMemMgr interface and then invoking the Allocate() method to allocate the memory). Arrays can then be freed using IAtlMemMgr s Free() method function provided by ATL Server. Listing 10-13 shows how array memory should be managed on the client.

Listing 10.13: Managing Array Memory on the Client
start example
 CWebServiceProxy proxy;  int *pArrInput = proxy.GetMemMgr()->Allocate(10*sizeof(int));  for (int i=0; i<10; i++)  {    pArrInput[i] = i;  }  int *pArrOutput;  int nSize = 0;  HRESULT hr = proxy.EchoArray(pArrInput, 10, &pArrOutput, &nSize);  if (SUCCEEDED(hr))  {    proxy.GetMemMgr()->Free(pArrOutput);  }  proxy.GetMemMgr()->Free(pArrInput); 
end example

Note the use of the size_is fields in Listing 10-13. The 10 represents the number of elements in the input array to marshal, and the nSize parameter is used to return the number of elements marshaled by the framework.

Structs can be cleaned up using the AtlCleanupValueEx template function. This function ensures that all struct fields, including strings, arrays, and nested structs, are cleaned up properly. Listing 10-14 shows how to manage struct memory on the client.

Listing 10.14: Managing Struct Memory on the Client
start example
 CWebServiceProxy proxy;  WebServiceStruct wsStruct;  wsStruct.s = SysAllocString(L"string");  wsStruct.arr = proxy.GetMemMgr()->Allocate(10*sizeof(int));  wsStruct.__arr_nSizeIs = 10;  for (int i=0; i<10; i++)  {    wsStruct.arr[i] = i;  }  WebServiceStruct wsStructOut;  HRESULT hr = proxy.EchoStruct(wsStruct, &wsStructOut);  if (SUCCEEDED(hr))  {    AtlCleanupValueEx(&wsStructOut, proxy.GetMemMgr());  }  AtlCleanupValueEx(&wsStruct, proxy.GetMemMgr()); 
end example

Note the use of the size_is field for the preceding struct. This is used for the same marshaling purposes as in the previous array example.

Cleanup of arrays of structs can also be simplified using the AtlCleanupArrayEx or AtlCleanupArrayMDEx template function. The latter function handles cleanup of multidimensional arrays. Listing 10-15 shows how to manage the memory of arrays of structs on the client.

Listing 10.15: Cleaning Up Arrays of Structs
start example
 CWebServiceProxy proxy;  WebServiceStruct *pArrInput =  proxy.GetMemMgr()->Allocate(10*sizeof(WebServiceStruct));  for (int i=0; i<10; i++)  {    pArrInput[i].s = SysAllocString(L"String");    pArrInput[i].arr = proxy.GetMemMgr()->Allocate(10*sizeof(int));    for (int j=0; j<10; j++)    {      pArrInput[i].arr[j] = j;    }  pArrInput[i].__arr_nSizeIs = 10;  }  WebServiceStruct *pArrOutput;  int nSize = 0;  HRESULT hr = proxy.EchoStructArray(pArrInput, 10, &pArrOutput, &nSize);  if (SUCCEEDED(hr))  {    AtlCleanupArrayEx(pArrOutput, nSize, proxy.GetMemMgr());    proxy.GetMemMgr()->Free(pArrOutput);  }  AtlCleanupArrayEx(pArrOutput, 10, proxy.GetMemMgr());  proxy.GetMemMgr()->Free(pArrInput); 
end example

Users must still free the top-level array manually.

Multidimensional arrays can be cleaned up using the AtlCleanupArrayMDEx template function. The only difference between this function and the AtlCleanupArrayEx function is that instead of taking a count of the elements, it takes an array containing information about the dimensions of the array. For example:

 WebServiceStruct arrInput[2][3];  // Web service calls  int arrInputSize[] = {2, 2, 3};  AtlCleanpuArrayMDEx(&arrInput, arrInputSize, proxy.GetMemMgr()); 

The arrInputSize array indicates that this is a two-dimensional array (first element). The remaining elements describe each dimension s size.

Error Handling

In this section you ll look at how errors are reported and handled in ATL Server Web service clients.

When a SOAP request fails, the proxy class will set an error state that can be retrieved using the GetClientError() function. This function returns a SOAPCLIENT_ERROR enum value that describes the type of error. The enum is defined as follows:

 // client error states  enum SOAPCLIENT_ERROR  {    SOAPCLIENT_SUCCESS=0,           // everything succeeded    SOAPCLIENT_INITIALIZE_ERROR,    // initialization failed  most                                    // likely an MSXML installation                                    // problem    SOAPCLIENT_OUTOFMEMORY,         // out of memory    SOAPCLIENT_GENERATE_ERROR,      // failed in generating the response    SOAPCLIENT_CONNECT_ERROR,       // failed connecting to server    SOAPCLIENT_SEND_ERROR,          // failed in sending message    SOAPCLIENT_SERVER_ERROR,        // server error    SOAPCLIENT_SOAPFAULT,           // a SOAP Fault was returned by the server    SOAPCLIENT_PARSEFAULT_ERROR,    // failed in parsing SOAP fault    SOAPCLIENT_READ_ERROR,          // failed in reading response    SOAPCLIENT_PARSE_ERROR          // failed in parsing response  }; 

The errors are essentially as described in the comments next to the enum values. The most relevant error is probably the SOAPCLIENT_SOAPFAULT error. The SOAPCLIENT_SOAPFAULT error is returned when the Web service being invoked returns a SOAP fault. Information about the SOAP fault can be retrieved using the proxy class s m_fault member variable, which is a CSoapFault . The same fields that we described in the earlier section on SOAP faults will be filled in according to the information returned by the Web service. Listing 10-16 shows how to retrieve error information from the proxy class.

Listing 10.16: Using SOAP Fault Information on the Client
start example
 HRESULT hr = proxy.WebMethod();  if (FAILED(hr))  {    SOAPCLIENT_ERROR soapErr = proxy.GetClientError();    switch(soapErr)    {      case SOAPCLIENT_INITIALIZE_ERROR :        printf("initialization failed: check MSXML installation\n");        break;      case SOAPCLIENT_OUTOFMEMORY :        printf("out of memory\n");        break;      case SOAPCLIENT_GENERATE_ERROR :        printf("failed while generating request\n");        break;      case SOAPCLIENT_CONNECT_ERROR :        printf("failed to connect to server\n");        break;      case SOAPCLIENT_SEND_ERROR :        printf("failed while sending SOAP request\n");        break;      case SOAPCLIENT_SERVER_ERROR :        printf("server error : %d\n", proxy.GetStatusCode());        break;      case SOAPCLIENT_PARSEFAULT_ERROR :        printf("failed in parsing fault\n");        break;      case SOAPCLIENT_READ_ERROR :        printf("failed while reading response\n");        break;      case SOAPCLIENT_PARSE_ERROR :        printf("failed while parsing response\n");        break;      case SOAPCLIENT_SOAPFAULT :        printf("SOAP Fault:\n"                  "fault code : %ws\n"                  "fault string : %ws\n"                  "fault detail : %ws\n",                  proxy.m_fault.m_strFaultCode,                  proxy.m_fault.m_strFaultString,                  proxy.m_fault.m_strDetail);        break;      default:        printf("unknown error\n");    }  } 
end example

Note the use of the proxy class s GetStatusCode method. This method retrieves the HTTP code that is returned by the server.

ATL Server. High Performance C++ on. NET
Observing the User Experience: A Practitioners Guide to User Research
ISBN: B006Z372QQ
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 181 © 2008-2017.
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