

PA, see Process area
Pareto chart, 235, 237
PAT, see Process Action Team
p-chart, 243
PCs, see Personal computers
Peer Review, 71, 72, 73, 220
data, collection of, 92
process, 59
People focus, 12
People, roles, and responsibilities, 161171
conducting meetings, 169
Engineering Process Group , 162166
EPG and PAT member qualifications, 168169
Process Action Teams , 166168
process improvement champions , sponsors, and groups, 161162
Quality Assurance and EPG, 169170
training for PI members , 168
Performance- related measurements, 91
Periodic reviews, 80
Personal computers (PCs), 37, 74
PI, see Process Improvement
PIG, see Process Improvement Group
PIID, see PII Description
PII Description (PIID), 138, 139
PIIs, see Practice Implementation Indicators
Pilot projects, checklists for, 375381
evaluation of pilot effectiveness, 378381
conduct, 379
design, 379
evaluation, 380
implement, 380381
set up, 378379
planning and conducting pilots, 377378
conduct, 377
design, 377
evaluate, 378
implement, 378
set up, 377
Action, 152, 182
PAT efforts and, 187
production of, 184
template, 186
Communication, 182, 184, 186
definition of, 176
implementation/operations, 152, 182, 183, 185
measurement, 227
objective evaluation of adherence to, 6
process area, 181
Process Improvement, 152, 181
tactical-level, 152
training, 112
PMs, see Project managers
Point-counterpoint, 119, 123
Poisson probability, 245
definition, see Process, procedure, policy, and charter definition
example characteristics of, 108
Requirements Management, 206
sample, 371372
purpose, 371
responsibilities, 371
scope, 371
sign-offs, 372
Verification, 372
PPB, see Process performance baseline
PPM, see Process performance model
advanced, 27
alternative, 27
base, 27
Generic, 49
redundancy and, 62
relation of to Process Areas, 39
Implementation Indicators (PIIs), 138
tailored, 64
-Goal-Question-Metric technique, 17
project, 265
acquisition-related, 107
data collection, 56
definition, see Process, procedure, policy, and charter definition
description of, 175
Designing, 174
example characteristics of, 108
template, 204, 369370
written, 107
appraisal, definition of, 132
Asset Library, 187
Assurance, 213
auditing, 106
automated, 228
capability, 31
categories, types of, 38
characteristics, 32
CMMI definition of, 198
customer Requirements Management, 145
decision-making evaluation, 84
definition(s), 9, 197, 198
items included in, 64
organizational, 35
definition approaches, 176179
workshop activities and materials, 177
workshop facilitation, 178
workshop findings, 178179
workshop logistics, 177
workshop outcome documentation, 178
workshop parameters, 177
descriptions, 175, 198
design, 70
Engineering, 38, 40
characteristics of, 108
long version, 367368
short version, 365366
focus, 11
incomplete, 36
managed, 36
Management PAs, 85
monitoring, 134
optimizing, 37
Peer Review, 59
performance baseline (PPB), 90, 258, 259, 260
performance model (PPM), 91, 261
for effort, 262
estimates, 263
selection of, 268
predictable, 233
process management, 38
project management, 38
quantitatively managed, 37
-related documentation, 104
Requirements Management, 202, 203
review, EPG-led, 165
Risk Management, 10
stabilization, 260
Supplier Agreement Management, 147
support, 38
Technical Review, 59
vendor selection, 83
Process Action Team (PAT), 156, 162, 163
Actions Plans written by, 164
Charter(s), 154
generation, 205
sample, 373374
template, 209
efforts, Action Plans and, 187
Lead, 166
member qualifications, 168
Metrics, 167
signing off completion of, 157
structure, establishment of, 182
support of, 176
Process area (PA), 23, 24, 121, 165, 212, 275
Decision Analysis and Resolution, 65
Design-Pilot-Implementation for each, 157
engineering, 85
formal assessment of, 165
Integrated Project Management, 65
Integrated Supplier Management, 65
Not Applicable, 56
organizational documentation of, 28
Organizational Environment for Integration, 65
Organizational Process Definition, 65
Organizational Process Focus, 65
Organizational Training, 65
plan required for, 181
process management, 85
Process and Product Quality Assurance, 58
Product Integration, 65
project management, 85
relation of Generic Practices to, 39
Requirements Development, 65
Risk Management, 65
stand-alone, 127
support, 85
Technical Solution, 65
Validation, 65
Verification, 65
Process Improvement (PI), 152, 161, 181, 277
Action Plan, 182
activities, communication of, 272
alternate approach, 159
approaches for, 158
champions, 161
change and, 19
failure of, 86
as model for future projects, 157
monitoring of, 157
goals, establishment of, 271
Group (PIG), 115116
members, training for, 168
model-based, 4
organizations inexperienced in, 40
phases of, 159
Plan, 152, 182
problems occurring in, 19
program, beginning of, 920
business goals and objectives, 1618
definition of process, 913
models, 1316
problems, 1819
Proposals, 169
sponsor, 161
strategy, 40
team structure, 103
traditional approach to, 158
Process improvement initiatives, alignment of multiple, 103117
integration of existing policies, processes, and procedures, 104107
collection and review of policies, processes, and procedures, 105106
format, 107
interfaces, 106
level of detail, 107
life cycles, 107
roles, 106
measurement program, 107111
process improvement team structure, 104
scenarios, 113116
merged teams, 114115
separate but equal, 115116
training programs, 111113
Process improvement organization, establishment of, 151160, 164
design phase, 154
different approaches for process improvement, 158159
alternate approach, 159
traditional approach, 158159
implementation phase, 156157
monitoring of process improvement effort, 157
pilot phase, 154156
after pilots, 156
documentation of success criteria, 155
monitoring of pilot efforts, 156
refining of policies and procedures based on pilot results, 156
selection of pilot project, 155
training of pilot participants , 156
sample process improvement program, 158
SCAMPI, 152154
set up, 151152
Process, procedure, policy, and charter definition, 197209
charters , 205209
defining procedures, 201204
defining processes, 197201
activity entry criteria, 199
activity exit criteria, 199200
activity input criteria, 200
activity output criteria, 200
activity performed by, 200
defining policies, 205
next activity, 200201
attributes of, 261
auditing, 106
Components, 68
COTS, 55
definition of, 22
focus, 11
integration, 34, 65, 71, 220
life cycle, 67
quality, 31, 91, 135, 175, 260
Quality Assurance, 34
solution, 120
support documentation, 69
transition, 55
work, 64
models, 267, 268
process performance baseline for, 258
Product and Process Quality Assurance, 17, 58, 217
Programming language, 240
Progress models, 268
budgets , 10
collection of measures identified from, 265
definition of, 22
goals, 267
by the numbers , 87
efficiencies, process areas contributing to, 49
integrated, 221
PAs, 85
quantitative, 223
managers (PMs), 229
Monitoring and Control, 216
purpose of, 53
specific goals and practices, 53, 54
normalized data across, 266
Planning, 17, 21, 216
problem, 265
recommendations to improve performance on, 229
use of PPM with, 264

Interpreting the CMMI(c) A Process Improvement Approach
Interpreting the CMMI (R): A Process Improvement Approach, Second Edition
ISBN: 142006052X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 205 © 2008-2017.
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