
In this chapter, you were introduced to CFCs in ColdFusion MX. This chapter discussed the basics of CFCs, describing the differences between CFCs and custom tags in ColdFusion MX. Then it described how to create CFCs and how to use arguments and parameters in them. Then the chapter explained the advanced features of CFCs, such as securing and inheriting CFCs and how to use component metadata. It also explained how Web services are used in ColdFusion MX. The chapter detailed the architecture of Web services and defined the concept of WSDL files, including various ways to consume the Web service and how to create a WSDL file. Finally, it described how to publish a Web service.

In the next chapter, you will learn about the project case study for the Online Appraisal application. In this application, you'll learn to implement ColdFusion components.

Macromedia ColdFusion MX. Professional Projects
ColdFusion MX Professional Projects
ISBN: 1592000126
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 200 © 2008-2017.
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