Recipe 7.4 Displaying User-Friendly Error Messages


Recipe 7.4 Displaying User -Friendly Error Messages

7.4.1 Problem

You want the event-handling methods described in this chapter to write detailed messages to an error log for use in debugging your application, but you want to display friendly, informative messages to the user.

7.4.2 Solution

Create a custom exception class that includes a property to hold the user-friendly message, and then, when an error occurs, instantiate a new exception object of the custom type in the Catch block of your error-handling code, set the property of the exception to the desired message, and then throw the new exception.

Use the .NET language of your choice to create the custom exception class by deriving from System.ApplicationException and adding a property to hold the user-friendly message, giving it a name like userFriendlyMessage .

In the code-behind for the ASP.NET pages of your application that need to perform error handling, use the .NET language of your choice to:

  1. In the Catch block of methods where informative messages are useful, instantiate a new exception object of your custom class type, set the userFriendlyMessage property to the desired message, and then throw the new exception.

  2. In the Application_Error event handler, write the detailed information provided by the exception object to the event log and then display the message contained in the userFriendlyMessage property of the exception on a common error message page.

The custom exception class we've created to demonstrate this solution is shown in Example 7-10 (VB) and Example 7-11 (C#). The code showing how to create the new exception is shown in Example 7-12 (VB) and Example 7-13 (C#). The code for the Application_Error event handler is shown in Example 7-14 (VB) and Example 7-15 (C#). (Because the .aspx file for this example contains nothing related to the error handling, it is not included in this recipe.)

7.4.3 Discussion

The first step to providing user-friendly messages with your exceptions is to create a new class that inherits from System.ApplicationException . (The System.ApplicationException class extends System.Exception but adds no new functionality. It is meant to be used to differentiate between exceptions defined by applications and those defined by the system.) You then need to add a property to the class to support the user-friendly message. The last step in creating the new exception class is to create a constructor that will create the base exception, by calling the base class constructor with the raw message and a reference to the inner exception, and then set the user-friendly message. Example 7-10 (VB) and Example 7-11 (C#) show how we have implemented these steps.

The new exception class is put to use in the Catch block of your code by creating an instance of the new exception class, passing it the original message, a reference to the exception, and the desired user-friendly message. The reference to the original exception is passed to preserve the linked list of exceptions. In this case, your new exception will point to the original exception by using the inner property of the new exception. After the new exception class is created, it is then thrown. Example 7-12 (VB) and Example 7-13 (C#) illustrate a sample Catch block.

As shown in Example 7-14 (VB) and Example 7-15 (C#), our sample Application_Error event handler writes detailed information to the event log and then displays the message contained in the userFriendlyMessage property of the exception. This example event code is actually a variation of the event code described in Recipe 7.3, modified to check whether the exception being processed has a user-friendly message to use instead of the raw exception message.

This recipe's approach can be extended many ways to suite your needs. For example, the custom exception class could contain a " nextPage " property that could be set to pass information on where the user should be taken after reviewing the error message.

7.4.4 See Also

Recipe 7.3

Example 7-10. Custom exception class with user-friendly message property (.vb)
 Option Explicit On  Option Strict On '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' '   Module Name: CH07FriendlyExceptionVB.vb ' '   Description: This class provides an exception class with support for a '                user friendly message ' '***************************************************************************** Imports System Namespace ASPNetCookbook.VBFriendlyException   Public Class CH07FriendlyExceptionVB     Inherits System.ApplicationException  'private copy of user friendly message   Private mUserFriendlyMessage As String = ""  '*************************************************************************     '     '   ROUTINE: Property userFriendlyMessage     '     '   DESCRIPTION: Provides access to the message to be displayed to the     '                user friendly message.     '-------------------------------------------------------------------------  Public Property userFriendlyMessage( ) As String   Get   Return (mUserFriendlyMessage)   End Get   Set(ByVal Value As String)   mUserFriendlyMessage = Value   End Set   End Property  'userFriendlyMessage  '*************************************************************************     '     '   ROUTINE: New     '     '   DESCRIPTION: Provides a constructor supporting an error message, a      '                reference to the exception that threw this exeception,      '                and a user friendly message for the exception     '-------------------------------------------------------------------------  Public Sub New(ByVal message As String, _   ByVal inner As Exception, _   ByVal userFriendlyMessage As String)   'call base class constructor.  NOTE: This must be the first line in   'this constructor   MyBase.New(message, inner)   mUserFriendlyMessage = userFriendlyMessage   End Sub  'New  End Class  'CH07FriendlyExceptionVB End Namespace 

Example 7-11. Custom exception class with user-friendly message property (.cs)
 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //   Module Name: CH07FriendlyExceptionCS.aspx.cs // //   Description: This class provides an exception class with support for a //                user friendly message // //**************************************************************************** using System; namespace ASPNetCookbook.CSFriendlyException {   public class CH07FriendlyExceptionCS : System.ApplicationException   {  // private copy of user friendly message   private String mUserFriendlyMessage = "";  //************************************************************************     //     //   ROUTINE: userFriendlyMessage     //     //   DESCRIPTION: Provides access to the message to be displayed to the      //                user friendly message.     //------------------------------------------------------------------------  public String userFriendlyMessage   {   get   {   return(mUserFriendlyMessage);   }   set   {   mUserFriendlyMessage = value;   }   }  // userFriendlyMessage  //************************************************************************     //     //   ROUTINE: CH07FriendlyExceptionCS     //     //   DESCRIPTION: Provides a constructor supporting an error message, a      //                reference to the exception that threw this exeception,      //                and a user friendly message for the exception.     //------------------------------------------------------------------------  public CH07FriendlyExceptionCS(String message,   Exception inner,   String userFriendlyMessage) :   base(message, inner)   {   mUserFriendlyMessage = userFriendlyMessage;   }  }  // CH07FriendlyExceptionCS } 

Example 7-12. Creation of new custom exception (.vb)
 Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _                           ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load       Dim values As Hashtable       Try         'add a key/value pair to the hashtable without first creating         'the hashtable which will cause a null exception error         values.Add("Key", "Value")  Catch exc As Exception   Throw New CH07FriendlyExceptionVB(exc.Message, _   exc, _   "The application is currently " & _   "experiencing technical " & _   "difficulties ... " & _   "Please try again later")  End Try     End Sub  'Page_Load 

Example 7-13. Creation of new custom exception (.cs)
 private void Page_Load(object sender,                             System.EventArgs e)     {       Hashtable values = null;       // wire the page error event       this.Error += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Error);       try       {         // add a key/value pair to the hashtable without first creating         // the hashtable which will cause a null exception error         values.Add("Key", "Value");       }  catch (Exception exc)   {   throw new CH07FriendlyExceptionCS(exc.Message,   exc,   "The application is currently " +   "experiencing technical " +   "difficulties ... " +   "Please try again later");  }     }  // Page_Load 

Example 7-14. Application_Error code for displaying a user-friendly message (.vb)
 '*************************************************************************     '     '   ROUTINE: Application_Error     '     '   DESCRIPTION: This routine provides the event handler for the      '                application error event.  It is responsible for      '                processing errors at the application level.     '-------------------------------------------------------------------------     Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)       Const EVENT_LOG_NAME As String = "Application"       Dim lastException As Exception       Dim userFriendlyException As CH07FriendlyExceptionVB       Dim Log As EventLog       Dim message As String       'get the last error that occurred       lastException = Server.GetLastError( )       'create the error message from the message in the last exception along       'with a complete dump of all of the inner exceptions (all exception       'data in the linked list of exceptions)       message = lastException.Message & _                 vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _                 lastException.ToString( )       'Insert error information into the event log       Log = New EventLog       Log.Source = EVENT_LOG_NAME       Log.WriteEntry(message, _                      EventLogEntryType.Error)       'perform other notifications, etc. here  'check to if the exception has a user friendly message   If (TypeOf (lastException) Is CH07FriendlyExceptionVB) Then   'exception has a user friendly message   userFriendlyException = CType(lastException, _   CH07FriendlyExceptionVB)   message = userFriendlyException.userFriendlyMessage   Else   'exception does not have a user friendly message to just   'output the raw message   message = lastException.Message   End If  'clear the error and redirect to the page used to display the        'error information       Server.ClearError( )       Server.Transfer("CH07DisplayErrorVB.aspx" & _                       "?PageHeader=Error Occurred" & _                       "&Message1=" & message & _                       "&Message2=" & _                       "This exception used a user friendly mesage")     End Sub  'Application_Error 

Example 7-15. Application_Error code for displaying a user-friendly message (.cs)
 //************************************************************************     //     //   ROUTINE: Application_Error     //     //   DESCRIPTION: This routine provides the event handler for the      //                application error event.  It is responsible for      //                processing errors at the application level.     //------------------------------------------------------------------------     protected void Application_Error(Object sender, EventArgs e)     {       const String EVENT_LOG_NAME = "Application";       Exception lastException = null;       CH07FriendlyExceptionCS userFriendlyException = null;       EventLog log = null;       String message = null;       // get the last error that occurred       lastException = Server.GetLastError( );       // create the error message from the message in the last exception along       // with a complete dump of all of the inner exceptions (all exception       // data in the linked list of exceptions)       message = lastException.Message +                 "\r\r" +                 lastException.ToString( );       // Insert error information into the event log       log = new EventLog( );       log.Source = EVENT_LOG_NAME;       log.WriteEntry(message,                       EventLogEntryType.Error);       // perform other notifications, etc. here  // check to if the exception has a user friendly message   if (lastException.GetType( ) == typeof(CH07FriendlyExceptionCS))   {   // exception has a user friendly message   userFriendlyException = (CH07FriendlyExceptionCS)(lastException);   message = userFriendlyException.userFriendlyMessage;   }   else   {   // exception does not have a user friendly message to just   // output the raw message   message = lastException.Message;   }  // clear the error and redirect to the page used to display the        // error information       Server.ClearError( );       Server.Transfer("CH07DisplayErrorCS.aspx" +                       "?PageHeader=Error Occurred" +                       "&Message1=" + message +                       "&Message2=" +                       "This exception used a user friendly mesage");     }  // Application_Error 

ASP. NET Cookbook
ASP.Net 2.0 Cookbook (Cookbooks (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596100647
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 179 © 2008-2017.
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