2.1 | A simple Schematron rule | 58 |
2.2 | Checking heading- sentence with Schematron | 65 |
2.3 | An XSDL element declaration with embedded documentation containing markup examples | 71 |
3.1 | en/team/index.xml : A page document | 141 |
3.2 | _master.xml : The master document | 143 |
3.3 | schema.sch : A Schematron schema for validating page documents and the master document | 149 |
4.1 | A function calculating factorial as an example of XSLT recursion | 167 |
4.2 | Processing input in two independent passes , storing the intermediate tree in a variable | 169 |
5.1 | Schematron wrapper for Saxon importing the _lib.xsl library (based on schematron-basic.xsl ) | 196 |
5.2 | Here our journey starts: The first lines of the main transformation stylesheet | 208 |
5.3 | Stylesheet's first template matches /page and builds the skeleton of the output HTML page | 209 |
5.4 | The CSS template is static and callable | 212 |
5.5 | Menu templates and related functions | 215 |
5.6 | A Java class whose dir() method returns, as a StringBuffer , a newline-separated list of filenames in a given directory | 221 |
5.7 | A block template handling both native and orthogonal blocks | 225 |
5.8 | Link templates for various link types | 227 |
5.9 | The text class provides the typography() method that replaces some ASCII characters with their improved typographic lookalikes | 231 |
5.10 | Uppercasing the first two words of each p (more precisely, of the first text node within each p ) | 234 |
5.11 | The graph class provides methods that return width and height of an image (works with the PNG, GIF, and JPEG formats) | 236 |
5.12 | The image template checks if an image exists and inserts it into HTML | 237 |
5.13 | This loop uses extension functions to access and link all images from $dir | 238 |
5.14 | A sample SVG file | 242 |
5.15 | A Java method to run a command (add to the files class) | 246 |
5.16 | A callable template creating an image via SVG | 247 |
5.17 | The transformation template uses the files:run() function to launch one instance of the XSLT processor per page document | 252 |
5.18 | The main batch processing template calls the validation and transformation launcher templates and logs all the commands they run | 253 |
5.19 | _lib.xsl : A shared XSLT library used by both the schema and the stylesheet | 256 |
5.20 | schema2.sch : An advanced Schematron schema to be used in conjunction with Example 3.3 | 260 |
5.21 | style.xsl : A summary stylesheet example using many techniques discussed in this chapter | 267 |
6.1 | master.xhtml : An XHTML document with an embedded XForm for editing a master document | 302 |
6.2 | A CSS style sheet for visual rendition of an XML page document | 314 |
6.3 | process : A shell script that validates and transforms a page document | 349 |
6.4 | Makefile : A makefile primer | 351 |
7.1 | eg/sitemap.xmap : A basic sitemap for a Cocoon site | 380 |