Sabin, Todd (Lsadump2 program), 178

SAC (System Access Control) permissions, 126

SAD (Security Association Database), 300

Safari browser, 350

salted hashes, 150

SAM hive, registry, 229

SAM password database, 150, 161

SAM (Security Accounts Manager), 80, 278

Samba protocol, 158

SANS Handler's Diary article about malware, 19

SAP Agent Service, 286

SAs (security associations), IPSec, 300

Saved Queries OU, 520

SC tool, 265–267

Sc.exe program, 256

.scf files, 201, 248

SChannel Authentication protocol, 85

scheduled tasks

malware using, 31

security options for, 504

scheduling priority, allowing increase of, 500

Schema Admins group, 74, 85, 111

Schema Master, FSMO role, 523

ScoopLM program, 168

scope of groups, 96

.scp files, 201

.scr files, 201

Scrap Shell (.shs) files, 191, 201, 248

screen saver files, 201

script kiddies, 10–11

scripting, IE settings for, 374, 377


for computers, startup and shutdown, 490

embedded in Word, malware in, 21

embedded using XSS, malware in, 21

file vulnerabilities in, 200, 201, 202, 248

for users, logon and logoff, 490

.sct files, 202, 249

Search service, Microsoft, 274

Secondary Logon service, 278

Secret Service report on insider attacks, 17

Secunia web site, 9

secure channel, 115

Security Accounts Manager (SAM), 80, 278

Security Association Database (SAD), 300

security associations (SAs), IPSec, 300

Security Center service, 278

Security certificate files, 195

Security Configuration Wizard, 289–290

security groups, 96

Security hive, registry, 229

Security Identifier. See SID

security log

allowing generation of, 500

managing, 501

Security Parameters Index (SPI), IPSec, 300

security policy database, IPSec, 299

security principal

authentication of, 80

delegation for, 92–94

GUID for, 82–83

identification of, 80

impersonation of, 90–92

security token for, 88

SID for

definition of, 83–84

multiple, 88, 130

security reference monitor, 81

security settings, group policy

account policies

account lockout policy, 493

Kerberos policy, 494

password policy, 492–493

event log settings, 511

file system settings, 513–514

IPSec policies, 514

local policies

audit policy, 494–496

security options, 502–511

user rights assignment, 496–502

registry settings, 513

restricted group settings, 512

software restriction policies (SRPs), 514

system services settings, 513

Security templates, group policy settings in, 481, 485, 527–528, 538–539

security token, 88, 117–119, 126

security-by-obscurity, 54

Self group, 85, 111

sender confirmation, anti-spam software using, 408

sender domain verification, anti-spam software using, 408

Sender ID Framework (SIDF), 409

Sender Policy Framework (SPF), 408–409

Server Message Block (SMB) protocol

attack tools for, 168–169

definition of, 158–159

Server Operators group, 74, 86, 111

Server service, 278

server software, running on non-default ports, 75–76

Server-Side Includes (SSI), for IIS, 448, 449

service accounts, password attacks on, 177–179

Service group, 85, 111

service principal name (SPN), 92


accounts for, 260–263, 292–293

allowing logons as, 500–501

controlling with SC tool, 265–267

default, list of, 268–283

definition of, 254–255

denying logons as, 499

dependencies for, 264–265

executable and path for, 257–258

failures of, recovery from, 263–264

identifying, 255–256

installed by default, 255

multiple, with one name, 258–259

nondefault, list of, 283–288

permissions for, 261, 290–293, 332

RPC (Remote Procedure Call) service, 253, 267, 277

running on non-default ports, 6–7, 75–76


account for, 292–293

disabling or removing services, 290

guides for, 289

in high-security environment, 288

in normal security environment, 288–289

permissions for, 290–292

reasons for, 253–254

recommendations for specific services, 268–283, 289

Security Configuration Wizard for, 289–290

updating patches for, 293–294

Startup type for, 259–260

unsigned, 256

viewing in Services console

Dependencies tab, 264–265

General tab, 257–260

LogOn tab, 260–263

Recovery tab, 263–264

Services console

definition of, 256–257

Dependencies tab, 264–265

General tab, 257–260

LogOn tab, 260–263

Recovery tab, 263–264

Services.msc program, 256

session key, security options for, 505

Set Value permission, registry keys, 241

share password attacks, 169

Share Password Checker, 169

Share permissions

contributing to effective permissions, 130, 131

default settings for, 132–135

definition of, 119–122


creating, 121

hidden shares, 121–122

.shb files, 201, 248

Shdocvw.dll file, 352

Shell Command files, 199

Shell Command files, Microsoft, 199

Shell Hardware Detection service, 278

Shell scrap objects, 201, 248

Shockwave Flash objects, 201, 249

shortcut links, 199

.shs (Scrap Shell) files, 191, 201, 248

.shtml files, 197

shutdown scripts, 490


allowing, 502

security options for, 503, 510

SID (Security Identifier)

anonymous enumeration of, 6, 75

definition of, 83–84

enumeration of, 75, 89

filtering of, 90

list of, 84–86

multiple, for one security principal, 88, 130

RID value of, 84

in security token, 117

Top-Level Authority value of, 83–84

viewing tools for, 87–89

SIDF (Sender ID Framework), 409

SIDHistory field, 89–90

Sid2user.exe program, 87, 89

Simple File Sharing, 131

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service, 286, 446

Simple TCP/IP Services, 286

Single Instance Storage Groveler Service, 286

Site Replication service, Microsoft Exchange, 285

Site Server Authority, 86

sites, in Active Directory, 524

SKEME protocol, 300

Skrenta, Richard (Elk Cloner virus), 12

Slammer SQL worm, 75

.slk files, 201, 248

Smart Card Helper service, 278

Smart Card service, 278

smart cards, security options for, 506

SmartSearch adware, 47

SMB Auditing Tool, 169

SMB Downgrade Attacker, 169

SMB (Server Message Block) protocol

attack tools for, 168–169

definition of, 158–159

SMBGrind program, 168

SMBRelay program, 168

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) service, 286, 446

snews URI handler, 249

sniffing attacks, 16–17, 168–171

SNMP and SNMP Trap Services, 286

social engineering, 18

sockets, setting permissions based on, 126

software. See also executable files

defending against attacks of, 56

installation of, by users, 59

installing to non-default folders, 76

malicious, from browser downloads, 363

misconfigurations of, 9, 16

patching of, as sign of attack, 10

permissions for, 135

popularity of, attracting hackers, 52–53

preventing installation of, 331–332

preventing unauthorized execution of, 329–336

removing, 330

researching vulnerabilities of, 9

unauthorized execution of, 8, 54

unregistering, 332–334

unused, dangers from, 217

updating patches for, 225

Software hive, registry, 229

software publishing, 488–490

software restriction policies (SRPs)

benefits of, 326

compared to NTFS permissions, 344

definition of, 221, 325, 336

deny-by-default software execution policy, 325–326

developing, 327–329

disadvantages of, 327

exception rules for, 222–224, 340–344

group policy, 514

management console for, 221, 337

planning, 222, 337–340

security levels in, 344–346

third-party applications for, 224, 346

when to use, 327

Software settings, group policy, 488–490

spam. See also anti-spam software; malware

definition of, 18–19

methods used by spammers, 394–396

motivation of spammers, 393–394

spam bots, 5, 395, 409, 419

spawners (companion viruses), 12

spearfishing, 396

Special Administration Console Helper service, 279

Special permissions

for GPOs, 534

guidelines for, 136

list of, 124–126

SPF (Sender Policy Framework), 408–409

SPI (Security Parameters Index), IPSec, 300

.spl files, 201, 249

SPN (service principal name), 92


ARP spoofer, 168

IE 7 features defending against, 348

URL spoofing, 354–357

spyware. See also malware

anti-spyware software, 70

definition of, 18–19

prevalence of, 6

Spyware Eblaster trojan, 38

SQL Auditing Tool, 165

SQL Server, 6, 165

SQLAgent$ Service, 286

Sqlbf-all program, 165

SQL.Slammer worm, 5, 14

SRPs. See software restriction policies

SSDP Discovery Service, 279

SSI (Server-Side Includes), for IIS, 448, 449

SSL Client-Side Mapping, IIS, 430–431

SSL, IE settings for, 383

Stanton, Anne (The Complete Patch Management Book), 64

StartPage.I trojan, 45

StartPage.O trojan, 43

startup scripts, 490

.stl files, 201

.stm files, 196, 248

streaming audio/video files, 194, 247

Streams (Sysinternals), 216

strong passwords, 146

subtrees (hives), in registry, 228–229

Support_<number> account, 101

.swf files, 201, 249


botnets tracked by, 13

Internet Security Threat Report, 19, 394

Synchronize permission, 125, 126

.sys files, 201

Syskey utility

for EFS, 477

protecting password hashes, 150–152

System Access Control (SAC) permissions, 126

System account, 101–102, 261

System Attendant service, Microsoft Exchange, 285

system cryptography, security options for, 510

System Event Notification service, 279

System folder, 28

System hive, registry, 229

System Management Server, 64

system objects, security options for, 503, 511

system performance, profiling, 501

System Restore feature, 30

System Restore Service, 279

system services settings, group policy, 513

system settings, security options for, 511

system time, changing, 498

System Volume Information folder, 132, 135, 485

System.adm template, 515

%SystemDrive% folder, permissions for, 132, 134

SYSTEM.INI file, 26–27, 133

System32 folder

malware in, 28

permissions for, 133–134, 135

Sysvol folder, 132, 135, 485

Professional Windows Desktop and Server Hardening
Professional Windows Desktop and Server Hardening (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764599909
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 122

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