
I admit it I'm the guy people call when they need answers. Something doesn't work; my phone rings. Someone can't figure something out; I get an email. More often than not, the problem can be traced to Microsoft Windows, a product with which I've developed a healthy love-hate relationship. Luckily, I've channeled my rage into this book many of the solutions, tips, workarounds, and warnings you're about to read are my responses to questions I get asked every day by inexperienced and seasoned Windows users alike.

I've written this book with the philosophy that the more you know about a tool you use specifically, Microsoft Windows XP the better your day-to-day experience with it will be. If this contradicts what you've seen in other books or the Windows manual, you're getting the idea.

Windows XP Annoyances
Fixing Windows XP Annoyances
ISBN: 0596100531
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 78
Authors: David A. Karp © 2008-2017.
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