
 < Day Day Up > 


Race conditions, 13, 42–45

bounded buffer, 79

concurrent animation example, 243–248

in constructor, 215

definition, 412

example, 43–45

gas station problem, 281

generic animator, 208–210

strategies for handling, 43, 49

Random sleep, 234

Reactive object, definition, 412

Reactive programming, 16

Readers/writers problem, 262, 267–277

buffer implementation program, 271–274

confinement, 274–276

notification objects, 276–277

optimization, 276–277

program using buffer, 275

state diagram, 270

Ready set, 35, 51

Ready state, 35, 412

Refactoring, definition, 412

Remote method invocation (RMI), 385, 387–389

calls by value, 395

chat program, 400–406

client class implementation, 392, 394

client/server program, 388–389

further reading, 406

HelloWorld program, 390–400

interface implementation, 129, 390–391

program distribution and running, 395–396

server class implementation, 391–394

skeleton and stub files, 394–395

Remote objects, 396

Remote procedure calls (RPCs), 387

Rendezvous, 17

Resource utilization, 15

Return values, 159–161, 281

Reuse, 129, 247, 303

abstraction of commonality, 307, 334

classification, 316–320

composition, 316–320

definition, 412

generic, 305

interfaces and, 130–132

method, 306, 310, 411

object, 306, 331, 411

object decomposition, 305

procedural, 247–248, 306, 310–316, 411

state-dependent, 315–320, 334

stateless methods, 306, 312

types of, 304–306

utility, 304, 305–307, 412

Reuse by copy, 130, 134, 306–310

definition, 412

disadvantages, 309–310

rmiregistery, 388, 396, 400

Running state, 35, 412

Runtime data type tags, 100–109

memory allocation, 106–109

performance considerations, 114–115

serialization, 110–113

RuntimeExceptions, 170

 < Day Day Up > 

Creating Components. Object Oriented, Concurrent, and Distributed Computing in Java
The .NET Developers Guide to Directory Services Programming
ISBN: 849314992
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 162 © 2008-2017.
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