
We agree with Emmanuel Castells, who said, "technology per se does not solve social problems" (Castells, 1998). We also agree "the availability and use of information and communication technologies are a pre-requisite for economic and social development in our world. They are the functional equivalent of electricity in the industrial era." Therefore, the goal of this project is to use ICT for knowledge sharing and transfer. The main contribution of the BMH is to make a comprehensive business model framework available that allows transferring knowledge in the domain of ICT use in developing countries. This could be achieved through a Web-based business tool we call the Business Model Handbook (BMH) for Developing Countries. The implementation of such a tool would be an attempt to create a development dynamic to accelerate the creation of a critical mass of motivated entrepreneurs and people with business expertise that can leverage new opportunities (Digital Opportunity Initiative, 2001).

Managing Globally with Information Technology
Managing Globally with Information Technology
ISBN: 193177742X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 224 © 2008-2017.
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