
Splitter marshal by reference, disposable

System. Windows .Forms (system. windows .forms.dll) class

This Control is automatically docked to either the Top , Bottom , Left , or Right of a control. It is then used to automatically resize the Control object docked to the same edge immediately preceding it in the Z order, as the user drags it around with the mouse.

You can set the minimum dimension for the Control you are adjusting with the MinSize property. The split bar can be further constrained by specifying MinExtra . This determines the minimum size of the remaining portion of the control (i.e., the area into which a Control with the Dock property set to DockStyle.Fill would be positioned).

The current position of the bar can be controlled with the SplitPosition property.

The split bar raises SplitterMoving and SplitterMoved events as it is dragged around and then released. You can modify the splitter position dynamically by binding to these events and changing the event data.

 public class  Splitter  : Control : IMessageFilter {  // Public Constructors  public  Splitter  ();  // Public Instance Properties  public override bool  AllowDrop  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public override AnchorStyles  Anchor  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public override Image  BackgroundImage  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public BorderStyle  BorderStyle  {set; get; }    public override DockStyle  Dock  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public override Font  Font  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public override Color  ForeColor  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public ImeMode  ImeMode  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public int  MinExtra  {set; get; }    public int  MinSize  {set; get; }    public int  SplitPosition  {set; get; }    public bool  TabStop  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public override string  Text  {set; get; }  // overrides Control   // Protected Instance Properties  protected override CreateParams  CreateParams  {get; }  // overrides Control  protected override ImeMode  DefaultImeMode  {get; }  // overrides Control  protected override Size  DefaultSize  {get; }  // overrides Control   // Public Instance Methods  public bool  PreFilterMessage  (ref Message  m  );  // implements IMessageFilter  public override string  ToString  ();  // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component   // Protected Instance Methods  protected override void  OnKeyDown  (KeyEventArgs  e  );  // overrides Control  protected override void  OnMouseDown  (MouseEventArgs  e  );  // overrides Control  protected override void  OnMouseMove  (MouseEventArgs  e  );  // overrides Control  protected override void  OnMouseUp  (MouseEventArgs  e  );  // overrides Control  protected virtual void  OnSplitterMoved  (SplitterEventArgs  sevent  );    protected virtual void  OnSplitterMoving  (SplitterEventArgs  sevent  );    protected override void  SetBoundsCore  (int  x  , int  y  , int  width  , int  height  , BoundsSpecified  specified  );  // overrides Control   // Events  public event EventHandler  Enter  ;  // overrides Control  public event KeyEventHandler  KeyDown  ;  // overrides Control  public event KeyPressEventHandler  KeyPress  ;  // overrides Control  public event KeyEventHandler  KeyUp  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  Leave  ;  // overrides Control  public event SplitterEventHandler  SplitterMoved  ;    public event SplitterEventHandler  SplitterMoving  ; } 


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component(System.ComponentModel.IComponen, System.IDisposable) Control(IOleContro, IOleObject , IOleInPlaceObject , IOleInPlaceActiveObject , IOleWindow , IViewObject , IViewObject2 , IPersist , IPersistStreamInit , IPersistPropertyBag , IPersistStorage , IQuickActivate , System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke , IWin32Window) Splitter(IMessageFilter)

. Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell
.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003382
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 794

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