
Control marshal by reference, disposable

System. Windows .Forms (system. windows .forms.dll) class

This is the fundamental base class for all the controls and forms in the framework.

After constructing a Control , you can add it to the Controls collection of a parent control and Show() it. (You can subsequently Hide() it again or change the Visible property.) You can also toggle whether it is Enabled .

Adding it to the Controls collection causes its Parent property to be set appropriately. HasChildren determines whether this control contains any children itself. Its index in the parent collection also determines its position in the z-order . You can use BringToFront() and SendToBack() for gross control of this feature.

TopLevelControl returns the top-level containerthis is (usually) the outermost Form in which you will find the control. Note that if the control is contained in a TabPage that is not currently showing in the TabControl , the TopLevelControl property will return null.

You can set a ForeColor , BackColor , and Font with which to paint the control imagery (in particular, the Text ). If you do not set these explicitly, it will inherit the AmbientProperties from its container. If all else fails, it will use the DefaultForeColor , DefaultBackColor , or DefaultFont . You can also specify a BackgroundImage that will be tiled across the control. Should the system theme or colors change, you can bind to the SystemColorsChanged event to update the controls appearance.

The general shape of the control can be specified with the Bounds property and SetBounds() method. To support nonrectangular controls you can assign a custom Region . Anything outside that region will be truly transparent.

You can query the ClientRectangle and the DisplayRectangle . In the base implementation, these are equivalent, but derived classes may return a smaller DisplayRectangle to account for some additional imagery when laying out children (a GroupBox -like control might do this, for example).

The Anchor and Dock properties are used by the default layout manager to determine how the control is moved and resized within it parent container. (See AnchorStyles and DockStyle for more details).

SuspendLayout() and ResumeLayout() temporarily disable (or reenable ) layout management, and you can bind to the Layout event to provide your own layout handling. PerformLayout() forces the control to refresh the layout. You can also handle the Resize , Move , SizeChanged , and LocationChanged events if you are only interested in the controls bounding box, rather than full layout support. You can also Scale() the control and all its children by some factor. This is used by Form.AutoScale to manage the resizing of a form to allow for different sizes of default font.

Several members deal with the translation of coordinates from one system to another: RectangleToClient() , PointToClient() , RectangleToScreen() , and PointToScreen() .

To support non-western scripts, you can also change the RightToLeft mode, and the ImeMode . Note that not all derived classes deal with these properties very well, but you should be aware of the need to support them when rendering your own custom controls.

Some controls can be selected or focused in their own right, whereas others (typically container controls) always pass their selection/focus on to another (such as a child). CanSelect and CanFocus determine whether this is the case. You can determine if the control or one of its children has the focus with the ContainsFocus property. If the control itself has the focus, the Focused property is true. You can set the Focus() to the control or Select() it. If you want to pass the activation on, call SelectNextControl() to give it up to the control with the next TabIndex . The TabIndex property controls the standard tab order, in conjunction with the TabStop flag. To track the selection/focus, bind to the Enter and Leave , or LostFocus and GotFocus events. The next item in the tab order is returned from the GetNextControl() method.

A right-click can be used to show a particular ContextMenu . Alternatively, you can handle the MouseDown , MouseUp , MouseWheel , MouseMove , MouseLeave , MouseEnter , and MouseHover events to deal with mouse activity. Note that you will only ever get one MouseHover event for each MouseEnter / MouseLeave pair. See MouseEventArgs for more information.

Similarly, keyboard support is provided via the KeyDown , KeyPress , and KeyUp events. See the KeyEventArgs and KeyPressEventArgs for more on this.

The user input can be validated by binding to the Validating and Validated events. If CausesValidation is true, any controls that require it will be validated when this control receives the focus. This slightly roundabout route to validation means your control must necessarily lose the focus to validate.

To support drag and drop, you can set the AllowDrop property to accept data dragged into the control. Handle the DragEnter , DragLeave , QueryContinueDrag , and DragDrop events to manage the drag-drop process. To initiate a drag from the control, simply call DoDragDrop() . The framework will pump messages for you until the drag is completed. See DataObject and DragEventArgs for more information on drag and drop.

It is important to know that Control objects have a strong thread affinity. While you can create controls on any thread, you cannot call any members from a thread other than that on which it was created. Even if you think you're getting away with it, don't do it! InvokeRequired determines whether you must use the Invoke() (or BeginInvoke() / EndInvoke() ) methods first to marshal the call back onto the correct thread, or whether it can be called directly.

To handle custom painting for your control, you can override the protected OnPaint() and OnPaintBackground() members or bind to the Paint event. (Note that there is no PaintBackground event.) See PaintEventArgs for more information on this. At any time, you can use the CreateGraphics() method to create a graphics surface on which to paint (or measure) your imagery. You can Invalidate() portions of the control for repainting and force an immediate repaint with the Update() method, although updating can swiftly become inefficient, as the operating system already attempts to optimize the process.

 public class  Control  : System.ComponentModel.Component :  IOleControl, IOleObject, IOleInPlaceObject,         IOleInPlaceActiveObject, IOleWindow, IViewObject, IViewObject2, IPersist, IPersistStreamInit, IPersistPropertyBag,         IPersistStorage, IQuickActivate, System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window {  // Public Constructors  public  Control  ();    public  Control  (Control  parent  , string  text  );    public  Control  (Control  parent  , string  text  , int  left  , int  top  , int  width  , int  height  );    public  Control  (string  text  );    public  Control  (string  text  , int  left  , int  top  , int  width  , int  height  );  // Public Static Properties  public static Color  DefaultBackColor  {get; }    public static Font  DefaultFont  {get; }    public static Color  DefaultForeColor  {get; }    public static Keys  ModifierKeys  {get; }    public static MouseButtons  MouseButtons  {get; }    public static Point  MousePosition  {get; }  // Public Instance Properties  public AccessibleObject  AccessibilityObject  {get; }    public string  AccessibleDefaultActionDescription  {set; get; }    public string  AccessibleDescription  {set; get; }    public string  AccessibleName  {set; get; }    public AccessibleRole  AccessibleRole  {set; get; }    public virtual bool  AllowDrop  {set; get; }    public virtual AnchorStyles  Anchor  {set; get; }    public virtual Color  BackColor  {set; get; }    public virtual Image  BackgroundImage  {set; get; }    public virtual BindingContext  BindingContext  {set; get; }    public int  Bottom  {get; }    public Rectangle  Bounds  {set; get; }    public bool  CanFocus  {get; }    public bool  CanSelect  {get; }    public bool  Capture  {set; get; }    public bool  CausesValidation  {set; get; }    public Rectangle  ClientRectangle  {get; }    public Size  ClientSize  {set; get; }    public string  CompanyName  {get; }    public bool  ContainsFocus  {get; }    public virtual ContextMenu  ContextMenu  {set; get; }    public ControlCollection  Controls  {get; }    public bool  Created  {get; }    public virtual Cursor  Cursor  {set; get; }    public ControlBindingsCollection  DataBindings  {get; }    public virtual Rectangle  DisplayRectangle  {get; }    public bool  Disposing  {get; }    public virtual DockStyle  Dock  {set; get; }    public bool  Enabled  {set; get; }    public virtual bool  Focused  {get; }    public virtual Font  Font  {set; get; }    public virtual Color  ForeColor  {set; get; }    public IntPtr  Handle  {get; }  // implements IWin32Window  public bool  HasChildren  {get; }    public int  Height  {set; get; }    public ImeMode  ImeMode  {set; get; }    public bool  InvokeRequired  {get; }  // implements System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke  public bool  IsAccessible  {set; get; }    public bool  IsDisposed  {get; }    public bool  IsHandleCreated  {get; }    public int  Left  {set; get; }    public Point  Location  {set; get; }    public string  Name  {set; get; }    public Control  Parent  {set; get; }    public string  ProductName  {get; }    public string  ProductVersion  {get; }    public bool  RecreatingHandle  {get; }    public Region  Region  {set; get; }    public int  Right  {get; }    public virtual RightToLeft  RightToLeft  {set; get; }    public override ISite  Site  {set; get; }  // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component  public Size  Size  {set; get; }    public int  TabIndex  {set; get; }    public bool  TabStop  {set; get; }    public object  Tag  {set; get; }    public virtual string  Text  {set; get; }    public int  Top  {set; get; }    public Control  TopLevelControl  {get; }    public bool  Visible  {set; get; }    public int  Width  {set; get; }    public IWindowTarget  WindowTarget  {set; get; }  // Protected Instance Properties  protected virtual CreateParams  CreateParams  {get; }    protected virtual ImeMode  DefaultImeMode  {get; }    protected virtual Size  DefaultSize  {get; }    protected int  FontHeight  {set; get; }    protected bool  RenderRightToLeft  {get; }    protected bool  ResizeRedraw  {set; get; }    protected virtual bool  ShowFocusCues  {get; }    protected bool  ShowKeyboardCues  {get; }  // Public Static Methods  public static Control  FromChildHandle  (IntPtr  handle  );    public static Control  FromHandle  (IntPtr  handle  );    public static bool  IsMnemonic  (char  charCode  , string  text  );  // Protected Static Methods  protected static bool  ReflectMessage  (IntPtr  hWnd  , ref Message  m  );  // Public Instance Methods  public IAsyncResult  BeginInvoke  (Delegate  method  );    public IAsyncResult  BeginInvoke  (Delegate  method  ,         object[ ]  args  );  // implements System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke  public void  BringToFront  ();    public bool  Contains  (Control  ctl  );    public void  CreateControl  ();    public Graphics  CreateGraphics  ();    public DragDropEffects  DoDragDrop  (object  data  , DragDropEffects  allowedEffects  );    public object  EndInvoke  (IAsyncResult  asyncResult  );  // implements System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke  public Form  FindForm  ();    public bool  Focus  ();    public Control  GetChildAtPoint  (System.Drawing.Point  pt  );    public IContainerControl  GetContainerControl  ();    public Control  GetNextControl  (Control  ctl  , bool  forward  );    public void  Hide  ();    public void  Invalidate  ();    public void  Invalidate  (bool  invalidateChildren  );    public void  Invalidate  (System.Drawing.Rectangle  rc  );    public void  Invalidate  (System.Drawing.Rectangle  rc  , bool  invalidateChildren  );    public void  Invalidate  (System.Drawing.Region  region  );    public void  Invalidate  (System.Drawing.Region  region  , bool  invalidateChildren  );    public object  Invoke  (Delegate  method  );    public object  Invoke  (Delegate  method  , object[ ]  args  );  // implements System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke  public void  PerformLayout  ();    public void  PerformLayout  (Control  affectedControl  , string  affectedProperty  );    public Point  PointToClient  (System.Drawing.Point  p  );    public Point  PointToScreen  (System.Drawing.Point  p  );    public virtual bool  PreProcessMessage  (ref Message  msg  );    public Rectangle  RectangleToClient  (System.Drawing.Rectangle  r  );    public Rectangle  RectangleToScreen  (System.Drawing.Rectangle  r  );    public virtual void  Refresh  ();    public virtual void  ResetBackColor  ();    public void  ResetBindings  ();    public virtual void  ResetCursor  ();    public virtual void  ResetFont  ();    public virtual void  ResetForeColor  ();    public void  ResetImeMode  ();    public virtual void  ResetRightToLeft  ();    public virtual void  ResetText  ();    public void  ResumeLayout  ();    public void  ResumeLayout  (bool  performLayout  );    public void  Scale  (float  ratio  );    public void  Scale  (float  dx  , float  dy  );    public void  Select  ();    public bool  SelectNextControl  (Control  ctl  , bool  forward  , bool  tabStopOnly  , bool  nested  , bool  wrap  );    public void  SendToBack  ();    public void  SetBounds  (int  x  , int  y  , int  width  , int  height  );    public void  SetBounds  (int  x  , int  y  , int  width  , int  height  , BoundsSpecified  specified  );    public void  Show  ();    public void  SuspendLayout  ();    public void  Update  ();  // Protected Instance Methods  protected void  AccessibilityNotifyClients  (AccessibleEvents  accEvent  , int  childID  );    protected virtual AccessibleObject  CreateAccessibilityInstance  ();    protected virtual ControlCollection  CreateControlsInstance  ();    protected virtual void  CreateHandle  ();    protected virtual void  DefWndProc  (ref Message  m  );    protected virtual void  DestroyHandle  ();    protected override void  Dispose  (bool  disposing  );  // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component  protected bool  GetStyle  (ControlStyles  flag  );    protected bool  GetTopLevel  ();    protected virtual void  InitLayout  ();    protected void  InvokeGotFocus  (Control  toInvoke  , EventArgs  e  );    protected void  InvokeLostFocus  (Control  toInvoke  , EventArgs  e  );    protected void  InvokeOnClick  (Control  toInvoke  , EventArgs  e  );    protected void  InvokePaint  (Control  c  , PaintEventArgs  e  );    protected void  InvokePaintBackground  (Control  c  , PaintEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual bool  IsInputChar  (char  charCode  );    protected virtual bool  IsInputKey  (Keys  keyData  );    protected virtual void  NotifyInvalidate  (System.Drawing.Rectangle  invalidatedArea  );    protected virtual void  OnBackColorChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnBackgroundImageChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnBindingContextChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnCausesValidationChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnChangeUICues  (UICuesEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnClick  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnContextMenuChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnControlAdded  (ControlEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnControlRemoved  (ControlEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnCreateControl  ();    protected virtual void  OnCursorChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnDockChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnDoubleClick  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnDragDrop  (DragEventArgs  drgevent  );    protected virtual void  OnDragEnter  (DragEventArgs  drgevent  );    protected virtual void  OnDragLeave  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnDragOver  (DragEventArgs  drgevent  );    protected virtual void  OnEnabledChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnEnter  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnFontChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnForeColorChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnGiveFeedback  (GiveFeedbackEventArgs  gfbevent  );    protected virtual void  OnGotFocus  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnHandleCreated  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnHandleDestroyed  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnHelpRequested  (HelpEventArgs  hevent  );    protected virtual void  OnImeModeChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnInvalidated  (InvalidateEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnKeyDown  (KeyEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnKeyPress  (KeyPressEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnKeyUp  (KeyEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnLayout  (LayoutEventArgs  levent  );    protected virtual void  OnLeave  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnLocationChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnLostFocus  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnMouseDown  (MouseEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnMouseEnter  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnMouseHover  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnMouseLeave  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnMouseMove  (MouseEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnMouseUp  (MouseEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnMouseWheel  (MouseEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnMove  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnNotifyMessage  (Message  m  );    protected virtual void  OnPaint  (PaintEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnPaintBackground  (PaintEventArgs  pevent  );    protected virtual void  OnParentBackColorChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnParentBackgroundImageChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnParentBindingContextChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnParentChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnParentEnabledChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnParentFontChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnParentForeColorChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnParentRightToLeftChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnParentVisibleChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnQueryContinueDrag  (QueryContinueDragEventArgs  qcdevent  );    protected virtual void  OnResize  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnRightToLeftChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnSizeChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnStyleChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnSystemColorsChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnTabIndexChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnTabStopChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnTextChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnValidated  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnValidating  (System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs  e  );    protected virtual void  OnVisibleChanged  (EventArgs  e  );    protected virtual bool  ProcessCmdKey  (ref Message  msg  , Keys  keyData  );    protected virtual bool  ProcessDialogChar  (char  charCode  );    protected virtual bool  ProcessDialogKey  (Keys  keyData  );    protected virtual bool  ProcessKeyEventArgs  (ref Message  m  );    protected internal virtual bool  ProcessKeyMessage  (ref Message  m  );    protected virtual bool  ProcessKeyPreview  (ref Message  m  );    protected virtual bool  ProcessMnemonic  (char  charCode  );    protected void  RaiseDragEvent  (object  key  , DragEventArgs  e  );    protected void  RaiseKeyEvent  (object  key  , KeyEventArgs  e  );    protected void  RaiseMouseEvent  (object  key  , MouseEventArgs  e  );    protected void  RaisePaintEvent  (object  key  , PaintEventArgs  e  );    protected void  RecreateHandle  ();    protected void  ResetMouseEventArgs  ();    protected ContentAlignment  RtlTranslateAlignment  (System.Drawing.ContentAlignment  align  );    protected HorizontalAlignment  RtlTranslateAlignment  (HorizontalAlignment  align  );    protected LeftRightAlignment  RtlTranslateAlignment  (LeftRightAlignment  align  );    protected ContentAlignment  RtlTranslateContent  (System.Drawing.ContentAlignment  align  );    protected HorizontalAlignment  RtlTranslateHorizontal  (HorizontalAlignment  align  );    protected LeftRightAlignment  RtlTranslateLeftRight  (LeftRightAlignment  align  );    protected virtual void  ScaleCore  (float  dx  , float  dy  );    protected virtual void  Select  (bool  directed  , bool  forward  );    protected virtual void  SetBoundsCore  (int  x  , int  y  , int  width  , int  height  , BoundsSpecified  specified  );    protected virtual void  SetClientSizeCore  (int  x  , int  y  );    protected void  SetStyle  (ControlStyles  flag  , bool  value  );    protected void  SetTopLevel  (bool  value  );    protected virtual void  SetVisibleCore  (bool  value  );    protected void  UpdateBounds  ();    protected void  UpdateBounds  (int  x  , int  y  , int  width  , int  height  );    protected void  UpdateBounds  (int  x  , int  y  , int  width  , int  height  , int  clientWidth  , int  clientHeight  );    protected void  UpdateStyles  ();    protected void  UpdateZOrder  ();    protected virtual void  WndProc  (ref Message  m  );  // Events  public event EventHandler  BackColorChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  BackgroundImageChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  BindingContextChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  CausesValidationChanged  ;    public event UICuesEventHandler  ChangeUICues  ;    public event EventHandler  Click  ;    public event EventHandler  ContextMenuChanged  ;    public event ControlEventHandler  ControlAdded  ;    public event ControlEventHandler  ControlRemoved  ;    public event EventHandler  CursorChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  DockChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  DoubleClick  ;    public event DragEventHandler  DragDrop  ;    public event DragEventHandler  DragEnter  ;    public event EventHandler  DragLeave  ;    public event DragEventHandler  DragOver  ;    public event EventHandler  EnabledChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  Enter  ;    public event EventHandler  FontChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  ForeColorChanged  ;    public event GiveFeedbackEventHandler  GiveFeedback  ;    public event EventHandler  GotFocus  ;    public event EventHandler  HandleCreated  ;    public event EventHandler  HandleDestroyed  ;    public event HelpEventHandler  HelpRequested  ;    public event EventHandler  ImeModeChanged  ;    public event InvalidateEventHandler  Invalidated  ;    public event KeyEventHandler  KeyDown  ;    public event KeyPressEventHandler  KeyPress  ;    public event KeyEventHandler  KeyUp  ;    public event LayoutEventHandler  Layout  ;    public event EventHandler  Leave  ;    public event EventHandler  LocationChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  LostFocus  ;    public event MouseEventHandler  MouseDown  ;    public event EventHandler  MouseEnter  ;    public event EventHandler  MouseHover  ;    public event EventHandler  MouseLeave  ;    public event MouseEventHandler  MouseMove  ;    public event MouseEventHandler  MouseUp  ;    public event MouseEventHandler  MouseWheel  ;    public event EventHandler  Move  ;    public event PaintEventHandler  Paint  ;    public event EventHandler  ParentChanged  ;    public event QueryAccessibilityHelpEventHandler  QueryAccessibilityHelp  ;    public event QueryContinueDragEventHandler  QueryContinueDrag  ;    public event EventHandler  Resize  ;    public event EventHandler  RightToLeftChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  SizeChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  StyleChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  SystemColorsChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  TabIndexChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  TabStopChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  TextChanged  ;    public event EventHandler  Validated  ;    public event CancelEventHandler  Validating  ;    public event EventHandler  VisibleChanged  ; } 


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component(System.ComponentModel.IComponen, System.IDisposable) Control(IOleContro, IOleObject , IOleInPlaceObject , IOleInPlaceActiveObject , IOleWindow , IViewObject , IViewObject2 , IPersist , IPersistStreamInit , IPersistPropertyBag , IPersistStorage , IQuickActivate , System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke , IWin32Window)


Multiple types

Returned By

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Passed To

Multiple types

. Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell
.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003382
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 794 © 2008-2017.
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