
GraphicsPathIterator marshal by reference, disposable

System.Drawing.Drawing2D (system.drawing.dll) sealed class

This class is used to iterate the subpaths in a GraphicsPath object.

It can be constructed from a GraphicsPath object, and you can then step through the markers, subpaths, or connected line segments of the same type using the NextMarker() , NextSubpath() , and NextPathType() methods .

The Enumerate() function copies the path data into the specified arrays, and the CopyData() method allows you to copy just the path segments in a particular range (as retrieved from the enumeration methods mentioned above).

 public sealed class  GraphicsPathIterator  : MarshalByRefObject : IDisposable {  // Public Constructors  public  GraphicsPathIterator  (GraphicsPath  path  );  // Public Instance Properties  public int  Count  {get; }    public int  SubpathCount  {get; }  // Public Instance Methods  public int  CopyData  (ref System.Drawing.PointF[  ]  points  , ref byte[ ]  types  , int  startIndex  , int  endIndex  );    public void  Dispose  ();  // implements IDisposable  public int  Enumerate  (  ref System.Drawing.PointF[  ]   points  , ref byte[ ]  types  );    public bool  HasCurve  ();    public int  NextMarker  (GraphicsPath  path  );    public int  NextMarker  (out int  startIndex  , out int  endIndex  );    public int  NextPathType  (out byte  pathType  , out int  startIndex  , out int  endIndex  );    public int  NextSubpath  (GraphicsPath  path  , out bool  isClosed  );    public int  NextSubpath  (out int  startIndex  , out int  endIndex  , out bool  isClosed  );    public void  Rewind  ();  // Protected Instance Methods  protected override void  Finalize  ();  // overrides object  } 


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject GraphicsPathIterator(System.IDisposable)

. Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell
.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003382
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 794 © 2008-2017.
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