call operators, 135, 136

CAs (certification authorities), 41

-casesensitive option

Switch statement, 177


PowerShell, 7

CategoryInfo property

ErrorRecord cmdlet, 230

cert providers, 7


Authenticode, 41

self-signed, 44, 45

certification authorities (CAs), 41

ChangeACL.ps1 listing, 270, 271

characters, 24

CheckWebServer.ps1 listing, 305

child scopes, 25

Class 3 digital certificates, 41


.NET Framework, 56, 57

instances, 72

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), 72, 73, 74

Clear-Content cmdlet, 355

Clear-Item cmdlet, 356

Clear-ItemProperty cmdlet, 357

Clear-Variable, 91, 92

Clear-Variable cmdlet, 358


(command-line interface), 3

executables, 4

CLR (Common Language Runtime), 54

cmdlets, 10, 349

(command-lets), 6

Add-Content, 351

Add-History, 352

Add-Member, 353

Add-PSSnapin, 354

Clear-Content, 355

Clear-Item, 356

Clear-ItemProperty, 357

Clear-Variable, 358

Compare-Object, 359

ConvertFrom-SecureString, 360

Convert-Path, 361

ConvertTo-Html, 362

ConvertTo-SecureString, 363

Copy-Item, 364

Copy-ItemProperty, 365

Export-Alias, 366

Export-Clixml, 367

Export-Console, 368

Export-Csv, 369

ForEach-Object, 370

Format-Custom, 371

Format-List, 372

Format-Table, 373

Format-Wide, 374

Get-Acl, 375

Get-Alias, 376

Get-AuthenticodeSignature, 377

Get-ChildItem, 378

Get-Command, 379

Get-Content, 380

Get-Credential, 381

Get-Culture, 382

Get-Date, 383, 384

Get-EventLog, 385

Get-ExecutionPolicy, 386

Get-Help, 387

Get-History, 388

Get-Host, 389

Get-Item, 390

Get-ItemProperty, 391

Get-Location, 392

Get-Member, 393

Get-PfxCertificate, 394

Get-Process, 395

Get-PSDrive, 396

Get-PSProvider, 397

Get-PSSnapin, 398

Get-Service, 399, 400

Get-TraceSource, 401

Get-UICulture, 402

Get-Unique, 403

Get-Variable, 404

Get-WmiObject, 405

Group-Object, 406

Import-Alias, 407

Import-Clixml, 408

Import-Csv, 409

Invoke-Expression, 410

Invoke-History, 411

Invoke-Item, 412

Join-Path, 413

Measure-Command, 414

Measure-Object, 415, 416

Move-Item, 417

Move-ItemProperty, 418

New-Alias, 419

New-Item, 420

New-ItemProperty, 421

New-Object, 422

New-PSDrive, 423

New-Service, 424

New-TimeSpan, 425

New-Variable, 426

Out-Default, 427

Out-File, 428

Out-Host, 429

Out-Null, 430

Out-Printer, 431

output redirection, 18, 19

Out-String, 432

parameters, 11

Pop-Location, 433

Push-Location, 434

Read-Host, 435

Remove-Item, 436

Remove-ItemProperty, 437

Remove-PSDrive, 438

Remove-PSSnapin, 439

Remove-Variable, 440

Rename-Item, 441

Rename-ItemProperty, 442

Resolve-Path, 443

Restart-Service, 444, 445

Resume-Service, 446, 447

Select-Object, 448

Select-String, 449, 450

Set-Acl, 451

Set-Alias, 452

Set-AuthenticodeSignature, 453, 454

Set-Content, 455

Set-Date, 456

Set-ExecutionPolicy, 457

Set-Item, 458

Set-ItemProperty, 459, 460

Set-Location, 461

Set-PSDebug, 462

Set-Service, 464

Set-TraceSource, 465, 466

Set-Variable, 467

snapins, 225, 226

snap-ins, 12, 13

Sort-Object, 468

Split-Path, 469, 470

Start-Service, 471, 472

Start-Sleep, 473

Start-Transcript, 474

Stop-Process, 475, 476

Stop-Service, 477, 478

Stop-Transcript, 479

substitutions, 18, 19

Suspend-Service, 480, 481

Tee-Object, 482

Test-Path, 483

Trace-Command, 484, 485

ubiquitous parameters, 11, 12

Update-FormatData, 486

Update-TypeData, 487

Where-Object, 488

Write-Debug, 489

Write-Error, 490, 491

Write-Host, 492

Write-Output, 493

Write-Progress, 494

Write-Verbose, 495

Write-Warning, 496


aliases, 9

code completion

command-line, 297, 298

code-signing certificates, 41


objects, 55

versus arrays, 93

colon characters, 16


database tables, 314


(Component Object Model), 4

COM (Component Object Model)

VBScript, 336, 337

GetObject(), 339

instantiating objects, 337

object property and methods, 337, 338

comma separated values (CSVs)

exporting data outputs, 199, 200

command mode, 24

command modes, 117


. See cmdlets, 6


PowerShell editing capabilities, 8

command-line interface

. See CLI, 3


code completion, 297, 298

Commandref.txt files, 18


scripting best practices, 310, 311

VBScript, 339

Common Language Runtime (CLR), 54

Compare-Object cmdlet, 359

comparison operators, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144

Component Object Model

. See COM, 4

Component Object Model (COM)

VBScript, 336, 337

GetObject(), 339

instantiating objects, 337

object property and methods, 337, 338


restarting list of script, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38

connection strings

databases, 320, 321


PowerShell, 4



Break statement, 178

Continue statement, 178, 179, 180

For statement, 167, 168, 169

ForEach statement, 164, 165, 166, 167

If statement, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175

Switch statement, 175, 176, 177, 178

While statement, 169, 170, 171

scripting best practices, 308, 309

VBScript, 339


variables, 20

Continue statements

logic constructs, 178, 179, 180

ConvertFrom-Securestring cmdlet, 48

ConvertFrom-SecureString cmdlet, 360

Convert-Path cmdlet, 361

ConvertTo-Html cmdlet, 362

ConvertTo-HTML cmdlet, 202, 203, 204

ConvertTo-Securestring cmdlet, 48

ConvertTo-SecureString cmdlet, 363


Windows management files, 249, 250, 251

Copy-Item cmdlet, 249, 364

Copy-ItemProperty cmdlet, 365

CreateUser.ps1 listing, 288

Credential parameter, 251


permissions, 45, 46

-creplace operator, 132

cryptographic hash, 41

CSVs (comma separated values)

exporting data outputs, 199, 200

current scopes, 25

Windows PowerShell. TFM
Internet Forensics
ISBN: 982131445
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 289

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