The New Rules of Engagement-Life-Work Balance and Employee Commitment

Mike Johnson

First published 2004

Mike Johnson, 2004

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Mike Johnson is a consultant, author and Managing Partner of Johnson & Associates Limited, a corporate communications consultancy. The firm's main activities are internal communications strategy, researching and writing on world-of-work issues and management education strategy for major corporations and institutions. He is the author of six previous books including (2000) Winning the People Wars and (2002) Talent Magnet . He can be contacted through his website, or by e-mail on mikeajohnson@ compuserve .com.


To my son Cameron who resisted visits to ˜Daddy's Office', except for bringing the six o'clock verre du vin.

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development is the leading publisher of books and reports for personnel and training professionals, students, and all those concerned with the effective management and development of people at work. For details of all our titles, please contact the publishing department: Tel: 020-8263 3387Fax : 020-8263 3850E-mail: by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development,

CIPD House, Camp Road, London, SW19 4UX


Thanks to those who really gave me a great deal of support and encouragement.

Shay McConnon of People First, for helping me clarify my thoughts and letting me ˜steal' some of his great ideas. Richard Savage in Brussels for sound advice and counsel based on his own lengthy and successful career ˜doing the people thing.' Hanneke Frese at Zurich Financial Services for some great ideas and insights into the minds of today's employee. Vanessa Stebbings of for constant encouragement and allowing me to use their portal for market research. Nick Winkfield of Stakeholder Studies for letting me use his ideas on internal communications. Stephen Partridge, commissioning editor of CIPD for asking me to do the project in the first place.

I would also like to thank all those who agreed to be interviewed or pass on their ideas, opinions and knowledge. Also to all those people who asked the difficult questions at seminars and conferences that led to yet another line of thought: I don't know who you are, but you helped.

Finally, to my wife Julie for support, encouragement and not asking ˜how did it go today?'

Author's note

This is a serious subject. However, I have tackled it in what, I hope, is a fast-paced, narrative style that will carry you along and make learning fun. While it has been necessary to set the scene of how we got into the mess of employee disengagement, I have tried to make this a book that exudes hope and sensible solutions. This is a new style of book from CIPD and I am delighted to be associated with the series and I trust that you, the reader, will be delighted with the result.

The New Rules of Engagement(c) Life-Work Balance and Employee Commitment
Performance Tuning for Linux(R) Servers
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 131 © 2008-2017.
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