EasyMock library,105,483
Eclipse AspectJ: Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ and the Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools (Colyer),170,597
Eclipse,Spring IDE for,595
EIS (Enterprise Information System) tier,23,583
EJB CMT,transaction manager for,250
EJB Expert Group,4
with Home object lookups,400–402
with Stateless Session Bean lookups,402–406
without Spring,399–400
disadvantages of,2,3–4
evolution of,Spring Framework and,29–30
future of,398,599
Message Driven Beans,411–412
Stateful Session Beans,410–411
Stateless Session Beans,407–410
using XDoclet,412
inappropriate use of,2
local EJBs,402,403–404
local stateless session EJBs,pooling as alternative to,151
for providing services to objects,12
remote EJBs,402–403,404–406
remoting by,using,28,307,308
simplified use of,34–35
singleton container access for,99,413–420
Spring Framework and,38,581–582
transaction attributes,222
when to use,397–398
EL (Expression Language)
for indexed properties,463
Spring tags supporting,503–504
COS,sending mail using,356
creating messages,358,359
example of,354–355
existing mail session,reusing,355–356
features for,354
mail manager for,356–360
sending messages,360
enterprise applications
crosscutting concerns of,113–114
security requirements for,367–368
separate target objects for,119
services support for,335
stored procedures and,196
Enterprise Information System (EIS) tier,23
entity beans
checked exceptions and,16
disadvantages of,2
persistent domain objects replacing,585
POJO persistence replacing,30
insulating application from,6
escape syntax,JDBC,175
Evans,Eric (Domain Driven Design),597
examples. See account manager example; sample application; weather data service example
Excel-based views,515–519
exception handling
AOP used for,13
exception hierarchy for,15–16
exception translations,201–203
JDBC framework,175–176,180–182
notification of exceptions,example using,115–118
exception resolvers,MVC,438,445,456–458
ExceptionResolver class,445
Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development (Johnson),32,427,458,597
exporters,for lightweight remoting
for Burlap,312–313
definition of,306
for Hessian,312–313
for HTTP invoker,315–316
for RMI,322–323
for RMI-IIOP,324
for Web Services with JAX-RPC,328–330
ExposeInvocationInterceptor class,157
exposeProxy property, ProxyConfig class,134,156
expression builder,TopLink,257
Expression Language (EL)
for indexed properties,463
Spring tags supporting,503–504
Extreme Programming (XP),18