fail table, 131–133, 136, 141, 323
FALSE reserved keyword, 239
field types. See data types
field-level constraints
comments about, 145–147
creating, 127–129
default, 128, 296
defined, 124
fail table, 131–133
minimum and maximum, 129
NULL valid, 129
field-level rights, 117–118, 312–314
See also tables
adding to tables, 35–37, 271–275
ADT table field types, 36
changing properties of, 48–50, 274–275, 323
default value of, 128, 323
defined, 30
field-level permissions, 117–118
listing, 304–305
selecting, 276–277
FILE keyword, 274
file server databases, migrating from, 6
See also Advantage Optimized Filters (AOFs)
clearing, 76
conditional indexes versus, 70
indexes and, 78–80
live cursors and, 253–254
optimized, 79–80, 253
setting, 75–77
setting from Delphi, 342–343
setting from Visual Basic, 389–390
See also seeks and indexes
indexes and, 78–79
records from Delphi, 340–341
records from Visual Basic, 388–389
records via ADO, 388–389
findkeys, 79
FLOOR() scalar function, 248
foreign key, 136–137, 309
driver for, 24
tables, 31
using with ADS, 5, 23
free tables
See also tables
opening indexes for, 40
versus database tables, 32–33, 92–93
FROM reserved keyword, 239, 276–295
full text search (FTS)
case sensitive, 88
conditional drop characters, 87
creating indexes for, 81–89, 274
delimiters, 86–87
drop characters, 87
fixed, 88
indexes, 70–71, 81–89, 274, 293
keep score, 87–88
maximum word length, 86
noise words, 88–89
optimization and, 80–81
overview, 25, 80–81
protect numbers, 88
queries and, 293–295
supported field types, 70
testing, 83–85
FTS. See full text search (FTS)