tabbing, estimated time to implement feature, 271, 274
tags. See also InsertParagraphTag method; InsertPreTag method; InsertSectionTags method; InsertTags method
adding for lists, 31156
adding <pre> tags, 2015
estimated time to extend feature, 271, 274
finding paragraph tags in text strings, 2021
InsertListItemTag method, 329, 350
keeping balanced, 24849
paired, 2224
in regular expressions, 2224
in tree structure, 24850
unmatched, 2425
user -defined, 357
Tags enumeration, 381, 385, 491
[Test] attribute, 18, 21, 80
.test filename extension, 79
test fixtures, 18, 19, 20
test frameworks. See NUnit
TestableTextBox.cs, 121, 124, 131, 246
TestAllFiles test, 7980, 162, 21213, 291, 294
test-driven development
debuggers and, 27
defined, 9
as Extreme Programming practice, xxviii
TestEmptyText test, 162, 163, 164
test-first programming. See test-driven development
[TestFixture] attribute, 18, 20
testing. See also NUnit; tests
bugs and, 58, 116
vs. implementation, 299
overview, 1718
vs. refactoring, 5657
role in Extreme Programming, 178
role of assertion methods , 20, 7980, 242, 450
role of mock objects, 11617
TextModel, 5659
Undo, 409, 41012, 42125
TestModifierKeys flag, 45960
TestNoProcessing test, 28081
TestOneEnter test, 160, 17475
tests. See also Customer Acceptance Tests; Programmer Unit Tests
as communication tool, 232
deferring, 306
duplication and, 341
as historical record, 232, 278
Ignore feature, 235
renaming, 104
reviewing, 283
scaffolding type, 104
simplicity and, 21
weakening by refactoring, 34041
when to leave in, 104
when to take out, 104
TestScroll.cs, 118, 123, 125, 13132
TestText method, 108, 109
adding test to, 145
AltS test, 318, 319, 340
AltSWithText test, 31819, 340
class overview, 14244
code summaries, 13334, 36569
ControlS test, 14546
CursorPosition test, 410
LoadModelFromFile method, 282
revised code, 36569
TestEmptyText test, 162, 163, 164
arrays and, 43, 176
creating in XMLNotepad vs. InitializeComponent, 185
moving Ctrl+P code to, 44
newlines and, 3637
in Petzold notepad prototype, 3233
PutText method and, 267
vs. RichTextBox, 248
SelectionStart and, 121, 435, 438, 48081
subclassing, 484, 490
TestableTextBox subclass, 121, 124, 131, 246
testing, 5759
vs. TextModel, 42, 45, 46, 47, 188, 246, 290, 421, 42829, 48081, 484, 490
in XMLKeyDownHandler method, 4142
Arraylist and, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416
code summaries, 6770, 13436, 15557, 16769, 17880, 36265, 39094
commenting out deletions, 33940, 384, 38889
ControlS method, 14647
creating, 43
CursorLine and, 4546
duplication in, 15966, 427
vs. Form, 42, 45, 247, 25556, 322, 329, 348, 48081
implementing IUndoRestore interface, 44849
InsertSectionTags method, 315
instantiating, 4344
key role, 48587
Lines method, 99
Load method, 282
modifying to save and restore contents, 416
moving Enter to, 45
NotepadMenuItem and, 383
object size issues, 48587
Perform method, 194, 195
refactoring, 4348
Restore method and, 41214, 418
reviewing, 15965
revised code, 15557, 16769, 17880, 36265, 39094
role in insert menu creation process, 38384
role in menu item creation process, 37677
Save method, 278, 282
Snapshot method and, 41214, 427, 430
testing, 5659
TestText method, 108, 109
vs. TextBox, 42, 45, 46, 47, 188, 246, 290, 421, 42829, 48081, 484, 490
Undo and, 41215, 443
TextModel method, renaming, 5253. See also InsertParagraphTag method
TextPad vs. XML Notepad, 13, 39596, 483
to-do notation, 143, 346, 491
TotalTagLength method, 321, 322
tree structure, for XML tags, 24850
TypeCharacter method, 423
TypeCharacters method, 425, 426, 428, 431