validating package signatures, 228

/var/log directory, 362


/etc/sysconfig/network file, 331–332

looking up Samba, 529


misspellings of Samba, 533

PATH, 27, 28, 355

using environment vs. shell, 29

xinetd configuration file, 618–619


installed RPM packages, 229

users with PAM, 306–308


Fedora Core, 53

kernel version numbers, 388–389

very secure FTP servers. See vsFTP servers

vgcreate command, 417, 816

vgdisplay command, 816

vgextend command, 418, 816

VGs (volume groups)

commands for managing, 421

configuration of, 422

creating, 419, 426–427

defined, 817

illustrated, 422

basic text editing in, 10

command mode in, 9–10

creating new user in, 10–11

defined, 816

overview of, 8–9

video RAM requirements, 76

viewing filesystems list, 196

virtual consoles, 160

virtual hosts, 466–476

about, 466–468, 816

checking syntax of containers for, 470

configuration directives in httpd. conf for, 452, 455

executable files for, 470

log files for Apache, 471–472

secure, 468–469

troubleshooting Apache errors, 472–473

updating home page on Apache server, 473


CPUs and, 76

defined, 817

when to install package for, 109

VMware, 817

VMware Server, 92–93

volume groups. See VGs

volumes. See also LVs; PVs; VGs

defined, 12

exam skills required for logical, 184

logical, 808

physical, 810

removing logical, 759

volume groups, 817

vsFTP (very secure FTP) servers, 512–515

cautions using chroot_local_ user=YES command, 514

configuration commands, 514

configuring basic, 515

defined, 816

exam topics on, 495

installing, 512

lab questions and answers, 549–551, 553–556

self test and answers, 548–549, 552

SELinux support for, 512–513

setting up security for, 513–514

starting on reboot, 513

two-minute drill, 546–547

RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide (Exam RH302)
Linux Patch Management: Keeping Linux Systems Up To Date
ISBN: 0132366754
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 227
Authors: Michael Jang

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