The basic purpose of measurements in a project is to effectively control the project. This section discusses some concepts related to metrics and measurement and the basic metrics that you should measure for controlling a project. One approach for process control is statistical process control. This section also discusses some concepts relating to SPC and the way SPC can be used for software.

7.1.1 Metrics and Measurements

Software metrics can be used to quantitatively characterize various aspects of the software process or software products. Process metrics quantify attributes of the software process or the development environment, whereas product metrics are measures for the software products.1,2 Product metrics remain independent of the process used to produce the product. Examples of process metrics include productivity, quality, resource metrics, defect injection rate, and defect removal efficiency. Examples of product metrics include size, reliability, quality (quality can be viewed as a product metric as well as a process metric), complexity of the code, and functionality.

The use of metrics necessarily requires that measurements be made to obtain data. For any metrics program, you must clearly understand the goals for collecting data as well as the models that are used for making judgments based on the data. In general, which metrics to use and which measurements to take will depend on the project and organization goals; you can use a framework, such as the goal-question-metric paradigm, to determine the metrics that need to be measured.3,4 In practice, however, a few metrics suffice for most situations, and special metrics are needed only for special situations. Schedule, size, effort, and defects are the basic measurements for projects and form a stable metrics set.5,6

Schedule is one of the most important metrics because most projects are driven by schedules and deadlines. It is, however, the easiest to measure because calendar time is usually used. Effort is the main resource consumed in a software project. Consequently, tracking of effort is a key activity during monitoring; it is essential for evaluating whether the project is executing within budget. That is, this data is needed to make statements such as "The cost of the project is likely to be about 30% more than projected earlier" or "The project is likely to finish within budget."

Because defects have a direct relationship to software quality, tracking of defects is critical for ensuring quality. A large software project may include thousands of defects that are found by different people at different stages. Often the person who fixes a defect is not the same person who finds or reports it. Generally, a project manager will want to remove most or all of the defects found before the final delivery of the software. In such a scenario, defect reporting and closure cannot be done informally. The use of informal mechanisms may lead to defects being found but later forgotten, so defects end up not being removed or extra effort must be spent in finding the defect again. Hence, at the very least, defects must be logged and their closure tracked. For this procedure, you need information, such as the manifestation of the defect, its location, and the names of the person who found it and the person who closed it. Once each defect found is logged (and later closed), analysis can focus on how many defects have been found so far, what percentage of defects are still open, and other issues. Defect tracking is considered one of the best practices for managing a project.7

Merely logging defects and tracking them is not sufficient to support other desirable analyses. To understand what percentage of defects are caught where, you also need to record information about the phases at which defects are detected. To understand the defect removal efficiency of various quality control tasks and thereby improve their performance, you must know not only where a defect is detected but also where it was injected. In other words, for each defect logged, you should also provide information about the phase in which the defect was introduced.

Size is another fundamental metric because many data (for example, delivered defect density) are normalized with respect to size. Without size data, you cannot predict performance using past data. Also, without normalization with respect to a standard measure of size, you cannot benchmark performance for comparison purposes. The two common measures for size are lines of code (LOC) and function points. If you use lines of code as a measure, productivity differs with the programming language. Function points provide uniformity.

7.1.2 Process Monitoring through Statistical Process Control

Statistical process control has been used with great success in manufacturing, and its use in software is also increasing.8 Here we briefly discuss some general concepts of SPC; for more information, you can consult any textbook on statistical quality control.9,10 In Chapters 10 and 11 you will see how SPC concepts are used for project monitoring.

A process is used to produce output, and the quality of the output can be defined in terms of certain quality characteristics. A number of factors affect the variability in the value of these characteristics. These factors can be classified into two categories: natural (or inherent) causes of variability, and assignable (or special) causes. Natural causes are those that are always present and each of which contributes to the variability. It's not practical to control these causes unless the process itself is changed. Assignable causes, on the other hand, are those that occur once in a while, have a larger influence over variability in the process performance, and can be controlled. Figure 7.1 illustrates the relationship between causes and quality characteristics.

Figure 7.1. Assignable and natural causes


A process is said to be under statistical control if the variability in the quality characteristics is due to natural causes only. The goal of SPC is to keep the production process in statistical control.

Control charts are a favorite tool for applying SPC. To build a control chart, the output of a process is considered to be a stream of numeric values representing the values of the characteristic of interest. Subgroups of data are taken from this stream, and the mean values for the subgroups are plotted, giving an X-bar chart. A lower control limit (LCL) and an upper control limit (UCL) are established. If a point falls outside the control limits, the large variability is considered to be due to assignable causes. Another chart, called an R-chart, plots the range (the difference between the minimum and maximum values) of the chosen subgroups. Control limits are established for the R-chart, and a point falling outside these control limits is also considered as having assignable causes.

By convention, LCL and UCL are frequently set at 3-sigma around the mean, where sigma is the standard deviation for data with only normal variability (that is, variability due to natural causes). With these limits, the probability of a false alarm in which a point with natural variability falls outside the limits is only 0.27%.

When the production process does not yield the same item repeatedly, as is the case with software processes, forming subgroups may not make sense; individual values are therefore considered. For such processes, XMR charts9,10 can be used. In an XMR chart, a moving range of two consecutive values is considered as the range for the R-chart. For the X-bar chart, the individual values are plotted; the control limits are then determined using the average moving range.

Note that control limits are different from specification limits. Specification limits specify, based on the requirements, the performance that is desired from the process. Control limits, on the other hand, based on actual data from the process, determine the actual performance capability of the process that is, what the process actually is capable of delivering. Clearly, if the control limits are within the specification limits (the specification limits are wider than the control limits), the process is capable of delivering output that will meet the specifications most of the time. On the other hand, if the specification limit is within the control limits, the probability of the process producing an outcome that does not satisfy the requirements increases. Based on the relationship between the specification limit and the control limit, the capability of a process can be defined formally.9,10

You use the control charts to continuously monitor the performance of the process and identify an out-of-control situation. Separately, you decide what action will be taken when a point representing an output falls outside the control limit. Generally, two types of actions are performed:

         Rework the output so that it has acceptable characteristics that is, take corrective action.

         Conduct further analysis to identify the assignable causes and eliminate them from the process that is, take preventive actions.

To employ control charts for software processes, you must first identify the processes to which SPC can be applied. One choice is the overall process, whose output is the software product to be delivered. The characteristics that can be studied for the output of this process include productivity, delivered defect density, and defect injection rate, among others. You can obtain the values of most of these characteristics for the output of the overall process only after the project ends, so SPC for the overall process has limited value for project monitoring and control. Its value lies primarily in understanding and improving the capability of the process.

To control a project, you can deploy SPC for "mini-processes" that are executed during the course of the project, such as the review process or testing process. Under SPC, as soon as the process is executed, its results can be analyzed. If required, you can then apply control in the form of corrective or preventive actions. Through corrective actions, the out-of-limit output is made acceptable; preventive actions help to improve execution of the remainder of the project. Chapters 10 and 11 discuss the use of SPC for monitoring projects.

Given the possibility of a large variation in performance in software processes, it is not an easy task to identify points having only natural variability so that you can determine the control limits. Hence, to compute the control limits from past performance data, you must use your judgment to determine which data points should be excluded. Furthermore, past data should not be used blindly, and discerning management must always support its use. For example, you cannot assume that a process has failed just because the performance is out of the range computed from past data.2,11 A more suitable approach is to use the performance range to draw attention to a deviation and then analyze the reasons for the deviation.

Software Project Management in Practice
Linux Annoyances for Geeks: Getting the Most Flexible System in the World Just the Way You Want It
ISBN: 0596008015
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 83
Authors: Michael Jang © 2008-2017.
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