
Now the PHP code we wrote in Chapter 10 truly does what it is supposed to. Congratulations. Our trivia game now has a Flash interface that reads questions from a database somewhere. That's really cool.

Our PHP script obtains questions from a database and sends them out in XML. In this chapter, we learned how to have PHP connect to a MySQL server, obtain results from the server, and then parse the results. Further, we extended our knowledge of MySQL a little by learning about some group commands.

We also went through two versions. This experience taught us to try to eliminate loops whenever for extra speed.

Commands Covered in This Chapter
Command name What it returns or uses
MySQL_connect Returns connection
MySQL_close Uses connection
MySQL_pconnect Returns connection
MySQL_create_db Uses connection [1]
MySQL_drop_db Uses connection [1]
MySQL_db_select Uses connection [1]
MySQL_query Uses connection; [1] returns result
MySQL_result Uses result
MySQL_data_seek Uses result
MySQL_fetch_row Uses result
MySQL_fetch_array Uses result
MySQL_fetch_object Uses result
MySQL_num_rows Uses result
MySQL_free_result Uses (and loses) result

[1] Optional use

Flash and XML[c] A Developer[ap]s Guide
Flash and XML[c] A Developer[ap]s Guide
ISBN: 201729202
Year: 2005
Pages: 160 © 2008-2017.
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