Part 2: Working with WSAA

 < Day Day Up > 

Chapter List

Chapter 3: Collecting Inventory
Chapter 4: Exploring Your Inventory
Chapter 5: Working with Your Inventory

In this part of the book, we expand upon the roles of the people who support and use WebSphere Studio Asset Analyzer by providing a detailed discussion of the tasks they perform. We describe how:

  • A WSAA system or product administrator collects your site’s inventory and maintains the WSAA database.

  • An application development project manager explores your site’s inventory to understand the general and detailed aspects of a sample application.

  • An application developer works with your site’s inventory to make specific changes to a sample application.

 < Day Day Up > 

IBM Redbooks - Websphere Studio Asset Analyzer
Adobe InDesign CS2 @work: Projects You Can Use on the Job
ISBN: 067232802X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 84 © 2008-2017.
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