The 80x86 CPU family provides just over a hundred to many thousands of different machine instructions, depending on how you define a machine instruction. Even at the low end of the count (greater than 100), it appears as though there are far too many machine instructions to learn in a short period of time. Fortunately, you don't need to know all the machine instructions. In fact, most assembly language programs probably use around 30 different machine instructions.[6] Indeed, you can certainly write several meaningful programs with only a small handful of machine instructions. The purpose of this section is to provide a small handful of machine instructions so you can start writing simple HLA assembly language programs right away.
Without question, the mov instruction is the most oft-used assembly language statement. In a typical program, anywhere from 25 to 40 percentof the instructions are mov instructions. As its name suggests, this instruction moves data from one location to another.[7] The HLA syntax for this instruction is:
mov( source_operand, destination_operand);
The source_operand can be a register, a memory variable, or a constant. The destination_operand may be a register or a memory variable. Technically the 80x86 instruction set does not allow both operands to be memory variables; HLA, however, will automatically translate a mov instruction with two-word or double word memory operands into a pair of instructions that will copy the data from one location to another. In a high level language like Pascal or C/C++, the mov instruction is roughly equivalent to the following assignment statement:
destination_operand = source_operand;
Perhaps the major restriction on the mov instruction's operands is that they must both be the same size. That is, you can move data between two byte (eight-bit) objects, between two-word (16-bit) objects, or between two double word (32-bit) objects; you may not, however, mix the sizes of the operands. Table 1-1 lists all the legal combinations for the mov instruction.
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Source | Destination |
| |
Reg8 | Reg8 |
Reg8 | Mem8 |
Mem8 | Reg8 |
constant[1] | Reg8 |
constant[1] | Mem8 |
Reg16 | Reg16 |
Reg16 | Mem16 |
Mem16 | Reg16 |
constant[1] | Reg16 |
constant[1] | Mem16 |
Reg32 | Reg32 |
Reg32 | Mem32 |
Mem32 | Reg32 |
constant[1] | Reg32 |
constant[1] | Mem32 |
[1]The constant must be small enough to fit in the specified destination operand. |
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You should study this table carefully. Most of the general purpose 80x86 instructions use this same syntax. Note that in addition to the forms above, the HLA mov instruction lets you specify two memory operands as the source and destination. However, this special translation that HLA provides only applies to the mov instruction; it does not generalize to the other instructions.
The 80x86 add and sub instructions let you add and subtract two operands. Their syntax is nearly identical to the mov instruction:
add( source_operand, destination_operand); sub( source_operand, destination_operand);
The add and sub operands take the same form as the mov instruction.[8] The add instruction does the following:
destination_operand = destination_operand + source_operand; destination_operand += source_operand; // For those who prefer C syntax
The sub instruction does the calculation:
destination_operand = destination_operand - source_operand; destination_operand -= source_operand; // For C fans.
With nothing more than these three instructions, plus the HLA control structures that the next section discusses, you can actually write some sophisticated programs. Listing 1-3 provides a sample HLA program that demonstrates these three instructions.
Listing 1-3: Demonstration of MOV, ADD, and SUB Instructions.
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program DemoMOVaddSUB; #include( "stdlib.hhf" ) static i8: int8 := -8; i16: int16 := -16; i32: int32 := -32; begin DemoMOVaddSUB; // First, print the initial values // of our variables. stdout.put ( nl, "Initialized values: i8=", i8, ", i16=", i16, ", i32=", i32, nl ); // Compute the absolute value of the // three different variables and // print the result. // Note, because all the numbers are // negative, we have to negate them. // Using only the MOV, ADD, and SUB // instruction, we can negate a value // by subtracting it from zero. mov( 0, al ); // Compute i8 := -i8; sub( i8, al ); mov( al, i8 ); mov( 0, ax ); // Compute i16 := -i16; sub( i16, ax ); mov( ax, i16 ); mov( 0, eax ); // Compute i32 := -i32; sub( i32, eax ); mov( eax, i32 ); // Display the absolute values: stdout.put ( nl, "After negation: i8=", i8, ", i16=", i16, ", i32=", i32, nl ); // Demonstrate ADD and constant-to-memory // operations: add( 32323200, i32 ); stdout.put( nl, "After ADD: i32=", i32, nl ); end DemoMOVaddSUB;
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[6]Different programs may use a different set of 30 instructions, but few programs use more than 30 distinct instructions.
[7]Technically, mov actually copies data from one location to another. It does not destroy the original data in the source operand. Perhaps a better name for this instruction should have been copy. Alas, it's too late to change it now.
[8]Remember, though, that add and sub do not support memory-to-memory operations.