Chapter 4: Floating-Point Representation

Floating-point arithmetic is an approximation of real arithmetic that solves the major problem with integer data types - the inability to represernt fractional values. Although floating-point arithmetic is often slower than integer arithmetic, modern CPUs incorporate well-designed floating-point units, thus reducing the performance difference between integer and floating-point arithmetic.

For this reason, the stigma surrounding floating-point arithmetic has diminished since the days when floating-point results were computed using software (rather than hardware). One unfortunate aspect of floating-point's increasing popularity is that many programmers do not understand the inherent limitations of the floating-point format. Floating-point arithmetic is but an approximation of real arithmetic. The inaccuracies present in this approximation can lead to serious defects in application software if an engineer is not aware of the problems associated with these approximations. In order to write great software that produces correct results when using floating-point arithmetic, programmers must be aware of the machine's underlying numeric representation and of how floating-point arithmetic approximates real arithmetic.

4.1 Introduction to Floating-Point Arithmetic

Floating-point numbers provide only an approximation of real numbers . This is because there is an infinite number of possible real values, while floating-point representation uses a finite number of bits (and, therefore, can only represent a finite number of different values). When a given floating-point format cannot exactly represent some real value, the floating-point number must instead use the closest value that it can exactly represent. This section describes how the floating-point format works so you can better understand the problems with these approximations.

Consider a couple of problems with integer and fixed-point formats. Integers, of course, cannot represent any fractional values. Another problem with most integer representations is that they can only represent values in the range 0..2 n ˆ’ 1 or -2 n ˆ’ 1 ..2 n ˆ’ 1 ˆ’ 1. Fixed-point formats provide the ability to represent fractional values, but at the expense of the range of integer values you can represent. This problem, which the floating-point format solves, is the issue of dynamic range .

Consider a simple 16-bit unsigned fixed-point format that uses 8 bits for fractional component and 8 bits for the integer component of the number. The integer component can represent values in the range 0..255, and the fractional component can represent the values zero and fractions between 2 ˆ’ 8 and 1 (with a resolution of about 2 ˆ’ 8 ). Suppose, now, that for a string of calculations you only need two bits to represent the fractional values 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75. Unfortunately, the extra six bits in the fractional part of the number go to waste. Wouldn't it be nice if we could utilize those bits in the integer portion of the number to extend its range from 0..255 to 0..16,383? Well, that's the basic concept behind the floating-point representation. In a floating-point value, the radix point (binary point) can freely float between digits in the number as needed. So if in a 16-bit binary number you only need two bits of precision for the fractional component of the number, the binary point can float down between bits 1 and 2 in the number, allowing the format to utilize bits 2 through 15 for the integer portion. In order to support a floating-point format, the numeric representation needs one additional field - a field that specifies the position of the radix point within the number. This extra field is equivalent to the exponent present when using scientific notation.

To represent real numbers, most floating-point formats use some number of bits to represent a mantissa and a smaller number of bits to represent an exponent . The mantissa is a base value, that usually falls within a limited range (for example, between zero and one). The exponent is a multiplier that when applied to the mantissa produces values outside this range. The result of separating the number into these two parts is that floating-point numbers can only represent numbers with a specific number of significant digits. As you will soon see, if the difference between the smallest and largest exponent is greater than the number of significant digits in the mantissa (and it usually is), then the floating-point representation cannot exactly represent all the integers between the smallest and largest values the floating-point format can represent.

To easily see the impact of limited-precision arithmetic, we will adopt a simplified decimal floating-point format for our examples. Our floating-point format will provide a mantissa with three significant digits and a decimal exponent with two digits. The mantissa and exponents are both signed values, as shown in Figure 4-1.

click to expand
Figure 4-1: Simple floating-point format

Note that this particular floating-point representation can approximate all the values between 0.00 and 9.99 — 10 99 . However, this format certainly cannot exactly represent all values in this range (that would take 100 digits of precision!). To represent a value like 9,876,543,210, the floating-point format in Figure 4-1 would have to approximate this value with 9.88 — 10 9 (or 9.88e + 9 in programming language notation, which this book will generally use from this point forward).

The big advantage of the mantissa/exponent configuration is that a floating-point format can represent values across a wide range. There is a subtle disadvantage to this scheme, however: you cannot exactly represent as many different values with a floating-point format as you can with an integer format. This is because the floating-point format can provide multiple representations (that is, different bit patterns) for the same value. In the simplified decimal floating-point format shown in Figure 4-1, for example, 1.00e + 1 and 0.10e + 2 are different representations of the same value. As there are a finite number of different representations possible (given a finite number of bits or digits), whenever a single value has two possible representations, that's one less different value the format can represent.

Furthermore, the floating-point format, a form of scientific notation, complicates arithmetic somewhat. When adding and subtracting two numbers in scientific notation, you must adjust the two values so that their exponents are the same. For example, when adding 1.23e1 and 4.56e0, you could convert 4.56e0 to 0.456e1 and then add them. This produces 1.686e1. Unfortunately, the result does not fit into the three significant digits of our current format, so we must either round or truncate the result to three significant digits. Rounding generally produces the most accurate result, so let's round the result to obtain 1.69e1. As you can see, the lack of precision (the number of digits or bits maintained in a computation) affects the accuracy (the correctness of the computation).

In the previous example, we were able to round the result because we maintained four significant digits during the calculation. If our floating-point calculation were limited to three significant digits during computation, we would have had to truncate the last digit of the smaller number, obtaining 1.68e1, which is even less correct. Therefore, to improve the accuracy of floating-point calculations, it is necessary to use extra digits during the calculation. These extra digits are known as guard digits (or guard bits in the case of a binary format). They greatly enhance accuracy during a long chain of computations .

The accuracy lost during a single computation usually isn't bad unless you are greatly concerned about the accuracy of your computations. However, if you compute a value that is the result of a sequence of floating-point operations, the error can accumulate and greatly affect the computation itself. For example, suppose we add 1.23e3 and 1.00e0. Adjusting the numbers so their exponents are the same before the addition produces 1.23e3 + 0.001e3. The sum of these two values, even after rounding, is 1.23e3. This might seem perfectly reasonable to you; after all, if we can only maintain three significant digits, adding in a small value shouldn't affect the result. However, suppose we were to add 1.00e0 to 1.23e3 ten times . The first time we add 1.00e0 to 1.23e3 we get 1.23e3. Likewise, we get this same result the second, third, fourth . . . and tenth time we add 1.00e0 to 1.23e3. On the other hand, had we added 1.00e0 to itself ten times, then added the result (1.00e1) to 1.23e3, we would obtain a different result, 1.24e3. This is an important thing to know about limited-precision arithmetic:

The order of evaluation can affect the accuracy of the result.

Your results will be better when adding or subtracting numbers if their relative magnitudes (that is, the sizes of the exponents) are similar. If you are performing a chain calculation involving addition and subtraction, you should attempt to group the operations so that you can add or subtract values whose magnitudes are close to one another before adding or subtracting values whose magnitudes are not as close.

Another problem with addition and subtraction is that you can wind up with false precision . Consider the computation 1.23e0 ˆ’ 1.22e0. This produces 0.01e0. Although this is mathematically equivalent to 1.00e ˆ’ 2, this latter form suggests that the last two digits are both exactly zero. Unfortunately, we only have a single significant digit after this computation, which is in the hundredths place. Indeed, some FPUs or floating-point software packages might actually insert random digits (or bits) into the LO positions . This brings up a second important rule concerning limited-precision arithmetic:

Whenever subtracting two numbers with the same signs or adding two numbers with different signs, the accuracy of the result may be less than the precision available in the floating-point format.

Multiplication and division do not suffer from these same problems because you do not have to adjust the exponents before the operation; all you need to do is add the exponents and multiply the mantissas (or subtract the exponents and divide the mantissas). By themselves , multiplication and division do not produce particularly poor results. However, they tend to exacerbate any accuracy error that already exists in a value. For example, if you multiply 1.23e0 by 2, when you should be multiplying 1.24e0 by 2, the result is even less accurate than it was. This brings up a third important rule when working with limited-precision arithmetic:

When performing a chain of calculations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, try to perform the multiplication and division operations first.

Often, by applying normal algebraic transformations, you can arrange a calculation so the multiplication and division operations occur first. For example, suppose you want to compute the following:

 x  (y + z) 

Normally you would add y and z together and multiply their sum by x . However, you will get a little more accuracy if you first transform the previousequation to get the following:

 x  y + x  z 

This way you can compute the result by performing the multiplications first. [1]

Multiplication and division have other problems, as well. When multiplying two very large or very small numbers, it is quite possible for overflow or underflow to occur. The same situation occurs when dividing a small number by a large number, or when dividing a large number by a small number. This brings up a fourth rule you should attempt to follow when multiplying or dividing values:

When multiplying and dividing sets of numbers, try to multiply and divide numbers that have the same relative magnitudes.

Comparing floating-point numbers is very dangerous. Given the inaccuracies present in any computation (including converting an input string to a floating-point value), you should never compare two floating-point values to see if they are equal. In a binary floating-point format, different computations that produce the same (mathematical) result may differ in their least significant bits. For example, adding 1.31e0 + 1.69e0 should produce 3.00e0. Likewise, adding 1.50e0 + 1.50e0 should produce 3.00e0. However, were you to compare (1.31e0 + 1.69e0) against (1.50e0 + 1.50e0) you might find that these sums are not equal to one another. The test for equality succeeds if and only if all bits (or digits) in the two operands are the same. Because it is not necessarily true that two seemingly equivalent floating-point computations will produce exactly equal results, a straight comparison for equality may fail when, algebraically, such a comparison should succeed.

The standard way to test for equality between floating-point numbers is to determine how much error (or tolerance) you will allow in a comparison, and then check to see if one value is within this error range of the other. The straightforward way to do this is to use a test like the following:

 if((Value1 >= (Value2   error))  and  (Value1 <= (Value2 + error)) then . . . 

A more efficient way to handle this is to use a statement of the form:

 if(abs(Value1   Value2) <= error) then . . . 

You must exercise care when choosing the value for error . This should be a value slightly greater than the largest amount of error that will creep into your computations. The exact value will depend upon the particular floating-point format you use and the magnitudes of the values you are comparing. So the final rule is this:

When comparing two floating-point numbers for equality, always compare the values to see if the difference between two values is less than some small error value.

Checking two floating-point numbers for equality is a very famous problem, and almost every introductory programming text discusses this issue. Perhaps less well known is the fact that comparing for less than or greater than creates the same problems. Suppose that a sequence of floating-point calculations produces a result that is only accurate to within plus or minus error , even though the floating-point representation provides better accuracy than error suggests. If you compare such a result against some other calculation computed with less accumulated error, and those two values are very close to one other, then comparing them for less than or greater than may produce incorrect results.

For example, suppose that some chain of calculations in our simplified decimal representation produces the result 1.25, which is only accurate to plus or minus 0.05 (that is, the real value could be somewhere between 1.20 and 1.30). Also assume that a second chain of calculations produces the result 1.27, which is accurate to the full precision of our floating-point result (that is, the actual value, before rounding, is somewhere between 1.265 and 1.275). Now, if we compare the result of the first calculation (1.25) against the value of the second calculation (1.27), we will find that the first calculation is less than the result of the second. Unfortunately, given the inaccuracy present in the first calculation this might not be true. If the correct result of the first computation happens to be in the range 1.27 to 1.30 (exclusive), then reporting that the first calculation is less than the second is false. About the only reasonable test is to see if the two values are within the error tolerance of one another. If so, treat the values as equal (so one wouldn't be considered less than or greater than the other). If you determine that the values are not equal to one another within the desired error tolerance, then you can compare them to see if one value is less than or greater than the other. This is known as a miserly approach to comparing for less than or greater than (that is, we try to find as few values that are less than or greater than as possible).

The other possibility is to use an eager approach to the comparison. An eager approach attempts to make the result of the comparison true as often as possible. Given two values that you want to compare, and an error tolerance you're interested in achieving, here's how you'd eagerly compare the two values for less than or greater than:

 if(A < (B + error)) then Eager_A_lessthan_B;  if(A > (B   error)) then Eager_A_greaterthan_B; 

Don't forget that calculations like ( B + error ) are subject to their own inaccuracies, depending on the relative magnitudes of the values B and error , and the inaccuracy of this calculation may very well affect the final result that you achieve in the comparison.

There are other problems that can occur when using floating-point values. This book can only point out some of the major problems and make you aware that you cannot treat floating-point arithmetic like real arithmetic - the inaccuracies present in limited-precision arithmetic can get you into trouble if you are not careful. A good text on numerical analysis or even scientific computing can help fill in the details that are beyond the scope of this book. If you are going to be working with floating-point arithmetic, in any language , you should take the time to study the effects of limited-precision arithmetic on your computations.

[1] Of course, the drawback is that you must now perform two multiplications rather than one, so the result may be slower.

Write Great Code. Understanding the Machine, Vol. 1
The Art of Assembly Language
ISBN: 1593270038
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 144
Authors: Randall Hyde © 2008-2017.
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