11.14 Parsing and Formatting a Log File

The following program will parse your standard Web server's log file and print the results in a formatted HTML table. An example log file entry might be the following: - - [25/March/2000:05:10:29 +100] "GET /site.htm HTTP/1.0"                    200 1892 

The program:

 <?php $fp = @fopen($logfile_location, "r")     or die("Cannot Open $logfile_location"); while ($line = fgets($fp, 1024)) {     $line = trim($line);     preg_match("/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\[(.*)\]                 \s+\"(.*)\"\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/x", $line, $matches);     array_shift($matches);     $host = $matches[0];     $identity = $matches[1];     $user = $matches[2];     $time = $matches[3];     $url = $matches[4];     $success = $matches[5];     $bytes = $matches[6];     preg_match("@(..)/(...)/(....):(..):(..):(..)@", $time, $matches);     array_shift($matches);     $day = $matches[0];     $mon = $matches[1] + 1;     $year = $matches[2];     $hour = $matches[3];     $minutes = $matches[4];     $seconds = $matches[5];     preg_match("/\S+\s+(\S+)/", $url, $matches);     $url = $matches[1];     if ($success == 200) {         $success[$i++] = array($host,                                $identity,                                $user,                                array($day, $mon, $year,                                      $hour, $minutes, $seconds),                                $url,                                $bytes);     } else {         $failure[$x++] = array($host,                                $identity,                                $user,                                array($day, $mon, $year,                                      $hour, $minutes, $seconds),                                $url,                                $bytes);     } } ?> <html> <head>     <title> Here is the results of your access logs </title> </head> <body> <h1> Reports on your Access logs </h1>     <h2> Successful Accesses </h2> <br> <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"> <tr>     <th> Host </th>     <th> Identity </th>     <th> User </th>     <th> Time </th>     <th> Url </th>     <th> Bytes </th> </tr> <?php for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($success); $idx++) { ?> <tr>     <td> <?php echo $success[$idx][0]; ?> </td>     <td> <?php echo $success[$idx][1]; ?> </td>     <td> <?php echo $success[$idx][2]; ?> </td>     <td> <?php      echo "On: " . $success[$idx][3][1] . "/";      echo $success[$idx][3][0] . "/";      echo $success[$idx][3][2] . ", ";      echo "at: " . $success[$idx][3][3] . ":";      echo $success[$idx][3][4] . ":" . $success[$idx][3][5];     ?>     </td>     <td> <?php echo $success[$idx][4]; ?> </td>     <td> <?php echo $success[$idx][5]; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <br><br>     <h2> Failures </h2> <br> <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"> <tr>     <th> Host </th>     <th> Identity </th>     <th> User </th>     <th> Time </th>     <th> Url </th>     <th> Bytes </th> </tr> <?php for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($failure); $idx++) { ?> <tr>     <td> <?php echo $failure[$idx][0]; ?> </td>     <td> <?php echo $failure[$idx][1]; ?> </td>     <td> <?php echo $failure[$idx][2]; ?> </td>     <td> <?php      echo "On: " . $failure[$idx][3][1] . "/";      echo $failure[$idx][3][0] . "/";      echo $failure[$idx][3][2] . ", ";      echo "at: " . $failure[$idx][3][3] . ":";      echo $failure[$idx][3][4] . ":" . $failure[$idx][3][5];     ?>     </td>     <td> <?php echo $failure[$idx][4]; ?> </td>     <td> <?php echo $failure[$idx][5]; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </body> </html> 

PHP Developer's Cookbook
PHP Developers Cookbook (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0672323257
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 351

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