

machine.config configuration file, 18, 62
ASP.NET configuration
applying configuration, 620
detecting changes, 620
ASP.NET, process accounts, 749
assemblies referenced in, 657
compared to web.config file, 621
compiler element, 66
<configuration> element, 621
configuration, ASP.NET, 616
file format, 621
mobile controls, device capabilities, 1109
<machineKey> element
configuration, ASP.NET, 674
decryptionKey attribute, 675
Forms-based authentication, 715
validationKey attribute, 675
MachineName property
HttpServerUtility object, 1168
PerformanceCounterCategory class, 1145
MailMessage class, System.Web.Mail namespace, 1137
managed code, 36, 339
managed/unmanaged code boundary, 1174
see assembly, manifests.
Manual interface, ClassInterfaceType class, 1184
MapImageCoordinates method, HttpRequest object, 1164
MapPath method
HttpRequest object, 129, 1165
Page class, 127
mapping, DataSet object, managing column/table mappings, 438
MarshalAs attribute, 1193
API calls
type marshalling, 1192
UnmanagedType enumeration, 1193
blittable/non-blittable data type marshalling, 1175
custom type marshalling, 1176
pre-.NET data types, mapping into .NET, 1176
definition, 495
GetChanges method, use of, 495
updating data source examples, concurrent updates to individual columns , 495
Match class, System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace, 843, 844
Groups collection, 845
Success property, 845
match element, WSDL
Barnes and Noble site example, 1026
Match method, Regex class, 844
MatchCollection class, 843
MaximumValue property, RangeValidator control, 203, 207
maxIOThreads attribute, processModel element, 674
MaxLength property
TextBox control, 233
TextBox mobile controls, 1086
maxRequestLength attribute, httpRuntime element, 626
maxWorkersThreads attribute, processModel element, 674
MD5 algorithm, encryption, 735
MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components)
Visual Studio.NET, installation requirement, 2
XML, support for, 339
MemberName property, SoapHeader attribute, 995
memory management, business objects, 851
memoryLimit attribute, processModel element, 670
MemoryStream class, System.IO namespace, 821, 824
ToArray method, 825
Capacity property, 825
Stream class, inheritance from, 821
MemoryStream class, System.IO namespace, 804
Merge method, DataSet class, 351
message element, WSDL, 1005
Message property, Exception class, 1127
MessageName property, WebMethod attribute, 974
metabase, IIS
assembly manifest, specifying within, 879
assembly file list, 881
assembly name , 880
referenced assemblies, 881
type reference information, 881
version information, 880
CLR, use with, 36
custom assembly metadata, 881
method arguments, Visual Basic .NET language changes, 1173
Method property, Form mobile controls, 1078
MethodName parameter, P/Invoke, 1189
example, 87
keywords table, 87
syntax, 87
Visual Basic .NET
Function keyword, 73
language changes, 1172
Sub keyword, 73
MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes)
server control development, 885
Microsoft UDDI node, 1001
bindings tab, 1002
details tab, 1002
searching through, 1001
Microsoft Passport Authentication
see Passport authentication.
Microsoft.CSharp namespace, 1246
Microsoft.JScript namespace, 1246
Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace, 1246
migration, 1157
applications, effect on, 1158
ASP.NET, 1159
intrinsic objects, 1160
page changes, 1169
preliminaries , 1159
definition, 1158
options, 1157
do nothing, 1159
Rewrite, 1159
Visual Basic .NET language changes, 1170
minFreeThreads attribute, <httpRuntime> element, 626
MinimumValue property, RangeValidator control, 203, 207
minLocalRequestFreeThreads attribute, <httpRuntime> element, 626
MissingMethodException exception, 50
MMC (Microsoft Management Console), 562
mobile controls, ASP.NET, 14, 175, 1057
common attributes, 1077
common style attributes, 1077
device capabilities, using, implementation example, 1109
Form control
OnActivate event, 1076
OnDeactivate event, 1076
future prospects, 1118
implementation example, 1070
Nokia 5100 simulator, using, 1071, 1074
Openwave Simulator, using, 1071, 1075
PocketPC 2003 Emulator, using, 1072
Sony Ericsson T610 simulator, using, 1072
Mobile Internet Toolkit, 1057
overview, 1070
pagination, implementation example, 1116
templates, using, implementation example, 1113
WML, support for, 1070
mobile devices, .NET Framework, support by, 28
mode attribute
<authentication> element, 647
<customErrors> element, 644
<sessionState> element, 631, 635
Mode property
HttpSessionState object, constants, SessionStateMode, 1162
Session object, 582
Modified value, DataRowState enumeration, 430
ModifiedCurrent/~Original values, DataViewRowState enumeration, 444
modules, 49
MoreText property, ObjectList mobile controls, 1094
MoveToXXX methods
XmlReader class, 378
XML data access example, DataReader example, 393
PathNavigator object, 376
XML data access example, XPathNavigator example, 385
mscorlib assembly, 46
MSDE (Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine), 3
MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server), 71
Multiple property, HtmlSelect control, 200
multi-threading applications, VB, lack of support within, 71
MustUnderstand property, SoapHeader class, 994

Professional ASP. NET 1.1
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470384611
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 243 © 2008-2017.
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